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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Premodern | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Cold Storage
(3): Exile target creature you control.
Sacrifice Cold Storage: Return each creature card exiled with Cold Storage to the battlefield under your control.

smack80 on
Zirilan Toolbox
8 months ago
You should play some combination of Molten Echoes and Flameshadow Conjuring, also could also play Zoyawa's Justice, Industrial Advancement and Descendant's fury.
But really, the secret of Zirilian is Repercussion. Play that with blasphemous act: anyone with 3 or more creatures just dies. Or play it with any dragon that deals global damage, such as Thunder Dragon or, god forbid, Balefire Dragon.
If you're using Zirilan to get Worldgorger, just float 5 mana and cast Apocalypse. GG.
Things like Tel-Jilad Stylus are too slow. You don't usually have enough turns in a game to run out of dragons. If you want to keep the dragon you have in play, use Sword of Hearth and Home, Sundial of the Infinite, Voyager Staff, Dragon Mask, Tawnos's Coffin, Cold Storage, Conjurer's Closet.
The_Acid_Drip on
Volrath: No School, like Old School
3 years ago
Hey Asgeren thanks for the reply. As a semi-budget player (my most expensive deck is $1500) may I offer an alternative to Tawnos's Coffin in the form of Safe Haven or Cold Storage.
They do something quite similar and are not $400 on the reserved list...
BadLuke on
Are we Human?
3 years ago
Or are we Bone Dancer? My sign is Vital Surge, my hands are Cold Storage
Optimator on
Thada Big Mana
4 years ago
I forgot to count Sad Robot. You have nine ramp pieces.
It seems innocuous, but Sand Squid always puts in more work than it seems. I'd run it over Harbor Serpent for flavor. Hell, I'd run almost anything over Harbor Serpent. Spined Megalodon and Tolarian Kraken are fun new sea monsters. Most Serpents are commons and have the appropriate power associated with that. Nothing wrong with that from a design perspective but in EDH you are gonna be better off with more impactful cards.
I prefer Conjurer's Closet over Cold Storage for permanently keeping stolen creatures. Thassa, Deep-Dwelling is fantastic too and on-theme.
I've made two sea-creature tribals. Check them out for inspiration! Coral Capers -- (Budget Seamonsters) and Tidal Trouble. The Maybeboards are full of almost every playable fish and sea monster.
griffstick on Yasova end the turn
4 years ago
Conjurer's Closet and Thassa, Deep-Dwelling do this really good for stealing creatures with that clause. Also you could just gain control of it with Bazaar Trader.
Also Cold Storage works too. I have stolen creatures with Safe Haven before too.
king-saproling on
Rubinia Soulsinger (Old Borders)
5 years ago
This is radical. Is City of Shadows outside the budget? You might consider these too: Opalescence , Concentrate , Foster , Cold Storage , Fierce Empath , Phyrexian Vault , Seedborn Muse , Awakening , Aphetto Alchemist
kolroth on
Rakdos's Demon Show *Retired*
5 years ago
Testing out these changes:
Sign in Blood -> Revel in Riches
Whip of Erebos -> Cold Storage
Kuro, Pitlord -> Oni of Wild Places
soosis on
In Yasova's Russia, Deck plays You
6 years ago
Synod Sanctum and Cold Storage lets you keep the stolen stuff,i just put them in my Yasova.Greater Good worked out really well for me for a sac outlet.Also Willbreaker lets you steal stuff for free with Yasova(it targets stuff before you may pay) and it steals it until it leaves the battlefield.I think Dominus of Fealty is a must for any Yasova deck its so good!I second the idea of Xenagos, God of Revels he is really good! I just started to build my deck it's still in test phase,but hope these help!