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Grixis Flashback Control (best deck AER Standard?)

Standard Competitive Control Cruel Control Energy Goodstuff UBR (Grixis)



Alright folks, I'm at it again. After playtesting a BUNCH of decks (RB Artifacts, GW Tokens, UW Panharmonicon, GB Delirium, Temur Marvel, RG Energy, and Monogreen midrange) I have decided that this brew is by far the most versatile and has a VERY high win percentage rate. The manabase is surprisingly accurate and I RARELY run into mana issues.

CURRENT MATCH STANDINGS: (I'm not going to update this after 02-03-2017 FNM)

8-3 vs Jeskai combo/control

4-0 vs Izzet control

2-0 vs Esper aggro

11-3 vs Golgari counters/aggro

3-0 vs Monoblue mechanized production/blues clues

4-0 vs Artifact aggro

1-0 vs Simic eldrazi midrange

9-1 vs Selesnya tokens

5-2 vs Orzhov control

1-0 vs Temur emerge

2-1 vs Temur marvel

I also have a favorable match rating against a bunch of homebrew decks.

Help me make this the number 1 standard list by upvoting, saving to favorites, and commenting on the deck!!!


Spot Removal (9 cards) Show

Flashback Effects (8 cards) Show

Board-wide Interaction (2 cards) Show

Card Advantage (7 cards) Show

Hand Removal (2 cards) Show

Countermagic (7 cards) Show


Sideboard Tech (15 cards) Show


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Alright I've made a couple changes to the deck after playtesting and getting 2nd at 02/03/17 FNM.


Round 1: (1-1-1) vs monoblue mill/control. Went to time in game 3 with the win on board for my next turn (frustrating!)

Round 2: (2-0) vs Golgari aggro. I got game one with judicious use of removal, so I boarded in more and BOOM got the second win.

Round 3: (2-0) vs Selesnya tokens. All I have to say is.....#REKT

Round 4: (2-0) vs Bant midrange. Game one I drew all the right cards, thanks to my draw spells. Game two I drew all the right cards, thanks to my draw spells.

Top 8: (2-0) vs Orzhov control. Game one I countered everything, game two I got super value out of 3(2 cast, +1 flashback) To the Slaughter with delirium triggers.

Top 4: (2-0) Grixis control (a different list than mine). Game one I managed to exile all 4 of his Torrential Gearhulk, kill all 4 Wandering Fumarole, and his one-of Noxious Gearhulk, and just let him draw himself out. Game two he missed a land drop on turn 4 and I ended up winning the counter war and Transgress the Mind 3 times to clear his hand.

Top 2: (0-2) vs Golgari aggro/delirium variant. Game 1 I took a 4 land hand and proceeded to draw only land, even with my draw spells, until he killed me. Game two I had to mul to 5 with a 2 land hand while he stuck a Mindwrack Demon... I got stuck on 2 land so game over.



-2 Yahenni's Expertise. This card was a thorn in my side every time I drew it.

-1 Fatal Push: This card is great at the beginning of the game, and that's about it.

-1 Evolving Wilds: I needed one more Wandering Fumarole.

+1 Wandering Fumarole. I needed one more to guarantee kills.

+1 Unlicensed Disintegration: I'll try this out in here... I'm not committed.

+1 Unsubstantiate: This would have been very useful quite often.

+1 Essence Extraction: The incremental lifegain could prove to be important, especially since I can flash it back with both my enablers.

Sideboard: -1 Flaying Tendrils: It just wasn't relevant to my meta enough to warrant 2.

-1 Ceremonious Rejection: I thought I'd see more of this being necessary.

-1 Release the Gremlins: Not as relevant as I'd hoped.

+1 Ruinous Path: I could have used another of these against some planeswalkers

+2 Dispel: for the counterwars


Top Ranked
  • Achieved #2 position overall 7 years ago
Date added 8 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 1 Mythic Rares

18 - 6 Rares

19 - 4 Uncommons

10 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.17
Tokens Energy Reserve, Gremlin 2/2 R
Folders Badass Decks, standard, Possible Decks, Standard AF, zzInspiration (not own), Standard, Control FTW!!!, Standard, post-AR decks, Grixis Control
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