Avatar of the Resolute

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Avatar of the Resolute

Creature — Avatar

Reach, trample

Avatar of the Resolute enters the battlefield with a +1/+1 counter on it for each other creature you control with a +1/+1 counter on it.

kamarupa on Budget +1/+1 Counter / Proliferate Deck

1 day ago

Thalia's Lieutenant and Champion of the Parish are just so good. Hard to beat the Human tribe when it comes to +1/+1 counters.

Luminarch Aspirant is pretty decent, too.

Tezzeret's Gambit is nice card draw with Proliferate. Especially nice that you don't really need blue at all if you can life with paying 2 life.

You can check out my deck Cocaine which is mono-white Human +1/+1 counter themed. I don't bother with Proliferate except Tezzeret's Gambit because the deck is so fast. I used to play a mono-green +1/+1 counter deck with Hardened Scales, Avatar of the Resolute, and Inspiring Call but I found my mono-white deck was just so much better - faster, cheaper removal, better protection/evasion. So ya, white is where it's at for +1/+1 counters!

wallisface on +1/+1 Counters

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

wallisface on

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

  • you’re only at 58 cards - you need 60 for a legal deck.

  • I’d suggest going up to 20 lands (and also ditching the mana dork).

  • you currently have no other warriors in your deck, making Bramblewood Paragon pretty useless as you’ll almost never be gaining counters off it.

  • you’ll never be gaining counters from Scute Mob either - with only 18 lands you won’t have 5 in play until around turn 9-10… no game is lasting that long.

  • both Forced Adaptation and Hydra's Growth are super risky/unideal cards to run as your opponent only has to use one killspell to remove both the creature & enchantment (costing you 2 cards for their 1).

  • your deck currently feels very rag-tag/clumsy as far as being very slow to look threatening (Avatar of the Resolute and Rancor are the only cards that look strong in your deck currently. The rest feel weak/awkward/slow). Cards i’d suggest considering include Pelt Collector, Experiment One, Strangleroot Geist, Aspect of Hydra, Quirion Beastcaller, and maybe Servant of the Scale.

Dani3377 on Death Strike & Co.

1 year ago

Awesome! Inspiring Call was a feature card in the very first deck that I made in my whole magic playing experience, with Undergrowth Champion, Experiment One, Servant of the Scale and Avatar of the Resolute. PRetty sure I had Explosive Growth in there as well. Upvoted!

Macaronigrill5150 on Apotheosis

2 years ago

Looks awesome, I was just about to suggest Conclave Mentor but I realized that it is only green, and blue. But thoughts on these Fathom Mage kind of pricy but possibly a good card draw, Neoform I can kind of see this working, and maybe Avatar of the Resolute

Sorry can't think of any more cards, I don't use green or blue a lot but I hope these help!

Balaam__ on Mono-Green Devotion/Stompy

2 years ago

I like most of the list, but I feel as though Avatar of the Resolute is outclassed by other options (like perhaps Steel Leaf Champion).

Your only source of counters are Experiment One and strangleroot geist, neither of which are even 100% guaranteed to be bearing counters. So the potential exists for the avatar to be just a 3/2 for two. Reach and Trample are nice but not terribly useful unless they’re attached to a high powered body. In the end I just feel there are potentially better options for this slot.

StoryArcher on Don't Let Em Breathe (Quick)

2 years ago


I hadn't messed with the counter deck in a while, so I just ran a quick playtest. It's just solataire, of course, but at the end of round 5, I had:


That was with one Hardened Scales on the board and an Inscription of Abundance in my hand.

Not every hand ends up like that, but more than you would think. It's just crazy.

Psicholat on Counters Evolution

2 years ago

Ouroboros_47 thanks!

On the issue of bigger creatures:

The creatures with Evolve in the deck should be easily triggered, in order of evolution, by Vorel of the Hull Clade `s 4 toughness, a fed Avatar of the Resolute *, and a fat Hydroid Krasis with all the ramp and mana available. Additionally, the increase in counters should be empowered by spells, enchantments, and creature abilities (Vorel and Zameck Guildmage, hell even by lands. I thought of options of bigger creatures, but wanted them cheap to make the deck quicker - hence the lands in the maybe which for 2/3 mana can put on the table 0/6 or even 0/7 certainly triggering Evolve. Sticking with the first option tho for now.

On the suggestions:

I like the Pelt Collector!! Its cheap and it should be easy to "evolve", and trample is a nice addition as it also fits the theme of the deck. Thanks! I will pass on the Geist tho, I feel there are other better options.


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