Eldritch StompoSaurus (V 3.0)

Modern Xica


Icbrgr says... #1

personally i like your choices against control.

maybe Vengevine/Eternal Scourge could just be a bane for their recurring nature. Rhonas the Indomitable seems like its go nice as a nice beater thats indestructible. Saffi Eriksdotter seems like it has opportunity for some shenanigans in this outfit.... like somthing that is like Dauntless Escort/Renegade Rallier

December 20, 2018 1:39 p.m.

Xica says... #2

Rhonas the Indomitable is nice but is very weak to path, i don't have the inifinite mana that the vizier druid version of the deck created to pump anything beside it to have high enough power to enable him to do anything. Imho Selfless Spirit > Dauntless Escort... Eternal Witness > Saffi Eriksdotter/Renegade Rallier.

December 20, 2018 5 p.m.

redbird97 says... #3

Easy +1. You show a good sense of humor when you list it the budget hub. Maybe midrange?

December 20, 2018 9:19 p.m.

Xica says... #4

redbird97 Compared to UWx control and the like its dime a dozen.

Jokes aside, the prices displayed on this site are bogus, for example Noble Hierarch is ~35 euro at magiccardmarket.eu, not 60$. The full deck costs ~300 euro as it is.
Beside that its pretty easy to get budget replacements for lands & Noble Hierarch - which makes the deck ridiclously cheap in terms of modern. (i mean postage costs will be close to the cost of the cards)...

December 21, 2018 10:37 a.m.

Darth_Savage says... #5

I saw your forum post and figured I'd stop by. Budget reanimator builds frequently use Ashen Rider, Terastodon, Moldgraf Monstrosity or Void Winnower. Polymorph, Eldritch Evolution and Unburial Rites style decks are all essentially creature toolboxes, perhaps you can borrow ideas from those other decks. Hope this helps and good luck with your brew.

January 3, 2019 7:32 a.m.

Xica says... #6

I don't think i have much use for those cards.
Budget reanimator decks use Footsteps of the Goryo to reanimate them, and that is where cards like Ashen Rider shine. If i would want a "FINISH HIM" bomb of the top of eldritch evolution, i wouldn't run Moldgraf Monstrosity as even cards like Terastodon (destroying my own lands) are better options - probably i would go for something like Avenger of Zendikar or Liege of the Tangle...

(and i have no clue why would i want to play terastodon...)

To me (at least) Void Winnower look like a more fun, but ultimately more easily removed Iona, Shield of Emeria

January 4, 2019 1:58 p.m.

TheSimikBOat says... #7

Hey Xica,

As a suggestin, I think that you may add some Duskwatch Recruiter  Flip instread of Life's Legacy or another card to try to get the combo creatures.

January 8, 2019 12:46 p.m.

Xica says... #8

Thanks for the suggestion!
...when i cam across the eldritch evolution combo i playtested a bunch with the vizier druid version. There Duskwatch Recruiter  Flip is a must have.

In the current version i don't see why it would be even "good", let alone "great" - compared to Life's Legacy it creates the following problems:
- it costs 2G to draw 1, instead of 1G to draw 2-5 (sometimes 6) - yes i need my land drops
- it introduces another vulnerability, namely removal spells (beside counterspells), and can waste my turn 2, if the opponent manages to kill it before my next turn
- i don't want to contemplate playing the hybrid of Serra Avenger & (a worse) Heartless Summoning, that will be on the field (and can be killed with removal) from turn 2 onwards - if i want to use it on turn 4...
- as a creature its brutally inferior to my 2 drops Voice of Resurgence, Strangleroot Geist & Scavenging Ooze are all leagues ahead of it.

January 10, 2019 9:10 a.m.

abbatromebone says... #9

  • Endless Sands is a fairly important card I might recommend exploration map. If you start to run more colorless spells (other than land) Ancient Stirrings is another card to look at.
  • Aegis of the Gods is nice for matches where they have spells that target you however they also tend to have lots of removal, so you want Leyline of Sanctity in your sideboard. Also having only one copy of a card in your sideboard, usually doesn't work very well because if you really need that card for that match up it becomes hard to draw. a 2nd copy does a lot.
  • Gavony Township goes against Strangleroot Geist being undying isnt as good now. This land card tend to work best when you have lots of creatures. So its a lot better in token decks.
  • Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite kills a lot of cards in modern. It kills every creature in burn, every human if it doesn't get any buffs. if you can considerately get that card out its worth building around.
April 29, 2019 11:35 a.m.

abbatromebone says... #10

  • For against control you need to have a fast clock, so the best thing you can do is find multiple responses or change how you swing.
  • Terminus is actually a bad card according to channel fireball its really weird.
  • Settle the Wreckage is an amazing card but you have tools to play around it. 1) dont full swing if they can cast it 2) if they do you can respond with your Endless Sands and get it back later. 3) practice playing against control so you can get used to playing against it. Its an awkward matchup.
April 29, 2019 11:41 a.m.

Xica says... #11


  • I don't care who says it, be it the allmighty, or channelfireball or whomever else. Terminus is not a bad card. Its brutal against phoenix & dredge, where you don't exactly want to see hardcast phoenixes, early(er than usual) drakes, fast flipping titi, open mana for counters, or a board flooded with hardcast creatures, hardcast creeping chills, and conflagrates, and we also have to acknowledge that it can be cast on turn 2 & 3 - its only competition is Settle the Wreckage , which can hurt you later game, can be slower and loose you the game, most other wrath are very lacking in the current meta. However for my deck it doesn't matter which one does my opponent use - i am somewhat fucked either way.

  • For control, i can present a pretty reasonable clock (swing for 3 on turn 2, swing for 8 on turn 3), and more importantly, noone expects magus of the moon out of an RW deck, and once its down, you cannot get any but red mana. Cards like gaddock teeg also help a LOT, not to mention that Life's Legacy allows me to rebuild my hand an board pretty reasonably. My problem with control is that i can only go with my beatdown plan, since my combo plan - unlike against other decks doesn't work.

  • Aegis of the Gods is in the sideboard to combat decks like ad nauseam, mill, present a must kill (cheap) target against targeted discard GB(x), 8-rack (which is relevant since my bro is an 8-rack fanatic), and its also a must kill creature for burn. Its also not my only viable cards in these matchups, as Eidolon of Rhetoric , Gaddock Teeg , also hinder the enemy.

  • THE POINT OF THIS DECK IS THAT EVERY CREATURE IN THE SIDEBOARD HAS 4 ADDITIONAL COPIES IN Eldritch Evolution . Thus to have the same chances of drawing the effect i have to play 4x Leyline of Sanctity and 1x Ivory Mask .

  • Have you seen the deck? the main combo is using Eldritch Evolution to get Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite (or Iona, Shield of Emeria ) ...yes, surprisingly it does that.

  • In previous iterations, i used to rely more heavily on lands, running 4 copies of Knight of the Reliquary in my 75 to enable this, i also played Sejiri Steppe in stead of Endless Sands , as it allowed knight to act as Mother of Runes - sadly it simply didn't work out. And i tend to have lots of creatures, since all my effects are attached to a body (and most of them come back from the grave), not to mention, my 4 of It of the Horrid Swarm creates plenty of tokens to be buffed. I would also like to point out that by the time i have 5 lands to enable activation of Gavony Township Strangleroot Geist tends to die at least once - so it already has a +1/+1 counter, meaning undying is already off the table

April 29, 2019 4:34 p.m.

Akromathia says... #12

With such huge creatures Ghalta, Primal Hunger could be a cheap 12/12 creature.

April 29, 2019 11:29 p.m.

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