Thelonite Monk

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Thelonite Monk

Creature — Insect Monk Cleric

Tap, Sacrifice a green creature: Target land becomes a Forest. (This effect doesn't end at end of turn.)

moo1234 on Card creation challenge

5 months ago

Sai's masterpiece

Legendary artifact

you may look at the top 2 cards of your library

You may cast artifact cards with converted mana cost 3 or less from the top two cards of your deck

discard a card: mill 2 cards

"the Consulate of Kaladesh had taken Sai from his home, from his family, from his pet thopters to become the grand thopter smith of the omnipresent Consulate. He crafted the machine to see the future. It was his last ever work"

Super Island

Land - island island

: add

"that's alot of water"-a man who had never seen water in his life before

I got battered by a table with sai who got out an early Mystic Forge and because Sai, Master Thopterist doesn't look threatening nobody attacked them much.

also the super island would definitely improve the deck

next challenge:

create an old style rubbish card. not like a 1/1 for 3 in early magic a couple of cards were printed that might've looked okay from a distance but in practice just aren't good at all and are phenominally bad. some inspiration Wood Elemental Kaervek's Spite Sorrow's Path Aisling Leprechaun Thelonite Monk

carpecanum on Hatching Dragons

2 years ago

Martyr's Bond, Razia's Purification and Thelonite Monk are three cards I love with Atla.

When you play this do you have enough ways to kill your own eggs?

carpecanum on atla big baby tender

2 years ago

I have had fun using Thelonite Monk to kill eggs and destroy mana bases. Cheap "Fight" cards are also good for using on your big guys or as a way to kill an egg.

MountainMan817 on Thelonite Monk's activated ability and …

2 years ago

Thelonite Monk's activated ability can turn a land into a Forest indefinitely, but does it remove other types? Gatherer's Oracle is not clear.

Mclovin8617 on Open Hostility Modified

7 years ago

Unfocused or slow pieces: Oviya Pashiri, Sage Lifecrafter, Alesha, Who Smiles at Death, Managorger Hydra, Taurean Mauler (both this and the hydra seem good in EDH, but in practice they just die to removal), Tireless Tracker (there's better card draw for token decks), Thelonite Monk (???), Genesis (Ravos, Soultender is better at that. You have no way to actively put Genesis in the grave or dump other creatures into the grave to get back. Too passive to wait for natural attrition.), Samut, Voice of Dissent. Cut Nissa, Voice of Zendikar.

Cards to upgrade (try similar function, but better): Crackling Doom should just be a better 4-5 mana board wipe. Hour of Devastation is too situational. Can't wipe the board of all your tokens but leave opponents with 10/10's. Using Hour to kill indestructible gods? Try Merciless Eviction instead. Bonfire of the Damned, because miracles never happen. Lavalanche as well, since these 2 cards hit 1 target player. Get X damage to everyone. Earthquake isn't bad. But Molten Disaster is what I'd use in a control heavy meta.

Cards to add: Basically search up the best Voltron commanders and jam them in a big gang behind Saskia. Like the League of Supervillians or something. Zurgo Helmsmasher, Basandra, Battle Seraph, Aurelia, the Warleader, Queen Marchesa, and Kresh the Bloodbraided are some to consider. With Kresh, and any deck with an abundance of tokens, you need cards like Skullclamp which you have. But maybe experiment with this cheap card: Evolutionary Leap, which can keep the big beaters coming when you don't need another 2 lands from the clamp. Or if lands is what you need, Perilous Forays grabs the new Zendikar lands (Canopy Vista) conveniently. Following the sacrifice theme, Fallen Ideal can send Saskia to the skies for some 20+ damage, which bounces around the table with Saskia's triggered ability. The Rancor effect is welcome too. Emmara Tandris has a big butt, but I think too slow. But also cheap to pick up. Up to you. Intangible Virtue might help.

Cards you REALLY need though: Overwhelming Stampede, Pathbreaker Ibex, Craterhoof Behemoth, even Overrun. These cards are WHY you play tokens. Also, since you're running Sunforger (props to you), add Path to Exile or Swords to Plowshares. Also I always include Wild Ricochet when I use Sunforger. Make sure you know how to properly counter spells with this "red counterspell" though. Otherwise a great copier. Oh, and add the other two signets you're missing.

So I told you to add more than to take out. Use your own discretion on how many Overruns you need in your deck, how much single target removal (whenever you take out someone else's threat, you're helping the rest of the table for free) you want, and how many beat-down creatures you need to lead the army (basically, you want the big creatures to be scary enough that opponents block those and let the flood of tokens through). Don't touch the land count. A good rule of thumb is (40 lands) - (# of artifact, spell-based, or creature ramp) / 3 = (lands you need).

acbooster on Rashmi, Eternities Crafter: Experimental Elves

8 years ago

If you do happen to play more on the Forestwalk, Thelonite Monk would be a great choice. He may not be an elf, but straight up making a land a Forest can shut your opponents off of their dual lands or of a color they're struggling to get enough of.

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