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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Goblin Barrage
Kicker—Sacrifice an artifact or Goblin. (You may sacrifice an artifact or Goblin as you cast this spell.)
Goblin Barrage deals 4 damage to target creature. If this spell was kicked, it also deals 4 damage to target player or planeswalker.

Krenko_fan on
Goblin Soldiers
1 year ago
I love this theme too. It would be a dream to have a goblin-soldier token EDH deck.
I think this could use a slight adjustment to make it more effective. Consider:
xX Over the Top
lemonpkt on
Mono-red artifact sac (Silverblack)
4 years ago
This deck aims to work with 3 lands. Inconsistency is a problem in this deck in general, and getting more than 4 lands is probably a death sentence. Goblin Barrage, Impulsive Pilferer, and Oread of Mountain's Blaze might help with flooding?
Rafifian on
6 years ago
This looks good so far. Aggro creature decks are some of my favorites (looking at you, elves), and this looks like fun. However, there are still some tweaks I would recommend.
DISCLAIMER: I play modern mostly, not standard, but I still keep up with and watch the standard meta. Some of these choices may not be optimal, and they are all my opinion, so take what I say with a grain of salt.
Firstly, the cards I really like:
Goblin Chainwhirler: Very good choice. Almost never bad, no matter the match-up, I really like the four-of here.
Siege-Gang Commander: I like this as well. Self-propelled burn, pressure, mentor targets: this just fits very well in this deck.
Legion Warboss: I think this card in underrated. Especially in this deck that has creatures to be pumped, this fits well. It's just good, immediate, self-propelled pressure. I like the four of.
Next, the choices I think you should modify:
Manabase: You do not need 24 lands in a deck with this low of a curve. I think 22 or even 21 would be sufficient, especially with the Skirk Prospector.
Goblin Cratermaker: While this is a good card in its own right, I think it's much better suited for the sideboard. Maybe a couple in the mainboard would be fine, but it is a very flexible sideboard card that is good to board in in many situations.
Volley Veteran: This card is definitely good enough to mainboard. If you drop Skirk Prospector on one, Goblin Instigator on two, Legion Warboss or another Goblin Instigator on three, and then Volley Veteran on four, that's six damage to face and a 4/2 body for a meager four mana! The thing about goblins is that it's fast enough to avoid most of the early removal other decks may have, and Volley Veteran can likely come down before a sweeper, if they're even running a sweeper game one. That being said, if they do get a sweeper or keep your minions under control, this does close to nothing. Very good when ahead, kind of bad when behind. Consider a couple in the mainboard, just don't get too crazy.
Next, the cards I think you should cut:
Squee, the Immortal: This one stands out immediately to me. I think it's just too slow to get by in such an otherwise fast deck. It just makes the deck more unfocused in my opinion, unless I'm missing something (Skirk Prospector combo I think is too slow, if that's what you were thinking.)
Goblin Barrage: Put simply, I just don't think this has enough of an effect. One body on the board is worth a lot, and because you have to use this pre-combat for it to be good, that means one less attacking body. Minions are recurring damage, while this is a one-shot four to the face and a creature. Also, it is a little high on the curve and there are cards that do effectively the same thing for a lower cost. Consider running Lava Spikes or other burn instead (I talk more about it below).
Rummaging Goblin: Too slow. The goal of this deck doesn't include card filtering, it's just jamming a ton of creatures and swinging face. While I appreciate that this could be good in control or other grindy match-ups, I don't think you need it. There are other, more impactful cards for this, like Experimental Frenzy (see below).
Rigging Runner: I don't think this is quite impactful enough to mainboard, and I don't think it's quite flexible enough to sideboard.
Finally, the cards I think you should consider:
Experimental Frenzy: One problem fast creature decks have is running out of gas too quickly. One of the reasons I love modern Elves is that you get to run cards like Collected Company, Lead the Stampede, and Chord of Calling so you have less of a chance of not getting in those last few points of damage. I don't know if this is good mainboard, but it could be a really fun (and useful) sideboard card. In games you know are going to go long, you can slap this down and just pop off, given the right opportunity.
Some burn/removal: Cards like Lightning Strike, Shock, and Lava Spike could be good additions to the sideboard. All are good in creature match-ups to clear the way for the alpha strike, and the Lightning Strikes and Shocks are good for pressuring planeswalkers or getting that last 5 or so damage.
Risk Factor: This card is good in decks that have a lot of early pressure. It offers both burn and gas, depending on the situation, and in a fast deck like goblins, both are almost always useful. While maybe too unfocused for the mainboard, this would be a good choice for sideboard, I think. It is good into control or grindy-er games.
Anthems: While slower, anthem effects like Vanquisher's Banner can be very powerful. Vanquisher's Banner is especially powerful because of the card draw effect. Like I said above about running out of gas, incidental card draw is great for keeping this from happening. Also, this very good for dropping on turn five and alpha striking for the win. I would consider maindecking up to four of these.
Fanatical Firebrand: It's almost necessary to run four of these in the mainboard. It's early damage and a ping if you need it. Also, one drops are very good for fast decks (every point of damage matters!).
Banefire: Good as maybe a one or two of in the sideboard, this will win you games against control. If you rush them down early but they have a sweeper, this will get you your last few points of uncounterable damage.
I hope what I've said is useful for you. All in all, I think you're doing fine with your deck. Just tweak a little (biggest thing is adding removal to the sideboard) and you're well on your way to winning an FNM!
C0MbatibleW0mbat on
6 years ago
I'm curious as to why you have Dark-Dweller Oracle in the mainboard vs something like Goblin Barrage? Obviously, a 2/2 body is nice in the deck, especially with haste for R, but in practice how well has it served in games? I'm running a similar build except with Goblin Banneret instead of Fanatical Firebrand and Goblin Barrage in place of Dark-Dweller Oracle and it runs well against a lot of decks. Especially against the white-weenie matchup, I like being able to take out their Benalish Marshal and push through for another 4 with a kicked barrage.
Christpunchers666 on
Burning Goblin Tits! (New Rotated Brew)
6 years ago
doldy I do like Lava Coil but their has been games I won due to sacrificing a goblin for that kicker extra damage. In any other mono red deck Lava Coil is the better card but I use that Goblin Barrage kicker way to often.
Crackalackin97 on
6 years ago
That's a great question DrNevermore. If you copy a kicked Goblin Barrage the copy will be kicked! This also works with additional costs in cards like Tormenting Voice, where after copying, you would draw a total of 4 cards and only discard once.
Crackalackin97 on
6 years ago
Hey man! This deck ain't bad! If I may give a few suggestions, I would consider dropping a few of the higher costing cards like the Banefire & the Sarkhan's Dragonfire since if you're trying to abuse the Dark-Dweller Oracle you probably want to be able to cast most everything you flip. I think the Spark of Creativity is a neat touch but tbh, I think it could go since if you lower the average mana-cost of the deck, at best it becomes like a sorcery speed bolt, but at worst, it just flips a land. I would maybe go for a playset of Goblin Instigator to make fodder for the Dark-Dweller Oracle. They also double as cheap pressure and blockers in a pinch, which I think the deck could use. If you do add the Goblin Instigator, I think a great addition to this deck would be Goblin Barrage. Doublecast could also be fun to copy a Goblin Barrage or a huge Fight with Fire. Anyways, good luck with the deck! Hope it works out. <3
multimedia on
Budget Standard Goblins!
6 years ago
Hey, consider 4x Skirk Prospector? Prospector can lead to some explosive turns with Wily Goblin probably the best of the one drop Goblins. Runner is not a good turn one play because can't trigger raid on turn one. In fact I wouldn't play him at all, too lackluster. Prospector can sac himself to give you red mana he's the perfect Goblin to play as a 4 of.
Goblins can take more advantage of burn because of Barrage and Siege-Gang this is a huge reason to play them. Consider 4x Shock, 4x Lightning Strike, and 4x Goblin Barrage? This is a robust burn package that can do a lot of damage to your opponent. Consider Fight with Fire? Fire can really benefit from both a ramp and burn strategy which Goblins have. It can be a win condition because of ramp with Prospector; 10 damage to opponent is a lot.
As far as directions go for the deck consider making the main deck all about Goblins and burn? Sideboard the other stuff?
Consider this simple and too the point, Goblins and burn:
- 4x Prospector
- 4x Firebrand
- 4x Wily
- 4x Chainwhirler
- 4x Warchief
- 4x Siege-Gang
- 4x Shock
- 4x Strike
- 4x Barrage
- 1x Fire
- 23x Mountains
For the sideboard consider: 3x Abrade, 3x Magma Spray, 2x more Fight with Fire, 2x Kari Zev's Expertise, 2x Glorybringer, 2x Squee, the Immortal and 1x Jaya Ballard?
Abrade for Heart of Kiran, etc., Spray for Scrapheap Scrounger and Champion of Wits, etc., Fire for Lyra Dawnbringer, etc., Expertise for Ghalta, Primal Hunger, etc., Squee, Glorybringer and Jaya for control matchups.
Good luck with your deck.