Phyrexian Vault

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Phyrexian Vault


, , Sacrifice a creature: Draw a card.

xram666 on Prossh's Pit - EDH

2 years ago

Some budget suggestions for the deck:

More carddraw: You only cardraw is

I would also add:

Arktaurous on Edgar Markov Vampires 2.0

4 years ago

Great deck!

I would swap Vampire Cutthroat with Vampire of the Dire Moon because deathtouch is handier than skulk.

I would get Dark Impostor in there. You could swap out Stromkirk Condemned,Vampire Hexmage, or Vampire Nocturnus. More than half your deck isn't black cards so Vampire Nocturnus might not be as handy not to mention showing your opponent your next draw is not usually advantageous.

Purphoros, God of the Forge is kinda expensive for a chance at extra damage. Consider Brutal Hordechief; relative same cost but more bang for your buck. Along with Sanctum Seeker and say Foul-Tongue Shriek you could be doing a ton of damage.

I would swap Basalt Monolith out for Ashnod's Altar. A lot more mana production, a lot more synergy with other cards in the deck, less expensive, more utility est.

I think you really need some card draw in there but I'm not sure how to make those changes. You could use cards like Oathsworn Vampire as a way to sacrifice a creature for cards like Altar's Reap, Carnage Altar,Costly Plunder, Dredge, Merciless Resolve, Morbid Curiosity, Phyrexian Vault, Reprocess, Skulltap, or Vampiric Rites.

Idol of Oblivion could get you some extra card draw with all of Edgar's token generation.

Cliffhaven Vampire, Defiant Bloodlord, and Epicure of Blood are all worthy of consideration.

Drana's Emissary is also nice to have early game.

Geistesasyl on Athreos Aristocrats

5 years ago


Ok, I found a Cruel Celebrant in my box, gonna use this as an additional Zulaport Cutthroat . Probably gonna cut Phyrexian Vault for him, might cut Infernal Offering for a Vindicate . I do rather like Batterskull in the deck.

RNR_Gaming on Athreos Aristocrats

5 years ago

See, that's where things get tricky. It'll all come down to play testing and seeing what doesnt perform as well as you like and this is usually meta specific. Cards I'd probably cut are Phyrexian Vault , Infernal Offering , and Batterskull

bushido_man96 on Spammable

5 years ago

Evolution Sage is another great proliferate outlet for you.

You have some cards in here that I don't think really fit. Radiant Destiny doesn't really seem to be worthy of a slot. Intangible Virtue is better, but I'm not sure how important the vigilance aspect of it is for you. Aether Vial , Thran Temporal Gateway , and Quicksilver Amulet I think could be replaced by other cards that better fit what the deck wants to do. If you really want the effect, Elvish Piper does it better. I think I'd cut Leyline of Sanctity . The new Leyline of Abundance fits what you want to do better. If you still want the Leyline of Sanctity effect, Shalai, Voice of Plenty does it better for your deck, in my opinion.

Phyrexian Vault could be replaced with something better and repeatable, like Arguel's Blood Fast  Flip or Greed . I'd also consider running cards like Grave Pact and Dictate of Erebos to take advantage of sacrificing your creatures.

And here's some fun tech: Plaguemaw Beast + Thornbite Staff .

Hope this helps, and enjoy your Commander experience!

shagreel on I will kill myself till you die

6 years ago

Section 1 Get +1/+1 counters other than attacking

Arcbound stuff by CMC (some are in other categories): Arcbound Worker, Arcbound Slith, Arcbound Stinger, Arcbound Crusher, Arcbound Hybrid, Arcbound Bruiser, Arcbound Fiend, Arcbound Lancer, Arcbound Overseer

Creature type based: Metallic Mimic

Just because it is an artifact: Steel Overseer

Creatures that already have counters:

Clock work creatures by CMC: Clockwork Beetle, Clockwork Condor, Clockwork Vorrac, Clockwork Hydra, Clockwork Dragon

Sacrifice outlets to consider:

  1. Culling Dais
  2. Demonmail Hauberk
  3. Blasting Station
  4. Metalwork Colossus
  5. Phyrexian Vault
  6. Spawning Pit
  7. Shivan Harvest
  8. Arcbound Ravager

Value / payoff cards Ramp Scion tokens:Eldrazi Skyspawner, Drowner of Hope, Incubator Drone

+1/+1 Ramp: Crystalline Crawler, Workhorse

Other cool Ramp Oblivion Sower, Pilgrim's Eye

Token time: Pentavus, Tetravus, Triskelavus

Draw: Matter Reshaper Solemn Simulacrum Filigree Familiar

Other: Control: Wizard Replica

Damage: Flayer Drone, Vulshok Replica, Pierce Strider

Gain Life: Peace Strider

Recur: Scrap Trawler, Myr Retriever, Arcbound Reclaimer

Cheating: Summoner's Egg

Other cards I like

Vela the Night-Clad She makes all your colorless permanents only blockable by an artifact

Scarecrone Recursion

Storm the Vault Mana ramp

Liquimetal Coating some of those creature that are not a artifact... now it is

Phyrexian Scriptures Kill all non-artifact creatures / also places a +1/+1 counter

K1ngMars on

6 years ago

Seguendo la linea di analisi che ti ho descritto nel vocale e partendo dal principio che piuttosto che una carta scarsa è meglio un Relentless Rats, ti dico:

  • Dirty Wererat è scarso, toglilo.
  • Mortal Combat è forte se giochi un mazzo che si automilla/scarta molto, altrimenti rischia di diventare inutile, io la toglierei.
  • Death Denied è situazionale, rischi di non usarla affatto, così come Gravepurge. Il tuo obbiettivo è avere tante creature in campo, non tante creature al cimitero per usare queste due carte. Togli entrambi e metti il Beacon of Unrest, che può anche riprendere il Thornbite Staff (anche quello di un avversario), che è una win condition.
  • Go for the Throat è forte, ma ti serve? Idem per Malicious Affliction. A te le creature non nere o non artefatto non interessano, perché tanto sono quelle che non possono bloccare i tuoi ratti con paura. Toglili entrambi e metti Archetype of Finality, così il giocatore in difesa ci pensa due volte prima di bloccare un topo 1/1, o ad attaccarti.
  • Thousand-Year Elixir ti fa stappare Marrow-Gnawer una volta sola, mentre Sword of the Paruns te lo fa fare quante volte vuoi, switchale.
  • Trova un posto per Illusionist's Bracers. Sacrifichi un solo topo, ma fai l'abilità due volte. Magari togli un Relentless Rats, o mettila al posto di una delle carte non terra che toglierei, come i due qua sotto.
  • Gnat Miser e Locust Miser mi fanno pensare, perché sono facilmente counterati da una Reliquary Tower, nel caso toglili. In effetti, il tuo non è un mazzo fatto per far scartare... non hai Nekusar, the Mindrazer in zona di comando, ecco. Io li toglierei.
  • Swarmyard è forte, ma vale 10 euro? Come rapporto prestazioni/prezzo, meglio una Swamp.
  • Terramorphic Expanse in un mazzo monocolore è utile come i cavoli a merenda, metti una Swamp.
  • Sign in Blood la usi una volta e basta, mentre Carnage Altar, Vampiric Rites e Phyrexian Vault le riusi. Io cercherei di metterle tutte e tre al posto di carte che sarebbe meglio togliere o di qualche Relentless Rats.
  • Whip of Erebos non mi sembra particolarmente adatta qui, toglila. Non hai bisogno né di lifelink, né di recursion che poi esilia. -Crypt Ghast e Caged Sun servono se hai cose grosse da lanciare, non per lanciare tante cose piccole (perché in quel caso finiresti solo per finire le carte in mano e basta), io le toglierei, tanto la tua curva è bassa.
  • Profane Command, Life's Finale ed Extinguish All Hope non ti servono molto, poiché ti riprendi in fretta dai boardwipe. Metti piuttosto qualcosa che fa resistere Marrow-Gnawer ai boardwipe, come ad esempio Unhallowed Pact, Undying Evil, Supernatural Stamina o Rescue from the Underworld (almeno i primi tre mettili). Se ci pensi, io, nel mazzo di Meren of Clan Nel Toth, non ho nessun boardwipe, però funziona lo stesso, perché ho modi diversi di interagire con la board. Il tuo mazzo, in modo diverso, fa la stessa cosa. Se stai attaccando con 10 ratti con paura e deathtouch dall'Archetype of Finality o semplicemente casti Sudden Spoiling (che puoi castare anche se non sei tu il giocatore attaccante) dopo che il giocatore in difesa dichiara i bloccanti, o dopo che tu hai dichiarato i bloccanti, non è quasi la stessa cosa?
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