A New Dawn for the Humankind 2.0

Commander / EDH Jhi69

SCORE: 120 | 54 COMMENTS | 19192 VIEWS | IN 40 FOLDERS

Zerraphon says... #1

in your playtesting, how far has Unbreakable Formation been useful?

July 21, 2019 4:41 a.m.

Jhi69 says... #2

Zerraphon in my meta are a lot of boardwipes with no really exile effects, because my friends running a lot of Voltron Generals.

August 20, 2019 12:54 p.m.

Blackheart426 says... #3

Great deck! For your consideration, Champion of the Parish and Mirran Crusader can be helpful in human tribal. I've seen Seal of Cleansing cause hesitation in Voltron opponents, especially with Sun Titan to recur it. Cathars' Crusade, Martyr's Bond, and True Conviction can make your board very, very, unpleasant to deal with lol Keep up the good work!

March 16, 2020 10:51 a.m.

Grizzlyxv2 says... #4

im guessing kyler is Erwin lol

October 16, 2021 1:34 p.m.

Gadianten says... #5

If you need anymore protection options Steely Resolve, Saryth, the Viper's Fang, Privileged Position, Slippery Bogbonder or Livio, Oathsworn Sentinel as some tribe friendly protection options.

As an amusing bonus Steely Resolve can be used to disable most voltron commanders by choosing their commanders creature type and giving it shroud, if it targets its a no go removing most equip or enchantment options.

Saryth, the Viper's Fang has some nasty potential to turn blocks deadly by tapping your blocker or prevent spot removal on your other creatures.

Slippery Bogbonder has some nasty potential with your commander to make him untargetable to the enemy and massively pump him up for a very ugly surprise depending on the number of +1/+1 counters you have.

Livio, Oathsworn Sentinel is an interesting utility creature able to act as a mana dump later game, triggering your commander and etbs one or more times a turn if hes not on protection duty.

October 16, 2021 10:43 p.m.

Housegheist says... #6

What about Vanquisher's Banner and/or Vigor?

October 18, 2021 4:57 a.m.

griffstick says... #7

You might really like Shield of the Oversoul, it's great protection with indestructible and grants flying. This can be great where you can KO someone with cmdr damage and go wide on another. All while protecting your cmdr with indestructible. Not to mention +2/+2

November 10, 2021 10:59 a.m.

Jhi69 says... #8

griffstick i like this card. And it take a good shot in other Decks i own, but its so hard to find cuts in this Deck. I'm crying with every cool Human creature i take out for another Utility. I want to play some more Spotremoval but still thinking about the cuts. Maybe if I'm able to find a Card to get out for Shield of the Oversoul I'll give it a try

Housegheist Both Cards are really nice. Vigor is a Powerhouse and definitly on my List for this Deck. Vanquisher's Banner is also a very nice card. But i'll find it a little bit slow in my actual meta. But I will try it again.

November 24, 2021 1:40 a.m.

Housegheist says... #9

I bet you will have fun with Vigor :)

Ohran Frostfang could provide some protection to your creatures and get incremential carddraw.

November 24, 2021 8:33 a.m.

Jhi69 says... #10

Housegheist Haha yes, Ohran Frostfang could be a good point on carddraw and protection. A Toski, Bearer of Secrets with kind of evasion :)

November 24, 2021 11:02 a.m.

T0kyoCity says... #11

Hey Jhi69! How much success have you had with Vanquisher's Banner? Hard between choosing between this and Lightning Greaves and I already have quite a few Tutor's and card draws in my own Kyler deck.

March 30, 2022 7:05 a.m.

Jhi69 says... #13

Hey, T0kyoCity in my meta are more Boardwipes than Target Removal. So Filling the hand is for me better than the haste effect and the protection. Kyler is for me more an engine as an attacking creature. I run enough protection in my deck to let him stay on my board

March 30, 2022 11:53 a.m.

DareiJuxis says... #14

Seems good, though some things come to mind-

  • Increasing Devotion has never impressed me, I think it would be worth putting in Reverent Hoplite over it since it is a human that makes more humans. It may not always make as much, but can make more than Increasing Devotion, and increases creature count. It's even the same cmc, not including the flashback.
  • Hopeful Initiate is a synergistic way to remove problematic enchantments or artifacts as a 1 mana human that grows as well.
  • I'd like Wild Beastmaster in this since it will naturally be bigger with your commander. Thalia's Lieutenant also comes to mind as a cheap way to boost up the team and add counter synergy.
  • Any deck can run more recursion, i.e. Eternal Witness, to get back something important that was lost. She's human as well.
  • For card draw, this could use a Rishkar's Expertise. Since this deck does not specifically seem to look to make tokens, it may be better to draw off power rather than number like with Shamanic Revelation, but that's not to say Shamanic is bad.

Personally, I am not a fan of Avacyn, Angel of Hope or Nils, Discipline Enforcer, and I think The First Iroan Games is too slow.

May 9, 2022 4:36 p.m.

Jhi69 says... #15

DareiJuxis Thanks you for your recommendations.

A few cards were just for the flavor for me and in the end they won several games like Avacyn, Angel of Hope. Along with counters for Kyler, Nils, Discipline Enforcer is a good defense against a friend's Hamza, Guardian of Arashin. And The First Iroan Games was not pulled at this point since i took the card on the Deck.

I will definitely test Reverent Hoplite instead of Increasing Devotion.

I personally think Wild Beastmaster is too slow. the card puts the archenemy in my face without really doing anything in the turn. maybe with Concordant Crossroads when the secret lair is published.

I just don't like Thalia's Lieutenant. I'm also not a fan of the fact that 95% of Kyler, Sigardian Emissary decks just look and play the same. That's why I don't take some cards in for personal reasons as well as for playful reasons.

I'm also at the point in the deck where it's incredibly difficult for me to part with individual cards because they've either done a good job or I like the flavor so much. If you have any suggestions for Eternal Witness or Hopeful Initiate, I'll be happy to take note of them and think about them.

May 10, 2022 1:18 a.m.

DareiJuxis says... #16

Jhi69 I am glad you to have provided you with decent suggestions. I think that, as I said, cards to replace are Avacyn, Angel of Hope, Nils, Discipline Enforcer, and The First Iroan Games. Avacyn was strong in the past, but she is not what she was. I understand she can "win" games, but that does not mean that there are not cards that can win more games than she does. I understand the idea of Nils, but it is just not worthwhile in my opinion. I do not think Wild Beastmaster should just be looked at as a finisher, but even if it were you already have the solution in your deck- Chord of Calling. Regardless failing those cuts, I would recommend cutting the following as well-

  • Drannith Magistrate- As far as I can tell, this is just here to stop commanders from coming online, and has no way of repeating itself. I do not think that it is good enough outside of maybe cEDH unless there are other ways one's opponents are trying to cast spells from outside of their hands. Basically, it does not synergize enough with what you are doing nor stop enough of your opponents, especially since all (presumed) 3 will be interested in taking it out.
  • Devout Chaplain- I think this requires too much board presence to work, and needs haste to solve imminent problems. This would be the number 1 cut for Hopeful Initiate. It does not exile, but with enchantments and artifacts that's rarely a cause for concern.
  • Masako the Humorless- This seems like slightly better than a fog, sometimes. A lot of potential to be a dead card, with not enough upside in my opinion. I'd much rather see an effect that gives vigilance, especially since you have cards that tap for other reasons.
  • Luminarch Ascension- A decent standard card for sure, but miserably slow in EDH.
  • Intrepid Hero- I think as a general statement, using a card that hates on only one of your opponents most of the time is not worthwhile. It is also slow since it needs to tap.

I think any of these cuts could be made for any of the cards I have pointed out.

May 10, 2022 2:40 p.m.

Jhi69 says... #17

DareiJuxis, Avacyn, Angel of Hope is not an option for me. I like the card too much to take it out. I still want to test The First Iroan Games and Nils, Discipline Enforcer has worked well so far in my meta. I ordered the Wild Beastmaster and will test it. Masako the Humorless synergizes well with Saryth, the Viper's Fang so far.

I put Eternal Witness, Reverent Hoplite and Rishkar's Expertise in the deck and will test them over the weekend.

May 11, 2022 9:55 a.m.

iwulf411 says... #18

So I run a similar scheme, but different commander. I run Katilda as my commander, since she turns all human into mana dorks. I still run Kyler, Champion of Lambholt, and Heronblade Elite, but also splash Champion of the Parish and Thalia's Lieutenant.

The reason I run these is because they are all super cheap human that bounce off one another. check out my link here: https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/katildas-minions/

It's funny because even though the competitive rating is low on it, the deck actually wins most of it's fights.

June 17, 2022 1:36 p.m.

mr5cientific says... #19

This deck is badass as is!

I see you have a couple indestructible effects already but I’ll go ahead and recommend Flawless Maneuver.

Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire and Boseiju, Who Endures are cool too. Not sure you need them here but just in case you want the flexibility.

It seems like you have several enters the battlefield effects. I’m not sure you have enough to warrant it but I have enjoyed running Teleportation Circle and I like how it works with your commander here

July 1, 2022 11:27 a.m.

Krom3 says... #20

Hey hey! I'm making my own Kyler deck and I have been playtesting Avabruck Caretaker  Flip and that card absolutely slaps, the Warewolf side not having the human sub-type is a non issue when everything has hexproof and is still pumping your board that card definitely pulls double duty and is really hard to get off the board. have you considered it at all?

July 21, 2022 9:03 a.m.

Jhi69 says... #21

Hello Krom3! On the first Look this card looks to slow for my taste. But I'll playtest it on the next time. :) Thank you for your suggestion!

July 21, 2022 11:54 a.m.

effective_dig says... #22

@Jhi69 Hey! I love the list. It's pretty similar to my own. You should consider Eerie Interlude as a protection spell that also has the benefit of being able to be cast on your opponents end step to flicker all of your humans except for Kyler and get sweet, sweet ETBs on all of them. :)

August 19, 2022 2:38 a.m.

CopperheadCA says... #23

Was playtesting my deck (Heart of the Cards [Top Deck-Equipment]). Oh my god, Akroma's Will hit me for 34 double-strike, lifelink damange. Love me a human tribe deck <3

May 23, 2023 11:24 a.m.

Thunder4 says... #24

I really like a Hydra's Growth and Forgotten Ancient in my Kyler deck as well. Helps to make him, and everything, extra beefy.

June 9, 2023 10:59 a.m.

Kamahl, Fist of Krosa can be a solid finisher. He's like an Overrun on a stick, and he fits the tribe.

November 7, 2023 10:55 a.m.

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