Nihilistic Glee

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Nihilistic Glee


(2)(Black), Discard a card: Target opponent loses 1 life and you gain 1 life.

Hellbent - (1), Pay 2 life: Draw a card. Play this ability only if you have no cards in hand.

tom.maxwellmans on Queza Grand Smotherer - On a Budget

2 months ago

If you are looking at getting a "good rate" of turning resources into cards you may want to start looking at ways of turning life into cards, since you have a lot of incidental life gain.

Enchantments like:

Greed Necrodominance Unfulfilled Desires Phyrexian Etchings Yawgmoth's Bargain Nihilistic Glee Lunar Convocation

Are repeatable ways to turn life into cards.

Cards like:

Cut of the Profits Eldritch Pact Peer into the Abyss Sanguimancy Pain's Reward

Will give you a big hit of cards for life.

CyborgAeon on Belzenlok, Godo's Ugly Cousin

4 years ago

Some alternatives to cycling cards mentioned above: Brainspoil, Nihilistic Glee, Oath of Lim-Dul, Peer into the Abyss (can be looped with soul spike hard cast to gain infinite mana and life provided you have enough other cards to discard each time as one soul spike gives you 2 "halves" of life to pay each time (1 life + 4 = 5 / 2 = 3 / 2 = 1). So even pitching like 8 cards, you make 16 mana per "cycle", spending 14.

JANKYARD_DOG on What CMDR do you think …

5 years ago

Well this is tricky, I think DrukenReaps is on the right track though. So building on that we can establish we want RG for sure for Mina, Wayward Swordtooth , maybe Crucible of Worlds and Ramunap Excavator if you include a discard theme. I know, I know... "but discard is black?" you say. And so are a plethora of tutors so you can find your Experiment and employ it.

So we're on a "lands matter" track, should it also be top deck matters? That's mostly blue but there are alot of artifacts that fill the spot to scry, surveil, or otherwise rearrange the top cards like Scroll Rack and Sensei's Divining Top . So lands matter, Jund, so... Lord Windgrace maybe?

Seeing as you don't want cards in your hand maybe Hellbent cards like Ragamuffyn , Nihilistic Glee , and Gibbering Descent could work as well.

Well, I got nothing else atm, so hopefully this helps.

Sporkity on Yawgmoth's Expendables

6 years ago

julls I do think Desecrated Tomb could work in your deck definitely could open up some interesting combos. Sac two tokens get a huge creature from your graveyard crate another token isn't bad. problem is you kind of need to have that engine running for it to get value. Its at least worth play testing to see if you get enough value out of it throughout a normal game.

Yeah dredge can be rough when you need the draw but you could look into other forms of card draw like: Greed, Underworld Connections, Arguel's Blood Fast, Erebos, God of the Dead, Mind's Eye but it can hurt not having one of these cards for the draw. But don't sleep on dredge its very good with graveyard decks.

Memory Jar would also be sick in this deck discards a shit ton of cards and you can make sure to hold it until you have means to use those discarded cards. Can also really screw with other players game plans.

Some random other suggestions that you might find interest in: Undead Gladiator, Asylum Visitor, Chains of Mephistopheles, Dark Deal, Nihilistic Glee, Necromancer's Stockpile, Bazaar of Baghdad, Sea Gate Wreckage, Black Market, Trading Post

rofldiekatz on

6 years ago

Thanks dbpunk for the great suggestions! I switched Nihilistic Glee in and cut Mastermind's Acquisition out for now. I don't see any use for Body Snatcher for this deck since I don't play high-CMC-creatures and the card itself brings nothing to the table. But maybe I'm missing some aspect of the card. Brink of Madness is an awesome card for 1vs1-games but since I'm playing 3+ opponents I'm not going to include it. I put it to the Maybeboard though. Demonic Collusion looks like a decent card but the high CMC is quite a letdown since mostly you need to wait for another turn to get the use of it meaning you are going to miss on the hellbent-effects. Furthermore cards like Avaricious Dragon reduce its worth. Malfegor looks decent but not quite good enough since at the time you can afford it your hard will contain maybe 1-2 cards left. Sire Of Insanity needs a spot in this deck but I don't quite know what to cut out for it. Anyway thanks a lot for the great ideas!

kravus on Malfegor: Draw cards or die trying

6 years ago

Forestxavier20 Hey, I'm glad you like the deck. I don't really like dark ritual in decks that don't try to combo out and absolutely need to utilize that fast mana if that makes sense.

Dependent on your meta though, you can swap some cards with more hand disruption / discarding with cards like Delirium Skeins or recursion with a Phyrexian Reclamation both of which are in my sideboard.

Its really easy to make those changes and not radically change the consistency of the deck, so change it around as you feel. At one point I had cards like Nihilistic Glee and Mindmoil.

imoutogetyou on Malfy is misbehaving.

6 years ago

Not on playing Nihilistic Glee, if I am right, you can resolve the hellbent multiple times with no cards in hand then have each trigger resolve so you can draw a card for each colorless spent. Pretty powerful...

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