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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
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Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
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Quest Magic | Legal |
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Rules Q&A
Drudge Skeletons
Creature — Skeleton
: Regenerate Drudge Skeletons. (The next time this creature would be destroyed this turn, it isn't. Instead tap it, remove all damage from it, and remove it from combat.)

Boxfish on
Sheoldred, Rising Dead v2
2 years ago
TheSnuggleLord Great weekend here! Hope yours was as well, always fun to finish up some decks and get to test them out. After reading through this latest comment, I immediately realized some changes cards I should swap for ones that I was wanting to try that I, quite frankly, just forgot had already gotten here in the deluge of other TCGPlayer orders (thank God for the cart optimization, but holy hell it keeps my mailbox full).
So UPDATE 3.1: Swapped out Phyrexian Broodlings and Drudge Skeletons with Bloodflow Connoisseur and Crypt Rats.
I gotta say, I do love the broodlings. But saving that one mana is absolutely worth it. I might end up sideboarding them for now, just to see if there is a situation, I might want both in the deck. Although with the last few games, I don't think that'll be likely. With Drudge Skeletons, it just really comes down to hardly ever finding it worth it to save that one mana to block with them and regen. Crypt Rats gives me a bit of a nuke option for token decks and is a nice addition to the abilities Necrotic Ooze can access if the rats are sacked or just milled and aren't worth pulling out of the grave.
At the moment, I'm also testing having Unmarked Grave in place of Cling to Dust (a card a found myself using more often for draws than anything else, and can't really justify an entire slot just for one card draw per game), Rune-Scarred Demon in place of Harvester of Souls, Viscera Seer in place of Okiba Reckoner Raid Flip, Buried Alive in place of Gravedigger (With all the graveyard pulls I have, one to the hand for a 4 drop didn't seem to justify its place, even if it can be pulled itself from the grave), and Haunted Crossroads in place of Unhinge (a card that just never seems to have a good time to use for the cost).
Haha, yeah, I've been learning the hard way about the struggles of mono black against graveyard hate. The game's I've done the best against the deck with it really have come down to just trying to maintain board control. Something that has been hard against token heavy decks, but I'm hoping having another answer, in the form of Crypt Rats, will help with that side of things at least. I'm for sure going to keep my eye on the new cards next month. Excited to see if anything would fit in this deck, or any of the others I've started working on.
I honestly had no clue so many of the cards had art that directly tied into lore from the mtg universe. I spilled down a small Rabit hole after reading your comment on that, and holy heck it's so cool to see. Really does add an entire new layer to consider when deck building!
legendofa on Worst Mechanics
2 years ago
Depending on the flavor of "worst" you're looking for:
A lot of people tend to misinterpret Regenerate, which is probably why it got removed. Drudge Skeletons
I think Cipher and Soulshift had potential, they just didn't get any good cards, topping out at "decent" or "usable in the right deck." Trait Doctoring, Kami of Lunacy
Sweep has only four cards, and all of them are pretty weak, and not worth the cost of returning lands to your hand. Charge Across the Araba
Radiance, the original Boros mechanic in Ravnica, is awkward to use offensively and underwhelming defensively, leaving it without any good use. It has a focus on mono-color that was out of place in its home set and undesirable in any current Constructed format. Wojek Embermage
Nayru_Incarnate on
orzhov life gain
3 years ago
Just a heads up to start with, you marked this as standard, it should be marked as modern. Using cards from your maybe board, I’d say get rid of both Font of Vigor as it is simply not Avery good card (it’s expensive for what it does and straight life gain once isn’t too worth using the space,) and replace them with the Cleric Class and Dogged Pursuit in your maybe board. I would also get rid of the Drudge Skeletons and throw in the Kor Celebrant You may as well throw out a plains for the Skyclave Cleric Flip, and Dawnbringer Cleric’s removal is more useful than Soul Shepherd’s exiling for life.
Caerwyn on I miss mana burn
4 years ago
Honestly, I found mana burn to be quite intuitive. If you have leftover mana, you lose life equal to that mana is a relatively simple concept. To wit, when I started playing Magic, we did not use the internet to look up rules, and instead relied on word of mouth by the person who taught us the game. Without smartphones or non-dial-up internet or reminder text to serve as a check on a long game of telephone, the rules sometimes got twisted from their pure form.
We played mana burn 100% correctly, since it was such a simple concept even multiple retellings of the rule resulted in nothing being lost in transmission.
Further, the use of a mana sink to siphon off your excess mana is rather obvious, and I can’t imagine any but the most dense of players would be confused by Drudge Skeletons or a similar anti-mana burn sink. I recall pretty much everyone I knew instinctively using their mana sinks, since it was such an intuitive way to avoid damage.
All told, I think mana burn was a fine, relatively simple mechanic that added a fun layer to the game’s decision making.
Tyrant-Thanatos on I miss mana burn
4 years ago
I absolutely love manaburn because it punishes sloppy play and overpowered cards (that generate a lot of mana). So many cards these days have VERY minor downsides and huge upsides, and manaburn would seem to curtail a fair amount of it.
I have to disagree with most of this, and believe that it was largely discarded due to being unintuitive. It makes rules that are already difficult to explain to new players feel even more backwards and strange. Having to explain why my Drudge Skeletons made me not take mana burn from my Cabal Coffers was just another layer that had to be added onto the already complex explanations of how land, tapping, mana, activated abilities, etc. all work. And it added little of value to the game, lore aside.
Everyone should track how often manaburn would happen. It’s not zero.
In most of the games I play these days, it's near as makes no difference zero. I mostly play EDH, so maybe that paints my perspective, but nobody taps mana and doesn't use it, unless they've been forced to by an opponent. (Hence Yurlok doing exactly that) You tap what you need to cast what you want, or if you have a big mana card like Gaea's Cradle or Cabal Coffers you spend it on X cost effects or mana dumps.
Sure it "punishes sloppy play", but to be honest, sloppy play punishes itself, there doesn't need to be an added unintuitive layer imo.
Dezan on
Cubo do Dezan
5 years ago
-1 Drudge Skeletons +1 Putrid Imp
-1 Rite of Belzenlok +1 Shriekmaw
-1 Fallen Angel +1 Mind Shatter
-1 Abundant Growth +1 Utopia Sprawl
-1 Boon Satyr +1 Fertile Ground
-1 Heroes' Bane +1 Chord of Calling
Tyrant-Thanatos on Pattern Recognition #85 - Range …
6 years ago
DragonKing90: The part about it costing more.
Also Drudge Skeletons and Drudge Reavers, which Drudge Sentinel was clearly a throwback to, were also commons. You can't tell me that isn't more than .
Rhadamanthus on Mind Control on my regenerable …
7 years ago
It doesn't quite work that way. Regenerating something (Drudge Skeletons, etc.) sets up a replacement effect that says "the next time this would be destroyed this turn, instead tap it, remove all marked damage from it, and remove it from combat". When you activate the regeneration ability nothing happens right away. The "regeneration shield" will only kick in the next time the creature would be destroyed this turn (and if it doesn't get destroyed this turn then the shield just goes away).
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