Field of Dreams

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Field of Dreams

World Enchantment

Players play with the top card of their libraries revealed.

SufferFromEDHD on Overgrown Garden

8 months ago

Urza's Legacy was a strange set. Memory Jar and Tinker in the same set... How? Destiny was strange too. Aura Thief always stands out to me. Masticore with the Urza legendary lands is iconic. Supposed to be an artifact block, which it was, but the enchantments were ridiculous. I was a fan of Echo but it was the only cycle in the block that lacked power.

Legends for a lack of better words was legendary. Overflowing with power. Interesting that it is a favorite of yours as Telepathy is a power creeped Field of Dreams.

Alliances is a sleeper for sure. The years have been kind to it.

Scrubadubdub on Daxos of the lantern control

2 years ago

I like this list! I have been working on something similar (originally with Pako). I recommend Dizzy Spell, especially since you've got a copy of Field of Dreams. I don't think I have or ever will cast Dizzy Spell, but a third copy of lantern has always felt very worth the 1UU to me. You can even use it to grab Sol Ring, Remora, or Authority if you're slim on mana, card draw, or protection at any point in the game.

RNR_Gaming on Xanathar, Guild Kingpin Commander Deck …

2 years ago

If its within your budget or if you already have it in your collection Field of Dreams offers great redundancy. Also, the professor did a video on this commander while not a super competitive build it can probably terrorize casual-mid power groups quite effectively.

Adamaro on The CEDH Circu Primer

3 years ago


I've been working on a circu cedh list for a long time. I can't quite get it to where I want it to be, thus I'm here viewing a working one. I really like scepter in this list. I like what the deck is aiming to do. I had some cards set aside for my list and was wondering your take on them for your list.

Field of Dreams, Jace, the Mind Sculptor, Psychic Surgery help manipulate top deck fairly well. Also Narset, Parter of Veils works pretty well with Windfall.

Nice list. +1

SideBae on Derevi, Holder of Lanterns

3 years ago

Yo... I've always loved lantern-control in EDH! I have a few suggestions:

  1. So the easiest ways to increase consistency are either to run tutors or to run redundant pieces. I see you're running a lot of tutors already, which is good; one redundant piece I think you missed is Field of Dreams . It's about $60, which can be a lot if you don't want to invest in EDH. Personally, I think proxies are unfairly treated in EDH, since it's not a paid event (typically), so I recommend them. If your playgroup doesn't allow them, tho... well, $60 is doable.

  2. Another way to increase consistency is to run cantrips. I highly suggest running Ponder and Preordain . If you run fetches, Brainstorm is also a powerhouse. Of course, the zendikar/onslaught fetches are a fortune; consider Evolving Wilds , Terramorphic Expanse , Fabled Passage , Grasslands , Bad River , Flood Plain and/or Mountain Valley . These are perfectly acceptable alternatives.

  3. When games go long, you'll need a way to recoup cards. Consider big-draws like Treasure Cruise and Dig Through Time (which are good when you're filling your yard with Ghoulcaller's Bell ), Fact or Fiction or even Concentrate .

  4. I like that you're running Emry, Lurker of the Loch . Have you considered Academy Ruins as another form of recursion? You can also try using Aether Spellbomb as a cheap recurrable.

  5. Speaking of Emry, Lurker of the Loch , have you thought about Mindslaver ? I used to play a lantern-control EDH list, and I used Mindslaver with Emry to strong effect. Generally, you can lock out one of your opponents and make him do whatever you want, including win for you. That's generally fun.

  6. You're in green -- USE DORKS! This is easily the most overlooked part of green decks, which is sad because dorks are the best reason to be in green. Turn one ramp is better than artifacts can do most of the time, plus it gives you pokers if you need to use them with Derevi later. I highly recommend running at least four of the following: Birds of Paradise , Avacyn's Pilgrim , Noble Hierarch , Arbor Elf , Llanowar Elves , Fyndhorn Elves , Elvish Mystic ... Even Boreal Druid and Joraga Treespeaker are good. You can also consider non-creature options, like Wild Growth and/or Utopia Sprawl .

  7. Winter Orb . You can tap opponents' lands with Derevi. Enough said.

  8. Finally, two walkers to consider are Oko, Thief of Crowns and Teferi, Time Raveler . Oko is great removal for opponents' problem cards (he nerfs all fatties into Trained Armodon s) while occasionally producing a clock for you. Teferi nails opposing Counterspell s, while producing a small amount of card advantage with his minus and allowing you to recast something if you bounce your own permanent.

  9. Finally, while they're expensive, I think the latest cycle of free spells from Ikoria Commander are bombs. Fierce Guardianship and Flawless Maneuver are great cards which you should run if you can.

Right. That's all I got. Hope this helps!

Daveslab2022 on Keeping track of the stack

3 years ago

Just a little note that doesn’t actually matter at all: it’s technically not allowed for you to put cards on your deck, to remember triggers.

Obviously this is only upheld at competitive REL, but it is still good practice, in case you play Courser of Kruphix or an opponent plays Lantern of Insight, Field of Dreams or similar effects. This also keeps the battlefield to a point that everybody knows what’s happening. In a large EDH game, it’s really easy to forget what your opponent has. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard “Wait you have THAT?! I totally would’ve targeted it instead!”

I use a die or a coin on top of my deck to remember triggers.

As for the stack: first in, last out. We will literally stack cards in the middle of the table if the stack gets to be complicated. It’s only happened one time- with a 9 person play group. Everybody cast a different spell in response to someone else and it got messy lol. So every time somebody cast a spell, it got put in the middle and the spells targets were moved forward a little to indicate it was the target.

SideBae on Phenax, God Of Deception

4 years ago

So I think you should run Preordain in addition to your Ponder. It's a similar effect and is a powerful t1 play. I wouldn't run Brainstorm until you run at least three more fetches, though they don't have to be Zendikar/Onslaught fetches to work; consider Terramorphic Expanse, Bad River or even Prismatic Vista.

I think you should run Toxic Deluge, though it can be a bit pricy. Have you considered running snow-covered lands and Dead of Winter? I'm a big fan, even though it gives you less control than Toxic Deluge.

In general, I do not like 3-mana mana-rocks at all -- 2-mana mana-rocks are common enough, and 3-mana mana-rocks feel like they're just a turn behind. In that vein, I think you should cut Darksteel Ingot and Dimir Locket for cards like Dimir Signet, Coldsteel Heart, Sky Diamond or Charcoal Diamond. These are especially good if you lead with a t1 Sol Ring or choose to run Ancient Tomb.

So, I think you should definitely look at running Eater of the Dead. It's a REALLY old card (1994), but it's actually kinda funny in Phenax, God of Deception. You can use its ability to exile a creature you've milled and untap him, then tap him using Phenax and repeat.

You could consider running Lantern of Insight or (if you got $$$) Field of Dreams. These can give you intel as to whether you want to mill an OP before they draw or on their end step, which in turn lets you choose their draws for them. (In modern/some legacy, this is called 'lantern control.')

Dark Petition and Lim-Dul's Vault seem like they'd be good in addition to your Demonic Tutor and Mystical Tutor.

Windfall? It's REALLY good with Narset, Parter of Veils or a Notion Thief out.

One thing that I notice frequently going wrong with decks with generals who don't directly produce card-advantage is that they often simply run out of cards. I highly suggest bringing Fact or Fiction in from your maybeboard, and potentially running things like Chart a Course, Night's Whisper, Treasure Cruise, Necropotence, Dig Through Time, Chemister's Insight etc. to make up for this.

Right. That's all I got. Good luck.

naturesnake420 on Circu Soleil

5 years ago

The lands are in the deck! They're in the lands section, I like them a lot since I don't have to mill my own combo pieces haha. I'll probably give pyxis another shot once I have Field of Dreams . But yeah to be honest with the draw-go nature of the deck I usually just cast a spell at the right time to get rid of a top deck I don't like and if something does get through I just counter it haha.

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