Lost in the Woods

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Lost in the Woods


Whenever a creature attacks you or a planeswalker you control, reveal the top card of your library. If it's a Forest card, remove that creature from combat. Then put the revealed card on the bottom of your library.

SufferFromEDHD on Azusa, Bureau of Land Management

10 months ago

Dust Bowl would be great in the late game with all those basic forests.

Might be able to get some value out of Lost in the Woods

Hall of Gemstone if you want to get mean.

kikimaki on Azusa High Power

2 years ago

artaud21 I see.. i myself also loved Azusa since the day i discovered a decklist with 98 Forests and 1 Lost in the Woods back in 2018. After that, i adapted the deck and reduced the amount of lands until I reached this version, ranging from 58-63 lands.

I would love to see a version of your Azusa, if you'd like to share with me. I'm sure i'd learn a lot!

Thanks again for the recomendations!

rdean14 on Card creation challenge

3 years ago

I think it works really well with her powers as someone who sees and alters fates. I'd like to see a card, preferrably a commander, with a unique built-in pillowfort method.

Current methods or deterrence:

Full Protection: Blazing Archon, Peacekeeper, and Glacial Chasm

Conditional Protection: Arboria, Elephant Grass

(Mana) Tax effects: Ghostly Prison, Propaganda, Archangel of Tithes, Archon of Absolution, Forbidding Spirit, Elephant Grass, Windborn Muse, Baird, Steward of Argive, and War Tax (My favorite, I love the politics!)

Other costs: Norn's Annex, Reclamation, Flooded Woodlands

Hurt the attacking creature: Barbed Foliage, Briar Patch, Sarkhan the Masterless, Lightmine Field, and Lost in the Woods

Hurt the attacking player: Revenge of Ravens, Hissing Miasma, Blood Reckoning, Marchesa's Decree, Riddlekeeper? (Is this even a downside? It's not a cost, per the rules.)

Protect/Help you, the defending player: Revenge of Ravens, Righteous Cause, Orim's Prayer, Isperia, Supreme Judge, Search the Premises, Thantis, the Warweaver, Slumbering Dragon

I don't count Aurification-style effects, as the damage was already dealt.

1empyrean on What to Do with Yavimaya, …

3 years ago

Well, green has fogs for days, so it isn't that big a deal. Lost in the Woods exists as well and is a lot newer. You can also use the colorless pillow-forting options.

Snickles@EDH_only on

4 years ago

lets see here, I would recommend:

  • Stonewood Invocation - split second + shroud is a good means of protection

  • Primal Bellow - mono-green boost based on forests controlled

  • Lost in the Woods - mono-green "pillow fort" effect

  • Arena - because you can swing with your general, then have him fight before blockers are declared to psudo-trample over a single blocker.

  • Colossification. it's not good, I fully admit, but it fits the theme and is just funny.

DriftingEpyon on I turn Around and Find... I am Lost in the Woods!

5 years ago


Good point with Skyshroud Claim! I have added it to the list.

I am trying to maintain at least 80 forests in the deck, and Coat of Arms and Gaea's Anthem are just "win more" cards that don't actually help us pull off our strategy. The same goes for Garruk Wildspeaker.

I would stay away from Awakening since it allows everyone to untap their creatures and lands and encourages everyone to be more aggressive; unless we have Lost in the Woods on the field, this deck simply will not be able to withstand a beating that would bring on. Seedborn Muse and Helix Pinnacle are great additions though if you can afford them! Thank you for the suggestions! :D

ArmoredThirteen on Heckin Snekin Elf Control

5 years ago

Lhurgyof I feel like Lost in the Woods wouldn't be as strong as some other options since I have so few forests. I have not thought of it though and will have to play around with it. Sylvan Library , yeah :D I also think an Staff of Domination would go well

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