
Creature (4)

Planeswalker (2)

Enchantment (2)

Artifact (1)

Instant (2)

Sorcery (4)


Enchantment (1)

After doing pretty bad at FNM I decided to add in black from my old deck and make this a tri color! I'm liking the way it is running right now.

Here we go! This deck blends the top late game creatures of red, white, and black and best removal spells in the beginning of the game. Spells like Dreadbore, Chained to the Rocks , Devour Flesh , and Magma Jet stop opponent's from using their key creatures and allow us to cruise to our late game. Young Pyromancer/ Pack Rat also helps to keep some blockers open to stall the game. On turn 3 Boros Reckoner comes in to hold down the fort and start the wave of creatures. I have yet to create a deck without the reckoner and he is easily my favorite card in standard.

Turn 4 is where the deck starts playing creatures. Desecration Demon is arguably the best 4 drop in standard. Turn 5, both Obzedat, Ghost Council and Blood Baron of Vizkopa will land. Assemble the Legion can also improve the board state with waves of tokens. Turn 6 Aurelia, the Warleader will come in and finish things off.

As far as other cards go, Boros Charm is just too good not to run, and I often find that the 4 damage is how I finish off opponents. Chandra, Pyromaster and the Whip of Erebos are both 1 of's in the deck because they are both pleasing to see and are almost always useful, but having too many would hinder other aspects of the deck.

Some people might suggest hand destruction cards like Thoughtseize or Duress but I don't think they have a place here. I'm just not a huge fan, I'm not saying necessarily that it is bad, just that it isn't my play style.

Thanks for checking it out! If you like/dislike it give me some feedback.


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So tonight I got to get out to FNM. Before hand I fine tuned my deck and as of this update, my deck above is exactly what I took. Some changes I made before I went was to put in Pack Rat over Young Pyromancer and I also added Soldier of the Pantheon to help set me up early game. I moved the Whip of Erebos to the SB because it was not working as well as I would have liked.

Match 1: Jund Aggro: 2-1 W

Game 1 - The first game was a very fast match as he got a Rakdos Cackler and Madcap Skills right away followed by a Legion Loyalist and Titan Strength. He then finished it when he blood rushed the loyalist with Ghor-Clan Rampager.

Game 2/3 - I sided in Chained to the Rocks to help out early. This game I had more removal in hand so I was able to keep his creatures in check. Once you get the removal against aggro things go a lot smoother. In game 3 I saw all 4 Chained to the Rocks and I kept the field open for the win.

Match 2: Golgari Ramp/Graveyard Stuff: 2-1 W

Game 1 - Everything really clicked for him game one. He got a Nemesis of Mortals out fairly quickly and I didn't have an answer for it. I was kinda dumb right away because I played Chained to the Rocks on Elvish Mystic hoping it would mess up his mana base, but he drew into what he needed.

Game 2 - He had to scoop because he wasn't getting more than 1 land after the first few turns.

Game 3 - I took care of Deathrite Shaman and his mana creatures early to get Desecration Demon Stormbreath Dragon and Blood Baron of Vizkopa out by turn 6. I probably had one of my best games with my deck and he couldn't stop it.

Match 3- Jund Monsters 1-2 L

Game1- Game one was great! I had Mogis, God of Slaughter out and was chipping him down each turn. Towards the end he had a Reaper of the Wilds out and I blocked with Boros Reckoner. If I would have directed the damage to him he would have gone down to 4 and I could have finished him with Boros Charmfoil but! I targeted reaper instead and ended up losing to Stormbreath Dragon Domri Rade and Reaper of the Wilds.

Game 2- This game was good for me and to be honest I don't really remember it, but I tied it up 1-1.

Game 3- This game played out how game one played out except that he dropped Sire Of Insanity which I absolutely didn't expect. I lost all the removal in my hand and the game ended up coming down to draws. I had Desecration Demon, Mogis, God of Slaughter, and Pack Rat out but
Domri came in and his Reaper deathtouched DD when he was at 3 health. It was a fun game.

Match 4: BUG Control

Ravaging Demons & Holy Control

Standard adayuribli


2-1 W

Game 1/2/3: This match was against a good friend of mine that I have seen in action often. Its a very effective deck so I was nervous to play him. We both run a lot of removal so not much stayed on the field. When I would use Mogis, God of Slaughter to chip him down, he would use Scavenging Ooze to bounce right back. It really came down to who got what to stick and who had the stronger Pack Rat. Very fun match up. He won game 1 but I came back with the second 2.

Afterwards I managed to get a foil Stormbreath Dragon so I will hopefully fit him into the deck, I loved to see him tonight! At times Mogis was sided out a lot, but he is also very effective at nagging at your opponents so for now I like him in the deck.

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Revision 19 See all

(10 years ago)

Date added 11 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 2 Mythic Rares

40 - 11 Rares

8 - 0 Uncommons

0 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.72
Tokens Copy Clone
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