Seeker of Insight

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Seeker of Insight

Creature — Human Wizard

Tap: Draw a card, then discard a card. Activate this ability only if you've cast a noncreature spell this turn.

smack80 on Prague-Rock (Helix-Golem Combo)

3 years ago

I think Zephyr Scribe is too slow because everything costs 3 in this deck. Maybe you want Seeker of Insight?

fearphage on Kefnet Miracles

5 years ago

Chain of Vapor seems dangerous. You don't want people bouncing Scepter, a multi-countered As Foretold , B2B, or Kefnet. Maybe Blink of an Eye is another good bounce spell instead?

In my experience, Primal Amulet  Flip always feels a little to slow and expensive.

I see High Tide and Dramatic Scepter combo but not much to do with a ton of/infinite mana. Blue Sun's Zenith and Capsize seem like good outlets. BSZ lets you draw your and kill everyone with infinite mana.

Seeker of Insight could be Deal Broker or Cephalid Looter . Neither of them have limitations on when it can be used.

Karn, the Great Creator feels a bit out of place.

princev1125 on I Put a Spell on You

6 years ago

I really love the idea behind this deck! It reminds me of something I would have come up with when I first started playing (I mean this in a very positive way!), as it is both plausible and creative!


At this point, I'm sure you're getting tired of reading, but before you go, I will suggest one more thing: either add green or cut blue for green. This allows you to ramp with cards like Spring and Thunderherd Migration, which will power out your big cards earlier!

Hopefully this was at least somewhat helpful. Feel free to reach out with your thoughts on my suggestions. Excited to see how you change it up. Please keep me updated on the results.

scapegoat_tom on zombie flash mob

7 years ago

Typhon_741 you need to find it first, if you already have it in hand than life is going to be easy. Tragic Lesson , Seeker of Insight, Daring Saboteur, and Farm / Market are some of your better options.

I would drop Minister of Inquiries in place of Seeker of Insight since it will let you discard and draw each turn without having to worry about energy, and Sacred Cat could be dropped for Farm / Market.

Asphodel on You have no library anymore ;)

7 years ago

Seems spicy! Any particular reason for the sideboard Deeproot Waters ? Without any Merfolk to trigger them, they literally do nothing. Might I suggest cutting them, moving Spell Pierce to the sideboard instead, and bringing in a few mainboard Essence Scatters in their place? With only 8 creatures in this deck, I'd be less worried about noncreature hate, and more about whatever problematic creatures your opponent could bring to the table (especially something like Bristling Hydra, which dodges every removal spell in this deck, given enough Energy). Baral, Chief of Compliance also seems somewhat questionable in this deck, seeing as you only have 6 mainboard counterspells. It might be worth trying to squeeze in some number of Minister of Inquiries (mills 6 total, chumps in a worst-case scenario) or Seeker of Insight (again, blocks well, but can also draw cards somewhat reliably) in his place.

Rhadamanthus on Seeker of Insight effect with …

7 years ago

To be clear: Lands are just "played" when you play them, but everything else - Artifacts, Creatures, Enchantments, Instants, Planeswalkers, Sorceries, whatever - is "cast" as a spell when you play it (unless, of course, an effect just says it's putting something onto the battlefield or making a copy of a spell without specifically saying "cast"). Anything you cast this turn that wasn't a creature will qualify for Seeker of Insight's ability.

TheWrongBunny on Seeker of Insight effect with …

7 years ago

I'm sure this is simple but would you be able to activate Seeker of Insights ability after casting an artifact. now i know that artifacts are technically spells on the stack but when they are a card in hand or once they have been cast they stop being a spell.

IanG23 on UG Miracle Grow

7 years ago

Thanks for commenting, I think you're 100% correct about the 1 drops and Herald of Secret Streams being bad and Skyship Plunderer being good. I think that Chart A Course is likely a must as well, whereas Seeker of Insight seems out of place. Let's keep testing, this seems sweet.

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