Dissension in the Ranks

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Dissension in the Ranks


Target blocking creature fights another target blocking creature.

Tyrant-Thanatos on Neat interaction!

6 years ago

My favorite interactions are usually simple stuff. Things like Abyssal Gatekeeper + Innocent Blood, or Unearthing a Fleshbag Marauder.

I'm also fond of interactions between opponent's cards with my own. Nothing quite satisfies like casting a Dissension in the Ranks on a pair of deathtouchers. Or a situation like, I'm swinging with a 3/3 first strike and a 2/2, they get blocked by say, a 4/4 and a 3/3 respectively, Dissension kills off the 3/3 and leaves the 4/4 low enough for first strike to finish it. I just love cards like that in general.

Raging_Squiggle on Conspiracy: Take the Crown Spoiler …

7 years ago

Because you have to Assemble the Legion in preparation to Launch the Fleet through the Raging River and fight until there's Confusion in the Ranks, Dissension in the Ranks, and eventually Illness in the Ranks until the very end, upon the Wall of Corpses, The Cheese Stands Alone.

beckhr on Standard Werewolves

8 years ago

I'm building a similar deck, so here's some comments. You are just barely playing enough creatures to use Collected Company efficiently (which you want to run four-of), also you are not running any spells to target your own creature which is a miss use of Silverfur Partisan. You may get half a card back on spot removal, but they're most likely going to kill the Partisan first and leave you with only a token to show for it. Breakneck Rider  Flip is one of the best Werewolves in the set, Neck Breaker's anthem effect is very powerful. Wolf of Devil's Breach really isn't worth it as a 5-drop with an ability that does almost nothing. You want to run more lands, but run fewer tapped lands like Evolving Wilds and Cinder Glade. Dissension in the Ranks also doesn't do anything for you. I don't think Neglected Heirloom  Flip helps you, especially not as a four-of.

Instant Wolves

colton90 on Dissension in the Ranks What …

8 years ago

If a blocking creature is still alive after the card resolves, does it still assign damage to the creature it is blocking? If so, is the damage assigned now reduced after the Dissension in the Ranks has resolved? Or does it assign damage like normal? For instance, if I blocked with a 3/3 and a 2/2, when Dissension in the Ranks resolves, the 2/2 would be destroyed, and the 3/3 would go down to a 1/1 and live. If it still assigns blocking damage, is it only allowed to use the 1/1 left over after the fight, or is that a separate deal and it can still block with 3/3?

Teknetic on Shadows Over Innistrad WEREWOLF ARMY

8 years ago

16 lands is waaaaay too few lands with that high of a curve. Even with Weirding Wood, it isn't unlikely that you'd struggle to even get up to that 3 mana to cast it. You'd need your curve to top out at 2 CMC at most for that to work well. With that kind of curve, 22-24 lands wouldn't be unreasonable at all.

Harness the Storm seems bad, considering 4 of your spells are 1-ofs, and the rest are only 2-ofs. You're hardly ever going to see it affect the spells. Equestrian Skill should probably be another Howlpack Resurgence so you don't open yourself to being 2-for-1'd. Dissension in the Ranks, Burn from Within, and Structural Distortion are all very expensive for negligible effect, and should probably be cheaper removal spells or the extra lands you need. Sage of Ancient Lore  Flip is going to conflict with cards like Wolf of Devil's Breach and Lightning Axe, since the Sage wants you to keep cards in your hand, and the other 2 want to be discarding cards. Vessel of Volatility isn't really the right kind of ramp for this deck, as nearly every expensive card in the deck doesn't need a lot of red mana, it needs green.

Mr.Dr.Professor on SOI SET REVIEW-Red

8 years ago

Here with another color review for the SOI set. Comment down below if you would like me to continue to green!!!

WHITE: http://tappedout.net/mtg-forum/standard/soi-set-review-white/Blue: http://tappedout.net/mtg-forum/standard/soi-set-review-blue/Black: http://tappedout.net/mtg-forum/limited/soi-set-review-black/Red: http://tappedout.net/mtg-forum/limited/soi-set-review-red/edit/

Breakneck Rider  Flip This is a great card and should always be played. A vanilla 3/3 for this isn't that bad of a deal. If this card does manage to flip then it's going to be a pain in the NECK for your opponent.

Convicted Killer  Flip This is another good card. If it flips then it's a lot more value. A 3 mana 2/2 is not that good, but a 3 mana 4/4? Yup.

Gatstaf Arsonists  Flip A 5 mana 5/4 is just fine. When this card flips you basically just win the game. Great playable.

[Geier Reach Bandit]] It's a fine card. I wouldn't be that excited to play this unless you have a lot of werewolves in your deck.

Kessig Forgemaster  Flip Close to a bomb in limited. This will be difficult to block in the early game and will most likely get in some damage. If it does happen to flip it will dominate combat.

Skin Invasion  Flip This is insane!!! You can either smash face and get in some damage because your opponent doesn't want to block, or you can enchant their creature.

Village Messanger I don't see this as being that good. One mana cards in limited are just not too good. If you can play this on turn one and flip it on turn two then... YOU'RE LUCKY AND YOU'RE GONNA WIN ANYWAY. Yeah, I don't think this should be played.

Avacyn's Judgement This is the best of the best. As a 2 mana deal 2 split is just fine, but great if you can get madness.

Bloodmad Vampire I think that this card is good and is VERY underrated. If you can effectively flash this in at the end of turn then they can't set up defense. Even as a blocker this will trade up.

Burn from Within Removal is good. This is good. Just play it.

Dance with Devils This card can be on the aggressive side or could act as removal. This is effectively deal four to an attacking creature, which wouldn't be terrible. This card really shines at just clogging up the board.

Devil's Playground Bomb in limited. It allows you to just create a huge board presence. If you're opponent is at low health this is great at just killing them quickly.

Dissension in the Ranks Yeah... A lot of people are saying this is good, and some say that this is bad. It really depends on how aggressive your deck is. A lot of the time, I suspect that this is going to be a dead card. If they do happen to block with 2 creatures, this is going to be more of a card to soften up the blockers. This would allow your creatures to deal the last bits of damage. Overall, I don't think that this is playable.

Dual Shot A solid playable in my mind. It can be used to finish off creatures in combat, or help kill spirits that can fly over you.

Ember-Eye Wolf This is a low end playable. It loses to a lot of 2 drops if you don't pump it. It's not worth player if you have to pour mana into it to kill another two drop. It is good to keep in mind that this card exists when attacking with all of your creatures while at low life.

Falkenrath Gorger A one mana 2/1 is just fine, but adding that ability makes this thing crazy. If you can get a vampire theme going, you can take over the board and the game VERY quickly.

Fiery Temper Good removal. Removal is good. Play it.

Flameblade Angel This is a bomb in limited if they can't kill it. Fliers are great in limited and this is no exception.

Geistblast A 3 mana deal two is just fine. If you can get the fork ability off it's just value. This also works well with self mill strategies.

Gibbering Fiend A two mana 2/1 is mediocre. If you can hit delirium off of this it puts your opponent on a clock. A clock can make you opponent play in a more aggressive fashion, possibly giving you the upper hand.

Goldnight Castigator Not sure how good this card is. Depends on how aggressive the format is. The slower, the better. The worst case scenario is if they tap down your Goldnight Castigator with a Sleep Paralysis. In that case then you're screwed, making this a slight risk to play in limited.

Harness the Storm Ummm... Don't play it? If you win a game good for you, but you're never going to have enough of the same card to make this work.

Howlpack Wolf A decent card. A 3 mana 3/3 that can't block is fine, and if you have a wolf then it can block. A decent playable that gets better if you have a good amount of wolves in your deck.

Hulking Devil A 4 mana 5/2 is not good. It's not a playable. Don't play it unless you're REALLY desperate.

Incorrigible Youths Even without its madness cost this a fine card. A 4 mana 4/3 with haste is good. If you madness this out it's INSANE! Great card to play.

Inner Struggle Removal is good. this is good. Play it.

Insolent Neonate A fine card. You might be able to get in a damage and then madness out a threat. Fine 23rd card.

Lightning Axe Removal is good. Getting a 1 mana removal spell is insane. This is insane ESPECIALLY if you can pull off madness.

Mad Prophet looters are always good. This can turn on madness, which makes it even more valuable. Very good high end playable.

Magmatic Chasm This is fine in a SUPER aggressive deck. If your running this in a non SUPER AGGRO deck, then it's not worth playing.

Malevolent Whispers An act of treason is ok, but the fact that this has madness allows you to do this in combat, making this a better turn against. Good card.

Pyre Hound This is a bad to good card, depending on how many instant or sorceries you have. If this isn't dealt with, this can turn into a real threat.

Ravenous Bloodseeker It's a fine two drop that can trade up. Worth playing even in a non madness deck. With madness this can create some insane plays.

Reduce to Ashes This is removal. Removal is good. Play it.

Rush of Adrenaline Red combat tricks are always ok. This is a bit better than the average one at closing out a game because of the trample.

Sanguinary Mage A two mana 1/3 is fine. Adding prowess makes it better. A solid playable.

Scourge Wolf Without delirium this is a good card. With it it's AMAZING.

Senseless Rage This card goes from bad to fine. It just really matters if you can get it off of madness. If you don't get it off of madness, then it's going to allow yourself to get two for 1'd.

Sin Prodder A 3 mana menace is good. We've seen this in Origins and it was fine there. It's better here because of the ability. Play this all the time.

Spiteful Motives The flash that is added on this card is what makes it kind-of reasonable. It still leaves you up for two for ones, but will hopefully get you a good trade first.

Stensia Masquerade This will be one of the bombs in any limited format. Insane in a vampire deck, and will completely rule games if it sticks.

Structural Distortion Don't play this. It's bad. I shouldn't have to say why.

Tormenting Voice In the khans block this was fine, but it gets even better here. It fuels delirium and gets madness going.

Ulrich's Kindred This is one of the build around uncommons for werewolves. This card can create soooo many bad situations for your opponent. Insane in a werewolf themed deck.

Uncage Fury This is better than the aver combat trick. Yes you can get two for one'd, but the upside is huge. This card also allows you to kill your opponent from tons of life, and should be kept in mind while playing games of limited.

Vessel of Votality Nope.

Voldaren Duelist A fine aggressive creature that can get your creatures in for a finishing attack. Nice addition to any vampire deck.

Wolf of Devil's Breach Bomb in a limited format. You can kill all their threats while filling your board with madness cards. Not sure if this will see any play. In most likelyhood, it will not.