Hooded Brawler

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Hooded Brawler

Creature — Naga Warrior

You may exert Hooded Brawler as it attacks. When you do, it gets +2/+2 until end of turn. (An exerted creature won't untap during your next untap step.)

Austin_Smith_of_Cards on The Gramercy Riffs Warrior Tribe

6 years ago

Hooded Brawler is a Warrior that hits pretty hard. Giving it trample with Bramblewood Paragon seems pretty powerful.

Oakgnarl Warrior is a fantastic curve-topper and is one of the beefiest non-Eldrazi creatures available in Pauper, I believe.

Winnower Patrol gets bigger every time you reveal a Warrior off the top; also has a way to get counters if Bramblewood Paragon doesn't happen to be on the battlefield when you initially cast it.

You could maybe include an enchantment sweeper for certain matchups; I'd suggest Hush because you can cycle it away if it's not applicable.

Vortain on R/G Warrior Aggro

7 years ago

I think this needs a fair amount of work. I'm not an expert by any stretch of the imagination, so take what I say with a grain of salt, knowing many others could give you far better advice.

I think you have a few different things you are trying to do:

However, there's so much going on, I don't think most of these things will happen consistently. You only have 1 of each of the cards mentioned above, ensuring that you'll rarely see them played (especially the Zeal combo, which isn't that good to begin with).

I think you should just focus on a few things, mainly Warriors, Exhaust, and the Haste ability, as I think that's what you want your deck to mainly be. The suggestions I make are mainly using exactly what you have, only pulling a few cards from elsewhere.

I'd say get rid of the following:

  • Trial of Zeal - It's not an instant, and it only deals 3 damage. Getting the combo off with Cartouche of Zeal is unpredictable. I'd much rather see 4 Hungry Flames in your deck, where you can clear their minions out, and deal a bit of extra damage to the player.
  • Open Fire - Again, Hungry Flames is better here, as your focus is creatures dealing damage, so just having the option to deal 1 extra damage to the player seems like a huge loss, verses the ability to clear out their creatures and deal damage to the player. Additionally, Shock seems like a much better card at only 1 red mana, if you want more Instant damage.
  • Grapeshot - You have a lot of mid to high costing cards, so at most you may get 1 extra damage with this consistently. Again, for 1 red mana, Shock trumps this (in your deck).

These I'd sideboard, maybe:

  • Bitterbow Sharpshooters - They are situational, probably best if you know you are going against blue/white or someone with flying. Otherwise, the high cost and lack of synergy is hard to justify.
  • Deem Worthy and Shivan Meteor - Both cost a lot to have as part of your core, and not very useful if you are going up a blue control deck, or aggro deck (again Shock and Hungry Flames would be useful in most all situations.) However, if you know they are packing some large creatures, then I'd stick with Meteor since it has a ton more damage, even though it lacks cycling and demands 2 red. If they have large creatures, you definitely rather overkill in case they can pump them.
  • Hijack - Simply put, it's situational. Sideboard when you know you are going up against heavy artifact/vehicle decks. Otherwise, something that straight up destroys artifacts might be better (there's a red card that destorys X artifacts, I think, and that would probably work better in your side board. It could really cripple an artifact deck).

These I like but not sure about:

  • Majestic Myriarch - I like this card a lot, but am playing it in a deck where I only have four five-cost creatures, a few three-cost, and the rest 1 and 2 cost. I don't think it fits well here, but with some changes it might. And you might play with it and find I'm very wrong. Try it and see how it plays out. If he can copy Haste and Double Strike, he could do well consistently.
  • Throne of the God-Pharaoh - I get the idea behind this, but I'm simply not sure if it works in practice. Play with 2 or 3 in your deck (to make sure you see if regularly) and see how it works out. Get rid of it if the damage in negligible.
  • Hazoret's Monument - I do like this in your deck, and probably would play with 2 or 3, but ditch it if it doesn't seem that helpful. But since you have so many red and red/green cards, it seems like it'd do well.
  • Garruk's Horde - It's expensive and only kinda useful if you can get it out. Maybe Cultivator of Blades would be a better option. Again, this one you'd have to test.

These I think you could choose one or the other:

  • Hooded Brawler or Khenra Scrapper or Ahn-Crop Crasher- These cards are nice in their own respect. I think the weakest is Hooded Brawler, mainly because he doesn't have haste and can be blocked. If you find you consistently get him out with Bloodlust Inciter to haste him, then maybe keep him. Otherwise, I'd choose Khenra and Ahn, and you should play 2, 3, or 4 of each. Ahn I think is especially strong.
  • Rubblebelt Raiders or Frontline Devastator both I like for different reasons. I think Rubblebelt is the better choice. Play 3 or 4 of them.

Things I like:

  • Samut, the Tested - This I think could pull off some beautiful combos with haste creatures, especially Ahn-Crop Crasher. Probably would add 1 more, maybe 2.
  • Lovisa Coldeyes - He fits the theme well, I'd just add more of him.
  • Bloodlust Inciter - Fits your theme well, gives haste, works as a chump blocker, works on curve. I'd probably want to have 3 or 4.
  • Prowling Serpopard - Didn't know about this, seems incredibly helpful. Might be situational though, and maybe should be side boarded. If you are going against blue, you want this. Otherwise, something like, Sheltering Word or Blossoming Defense would probably be good in all situations as it protects against direct damage spells, -1/-1 counter spells, etc where as Serpopard does not.
  • Khenra Scrapper - Seems like he could be pretty strong when you want to by pass creatures, especially in combo with Ahn-Crop Crasher and Bitterblade Warrior

Final thoughts

That's probably way more than you wanted (if you wanted any criticism) but I hope it's helpful. I think the main thing is to focus on Haste and Warriors and/or Exhaust. I think you just need to increase the card count you have on some cards. Here's a quick mock up I did, though I didn't spend a ton of time on it. The main thing you'll notice is I increased card counts on cards I liked, and sideboarded anything I felt was more situational. I also slightly adjusted the Mountain/Forest ratio.

R/G Warrior Aggro Suggestions

Pieguy396 on dark forest2

7 years ago

Hey there! This looks like a great start to your first Magic deck! Welcome to the game, and to tappedout.net!

First of all, I would recommend reducing your deck size to the minimum - 60 cards. For every card you add over the minimum, it reduces your chances of drawing your best cards. I get that this might be hard to understand - if I add more cards, wouldn't my deck get better? However, let's say that Oracle's Vault is the best card in your deck. (This is just an example, your best card could very well be something else.) With a 105-card deck, you have a 1/105 chance (0.95%) of drawing Oracle's Vault. With a 60-card deck, however, your chances of drawing Oracle's Vault rise to 1/60 (1.7%), almost doubling your chances of drawing your most powerful cards. In any case, I'd take out the following cards:

This should make your deck a little more consistent, and hopefully a little more fun as well. In any case, I hope you have an excellent time playing Magic!

stolenr2unit on Naga Beatdown

7 years ago

Looks cool but not sure what I would remove from the deck to make room? And the cartouches work best I think on the Hooded Brawler. Makes him a big hitter when he exerts. Thanks for the feedback!

Murphy77 on RGW Exert

7 years ago

Yes, definitely, for a straight Exert deck Glorybringer and Hooded Brawler are very strong. There are actually a number of ways to un-tap them to get their effect more often.

FA1L3D on RGW Exert

7 years ago

Thanks Murphy77, I've been playing around with the list lately to see how it plays, so I'm still in the process of changing the list. Right now, I'm thinking that it's probably not worth playing just 1 copy of Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger, although if I take that out, I'll also take out Void Winnower and Champion of Rhonas so that'll leave me with 7 spaces available, not sure what I'd put in yet. I'll probably play Glorybringer as a 3-of as I'm on a bit of a budget, maybe Hooded Brawler also?

LittleBlueHero on Amonkhet Spoilers and Speculation.

7 years ago

I went 3-1. I got little to nothing in the way of synergy for any of the draft archetypes in my limited pool so I started with Jund "Removal".

Lost my first round 1-2 by a hair but it was enough for me to cut red and go Black Green "Best I Got"

Apparently best I had was pretty good. Strategy consisted of applying as much pressure as I could. There was never a time I didn't exert my creatures.

Also Cartouche of Ambition did work for me... I pulled three of them and ran all three because I had little other options, glad I did though. They kept the God's in check (I played against hazoret twice) and more often then not removed a chump blocker while allowing me to swing the game in my favor with Cursed Minotaur or Hooded Brawler .

Swinging with 6/6 lifelink meant extering the brawler never really bit me back.

Had a lot of fun winning with zero bombs on the table. I did get the Embalm hydra but it never stuck around long enough to swing... even after embalm.

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