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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Creature — Spirit

When this enters the battlefield, draw a card.

Whenever you cast a Spirit or Arcane spell, you may return this to this creature's owner's hand.

TheDeckMaker2300 on Spirits

7 years ago

I made a spirit tribal deck there's a couple stuff your missing that's a must

  1. Nikko-Onna
  2. Yuki-Onna
  3. Rend Flesh
  4. Wear Away
  5. Infernal Kirin
  6. He Who Hungers
  7. Yosei, the Morning Star
  8. Kokusho, the Evening Star
  9. Kyoki, Sanity's Eclipse
  10. Haru-Onna

And of coarse your fatal mistake Kodama's Reach is missing and I'm sure the top ten best ramp cards that synerizes in the deck should be in this.

Making-a-new-account-Hopefully-I-can-get-my-old-Username on Plane of Spirits

7 years ago

This deck really has a lot to offer, and a ton of synergy!

I would add Haru-Onna and Nikko-Onna as their self bouncing abilities offer a deck like this continuous boons in the form of ETB effects, their own, as well as those of the other spirits.

I'd go for a playset of Petalmane Baku as it offers amazing ramp for your bigger spirits, and its white twin Waxmane Baku does an insane job at lockdown.

I love all your tribal boosting artifacts, and would totally add Coat of Arms as well :)

Kami of False Hope is amazing for stalling, and he is always elligible for soulshift.

The deck looks like smashing good fun. Keep tweaking it, dude ;)

Austin_Smith_of_Cards on Green/Black Spirits

8 years ago

Behind the Scenes and Unburial Rites aren't legal cards in this decklist; they have white mana symbols in their text boxes that technically means they are outside your commander's color identity.

Permeating Mass seems like an interesting 1-drop Spirit to include. Shuts down indestructible and other annoying creatures your opponents might choose to attack with.

Rend Flesh is on-theme and is far more effective removal than something like Tar Snare or Demon's Grasp.

Bounteous Kirin can really buffer your life total in conjunction with Iname as One's high mana cost and the slew of Spirits you're playing.

Forked-Branch Garami seems like powerful tribal recursion.

Petalmane Baku can fix your colors and ramp mana, which is important when you want to cast your 12-cmc commander.

Besides the fact that it is a staple mana fixer for EDH, Kodama's Reach is an Arcane spell, which has synergy with some of your effects, plus it's a flavor win.

He Who Hungers is a powerful counter to control decks, and provides an outlet for your weaker Spirits.

Soulless Revival is a superior Raise Dead because of the Splice onto Arcane ability.

Arashi, the Sky Asunder gives you repeatable flying removal, or one-shot flying board clear.

Death Denied provides even more recursion; plus it's an Arcane spell.

Haru-Onna is a pretty generous card advantage engine for Spirits.

Kyoki, Sanity's Eclipse hits opponents' hands hard by exiling their cards.

Myojin of Night's Reach is another hard-hitting card disadvantaging Spirit.

Hana Kami is cheap and can be used to recur an Arcane spell for more Splicing shenanigans.

Wear Away is the Naturalize variant this deck can make the most use out of.

Great decklist! Very flavorful, and I love how these Kamigawa cards are being utilized!

rguilbault on

8 years ago

Keen Sense is cheaper than Snake Umbra. Mask of Memory would stick around longer than either (should a dude die) and you can use something like Creeping Renaissance to get all the discarded cards back (if that's a concern).

Elder Pine of Jukai could be interesting if you had more spirits or arcane spells (looks like you have 3 total so probably not a great fit). There could be some other spirits or arcane spells worth swapping in...a couple that seem kinda cool or would otherwise fit your theme: Arashi, the Sky Asunder, Carven Caryatid, Eidolon of Blossoms, Forked-Branch Garami, Haru-Onna, Iname, Life Aspect, Nourishing Shoal, Permeating Mass, Primordial Sage, Rending Vines, Strength of Cedars, Wear Away. Not trying to change up the vibe, just saying...

Other straight up draw cards to consider: Abundant Growth, Elemental Bond, Fecundity, Fa'adiyah Seer, Fruit of the First Tree, Garruk's Packleader, Glimpse of Nature, Hunter's Insight, Hunter's Prowess, Kavu Lair, Krosan Tusker (just to cycle it), Life's Legacy, Nature's Resurgence, Nissa's Revelation, Ohran Viper, Sylvan Library, Zendikar Resurgent.

Viridian Revel could be interesting given you seem to like artifact hate. And then there are all the Enchantresses, if you want to start loading up on enchantments, e.g. Verduran Enchantress. I think there are 4-5 available, which could become some serious card draw off simple cantrips like Abundant Growth.

This looks like a fun deck...might try my hand at a build if I have enough of the cards ;-)

clayperce on Best. Advent Calendar. Evar.

9 years ago

December 13th
Today was Saviors of Kamigawa, and we were looking forward to seeing some of the Japanese-style Spirits and curious mechanics of the set.

Some noteworthy Spirits-matter cards included Haru-Onna (supposedly very powerful in draft), AEther Shockwave, and Fiddlehead Kami. It was also interesting to see cards-in-hand-matters cards too, like Sokenzan Spellblade, Kitsune Loreweaver, and Oppressive Will. Most intereting though was probably the Soulshift mechanic. We'd never seen it before and it allows you to return Spirit card with lower CMCs from your graveyard to your hand. Kami of Empty Graves was one example, but the Promised Kannushi we cracked would have been our 1st Pick in a real draft.

Today, though, we were most excited to pull this card:


We got a foil too: Death Denied. Not sure when it happened, but Wizards obviously moved to full-foil somewhere in there, for all-over shiny goodness :-)

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