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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
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Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
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Duel Commander | Legal |
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Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
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Planechase | Legal |
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Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
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Vintage | Legal |
Goblin Lookout
Creature — Goblin
Tap, Sacrifice a Goblin: Goblin creatures get +2/+0 until end of turn.

RambIe on Sacrifice card effect in red …
3 years ago
all you need is goblins, just goblins
Goblin Sharpshooter+Basilisk Collar
Goblin Trashmaster
Pashalik Mons
Goblin Lookout
Siege-Gang Commander
Skirk Prospector
Mogg Fanatic
Goblin Chirurgeon
Goblin Sledder
Goblin Cratermaker
Mogg War Marshal - Don't Pay The Echo
Mogg Raider
Torch Courier
Arms Dealer
Goblin Digging Team
Goblin Soothsayer
Fanatical Firebrand
Goblin Grenade
seriously this list is to long to post here
lukeanto on
Pashalik Mons
4 years ago
hey dude i have (and by have i mean on this web and want to buy when i get the money) something similar to this but i focus more on sac and do dmg either with Pashalik Mons Barrage of Expendables, Boggart Shenanigans Goblin Bombardment Impact Tremors or adding red mana with Skirk Prospector and using it for spells like Banefire...another combo you can use is Umbral Mantle with any "tap" creature like Krenko, Mob Boss Goblin Sharpshooter Goblin Lookout ...check out mine! :D
Orkboss on
Unified Pauper Upper Class Gobbins
5 years ago
I like the Idea, even brewed a little bit with that myself. Here are the problems I encountered and see in your brew of goblins in general, desregarding the "aristocrats" theme. I will comment on that further down:
Electrickery is the first card sideborded against this, and in your brew, there are no creatures to survive it. It gets especially annoying, if our opponent casts it in response to a Goblin War Strike . Not quite as devastating but still annoying are cards like Nausea or Shrivel . This is one of the main reasons, most goblin decks run some numbers of Goblin Cohort or Mogg Conscripts (next to the fact, that a 2/2 for is pretty ok).
How reliable is Kuldotha Rebirth , with just 8 targets? Especially, since you might need great furnace to sacrifice to fireblast.
What do you need Goblin Matron for? She is normaly used to get a specific answer to whatever is needed. Is there any goblin that is worth it to tutor out on turn 3 or later as an speciic answer to a bord state? the only one that comes to mind is Sparksmith , to get rid of a blocker, like an angler. However, you only have one matron in the deck anyway, for mostly your only target, sparksmith. Either slow down the deck and run more targets like Goblin General , Tarfire , Goblin Lookout or Goblin Bushwhacker , or cut her.
How reliable is fling? You mostly will be able to fling either foundry street or a sledder pumped creature. However, both require specific circumstances, either to play a lot of cards from hand and still having mana and fling in hand, or a big bord, fling in hand and sledder on field.
Now, for your basic Idea.
If you want to make a lot of tokens, you need a consistant payof. Goblin war strike is one, but, only one. The aristocrats theme is hard, if the only sacrifice outlet and benefit are 4 copies of goblin sledder. I don't have a definite solution for this, just some ideas. One is to forget about sacrificing your tokens and include cards like Goblin Bushwhacker or even Goblin War Party and go full on a go wide and pump your team strategy.
The other is to go in a goblin storm direction, as seen in this youtube video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYE5gnDl1ZE&t=902s
I hope I could help.
NV_1980 on
Goblin Storm
6 years ago
We would agree with Flyboarg that it would probably be good to have Skirk Prospector in here; especially for mana-fueled kill-spells. Also we would recommend to mainboard Rites of Initiation because it's cheap to cast and even with a small goblin army on the BF, along with some cards in your hand, it could be: good-game. Also, Goblin Lookout could be interesting. And just out of curiosity, why no Impact Tremors?
Many regards,
oren_EDH on
Krenko, Infinite Boss
7 years ago
JoeBob21, I really appreciate your input! I don't think I will add most of those cards any time soon for one reason, They don't really get me closer to winning. One very big weakness I see in fast commander decks is that if they don't win fast, they run out of steam. My goal is to do the opposite with my board state, my damage output, or maybe even both growing exponentially every turn. Adding one use cards like Goblin Grenade are a step in the wrong direction since I only get 5 damage out of it, where Mob Justice can give me infinite damage if used at the right time. If a one use card doesn't either save my life, kill someone, or set me up to win very soon, I wouldn't add it. Goblin Lookout is a nice card but I can get so much more power out of Coat of Arms and other cards that tapping for +2/+0 is a little underwhelming. I used to run Dragon Fodder but I decided that two mana could have so much more potential in this deck. For the exact same price I can castImpact Tremors, and Tremors is going to do much more than two 1/1s. I may end up adding Goblin Glory Chaser, as it's a one drop that can be relevant for multiple turns which can help ensure I'm one of the first players in a game to have a blocker.
JoeBob21 on
Krenko, Infinite Boss
7 years ago
Love your deck! I used to run a Krenko EDH too. Here are some cards I had in mine (i totally get it if you don't want some of them, my deck was all about attacking)
Goblin Lookout is an attack-oriented card but its still good. Dragon Fodder is just quick and easy. Goblin Grenade is very big damage for a very small price. Goblin Glory Chaser is a pretty good one-drop.All in all +1 good job building.
veritas723 on
Tier 1 Pauper Goblins
7 years ago
Goblin Lookout would have to tap, the sledder type gobos are instant, and only restriction is number of creatures you have to sac.
If you can run gob grenade, you should run it at all costs. I'd drop fireslingers, and cut some number of matrons (too pricey for all 4) I also don't think the multiple 1 drops with haste are a good idea. I think it's better to run the eight 1 drop 2/2s and maybe some number of the new 1/1 haste tap, to ping(although i run goblin arsonist in my pauper list. I'm always much more likely to sac a goblin, than for some reason hold it back and not turn it sideways).
and jam grenade all day. goblins is at its best when you drop cheap 1 drop gobos. get in for a few points of damage, make every swing connect, using the sledders to force no-win blocks. then... any time with 10 or less life you're in lethal range, with some combination of bolt, grenade, and fireblast.
Snivy__ on
Tier 1 Pauper Goblins
7 years ago
Why no Goblin Lookout? It's much better than Goblin Sledder for sure!