The Things Venser hid in His Closet

Standard* thejadejedi


Second in FNM!! —July 21, 2012

Tonight there were 20 people signed up for FNM. My final score was 4-1 (losing only to the guy who placed first on my second round).

Round 1: BU Infect (2-1) This one was close. Game 1, I barely survived to cast Primal Surge and flipped my deck for the win. Game two I sided in my infect hate and sadly never saw my Slyvok Outcast at all. Oh well, near the end of game three, I had her, a flickering Acidic Slime and a few other smaller creatures ready to swing in for game (which is what I did).

Round 2: BGw Birthing Pod (2-0) This guy was a little slow at taking his turns, but I still like playing him. I believe his white was only for O-rings but I'm not sure. We even got into an o-ring war game two, but when I hit his third o-ring with an Acidic Slime, well, that ended that. (Which gave me back Venser which allowed me to bounce my slime again) Then I used Venser to the fullest and blew his lands, artifacts (Pod & Wurmcoil Pieces) and o-rings. There was nothing the poor guy could do.

Round 3: UG Pumpfect Defiance (1-2)...or maybe 0-2. I don't remember :/ Exactly like the douchbag deck that makes me hate infect. Blighted Agent and Artful Dodge is a sure way to keep everything from being blocked. I almost went all beat down on him but I was just a little slower :(

Round 4: GR Stuffy Doll (2-0) In all fairness, he got majorly land flooded. On turn 7 both games I would doubt if he had missed a single land drop. Game 1, he dropped a Tower of Calamities and Stuffy Doll. I then O-ringed the Doll and Acidic Slimed his tower. Game 2, Primeval Titan and Kessig Wolf Run won the day (also an honorable mention to Druids' Repository for the extra 6 mana to use on my Kessig pump.)

Round 5: Bg Exalted Infect Obliterator Milling Pod (2-1) This guy was undefeated until he faced me. It was pretty darn good I thought. He used a Birthing Pod to go from Phyrexian Crusader to Phyrexian Obliterator. I wasn't worried until on game 2, he swung with a 9/9 trampling Obliterator. I took one round of that and then died :( Game 3 was very close. He had a Vampire Nighthawk with Sword of Body and Mind. I was lucky and played a Thragtusk (which got promptly Murdered...but I still got 5 life and a beast token) and just kept drawing dudes. So that was really nice :) But he still almost won. The only reason I got its was because of the Kessig Wolf Run along with all my 2/2 guys :) I believe I had 2-VE, 2-SS, 2-BR and a BoP to chump block before I started dying.

AzrielBarakiel says... #1

1 of of Fervor or Urabrask, because when you primal urge, you want to win with it.

July 11, 2012 3:04 a.m.

AzrielBarakiel says... #2

Or a warstorm surge. because it does not check etb effects until the spells resolution. also, Surge in a flicker deck? sounds good to me.

July 11, 2012 3:06 a.m.

AzrielBarakiel says... #3

Also, your deck has no way to deal with torpor orb.

July 11, 2012 3:06 a.m.

AzrielBarakiel says... #4

Sylvok Replica might find its way into your sideboard?

July 11, 2012 3:08 a.m.

MTG_Player says... #5

Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip would help Moorland Haunt maybe? Ancient Grudge to destroy artifacts, and you have the ability to flashback it.

I would appreciate it if you could check out and comment on my decks.

July 11, 2012 11:38 a.m.

thejadejedi says... #6

Thank you very much for commenting (and the +1!)

@AzrielBarakiel, True, I have no way of dealing with torpor orb and I will most likely insert Sylvok Replica after my first week of FNM.

As for Urabrask, I've found that when I surge, I'm always getting the equivalent of 3-4 Acidic Slime s (via metamorph) and at least 3 flicker effects. (The would be 6-7 Lands destroyed.) If they can cast something after that, well, kudos to them! Besides, I always stop with anywhere from 5-10 cards left in my deck so I don't risk decking out.

My order for blowing up lands are White (To prevent a Day), Black (to stop the sun), and from there it's just a matter of what you've seen of their deck in an attempt to cripple them.

@MTG_Player, Well, Huntmaster is just a BIT out of my price range. I'm also not too sure on weather or not I'd even use him. If I used him, I'd have to focus my play style on flipping him rather than getting out my things.

As for Moorland Haunt , I'm not sure if my mana base could handle another colorless land. I guess it could but idk.

Ancient Grudge is really good, but I'm trying to keep my sideboard and mainboard to all permanent as to keep Primal Surge a deck flip.

Great ideas though and I appreciate each and every one. I'll check out both of your decks and see what I can do :)

July 11, 2012 6:27 p.m.

HoneyBadger says... #7

In the sideboard, I'd go -2 or 3 witchbane orb, +2 or 3 Oblivion Ring . You can use venser to reapply o-ring to something knew if a greater threat comes out, then maybe people will leave you alone about torpor orb (Flicker is really popular in my store and it is only gonna get worse with thragtusk coming out, so I actually sideboard 3 torpor orbs on Shere Khan eats Biscuits lol).

I'd probably go -1 or 2 conjurer's closet, +1 or two Mimic Vat . I swear, mimic vat is SOOO good in the current metagame. The closet is good, but only if your creatures are alive. Vs. control decks, with the vat out, they can't kill anything unless they want it coming back EVERY TURN- this kills monoblack control, which I feel is gonna rise after m13 hits (this also makes Thragtusk broken as hell, gain 5 life, bash in for 5, and get a 3/3 token). Having Phyrexian Metamorph exiled with the vat means you can get whatever the heck you want every turn. Mimic vat Acidic Slime , bye bye lands lol. Unlike the closet, you can steal opposing win conditions if you can kill them >:) Hell, just it's ability to exile things is incredibly useful. Tired or zombies? Mimic Vat .

I've played vs another bant flicker deck much like this one, but more control oriented- he ran Garruk Relentless  Flip to great effect. It'd be nice here too as it would let you fetch things the tracker can't such as stonehorn dignitary and thragtusk.

July 11, 2012 6:36 p.m.

thejadejedi says... #9

I really appreciate the help HoneyBadger it's great advise :) Starting with the o-ring, I never even thought of it and now it's in my sideboard.

Mimic Vat , I had considered that card for a little while, took it out because I found I always wanted another Closet instead. But when you put things that way, I think it might just make my opponents think twice about which of my artifacts to blow up. I took out my mb Zealous Conscripts and 1 Closet for two of those.

As for Garruk Relentless  Flip , the first reason I won't use it, is because I don't have the money to get a few of him (since I've got to buy 3 Thragtusks, 2 beast trackers...basically all M13 cards). I also don't really know how great he'd be. I know I could happily sac my Viridian Emissary , Solemn Simulacrum , a token, or even a Bird if I have plenty of mana, but I just don't always know who I'd go for. I find that rarely do I actually need a specific creature, but just a creatureor two with ETB effects. But He might be an add on for down the road.

What do you think about Warstorm Surge ? Is it simply trying to do too much for this deck?

July 12, 2012 10:23 p.m.

Geoxis says... #10

Warstorm Surge is a good card for this deck for the fact you have ramp with the ETB stuff ;D since you have blue mana and so many sick cards how about trying a Distant Memories or two? They cost 25cents on card kingdom also :D

July 13, 2012 1:34 a.m.

thejadejedi says... #11

Distant Memories would seem like a pretty good card except for two reasons. The biggest reason, Is because I'm trying to keep Primal Surge as effective as possible by running only permanents, and secondly (this reason is very minor) is that it has BB, which I'm trying to prevent needing two of any one color other than green. I don't want to have an issue with my color base. But if I find a really good card, I might just be willing to use a double mana color.

And yes, I think I'll have to add it in. I'm not sure now what to take out though. Hmm...

July 14, 2012 12:46 a.m.

thundernick says... #12

a hilarious addition to the sideboard would be Nevermore . it's sort of a noob card usually, but name Day of Judgment , Torpor Orb , Terminus , their artifact removal of choice, or, well, ANY card that's key to their deck beating yours, and you're absolutely set. i think it could actually be a very viable card! nobody would expect it at least :) +1!

July 14, 2012 2:25 a.m.

thejadejedi says... #13

Hmm...that's a good idea. I Hadn't thought of using Nevermore before now. I might have to just give it a try :) Thanks for the idea!

And does anyone see a card or two that just doesn't belong? his deck is currently ~65 cards and I don't know what to cut. I'm ok with running a 65 card deck, but if I can slim it down without hurting it, then I will. Much appricated :)

July 14, 2012 9:25 a.m.

thundernick says... #14

as much as i adore him, Champion of Lambholt sort of looks a bit out of place here. i see lots of potential synergy, but as a 2-of maybe it's just better to cut him? if surge goes off he's a bit superfluous anyway :P

July 14, 2012 2:47 p.m.

thejadejedi says... #15

I think you might be right. I had been thinking it but I also a lot of decks run tokens and such so that's a thought of mine to keep it in. I'll be thinking about it. But for now, It's cut. Thanks.

July 14, 2012 2:54 p.m.

HollowClyde says... #16

whats Mwonvuli Beast Tracker doing here? only thing you can fetch is Acidic Slime

July 14, 2012 5:55 p.m.

thundernick says... #17

yes but i think that card's at the heart of the deck, so he wants to hit that turn-4 slime whenever he can

July 15, 2012 3:36 p.m.

thejadejedi says... #18

Well, origionally I had Primeval Titan and also Soul of the Harvest both as one ofs. I could search them both up with him. But I was thinking that having three 6-drops might be too much, especially if I tie up a possible land draw with a prime Titan. Although, once I dropped my Titan, I never found a lack of mana. What do you think?

July 15, 2012 9:47 p.m.

HollowClyde says... #19

Use Sun Titan it will bring back your mana creatures for chump blocking.

July 15, 2012 9:56 p.m.

thundernick says... #20

can't tutor for sun titan tho

July 15, 2012 10:20 p.m.

thejadejedi says... #22

Also, since spirit tokens are pretty common at my local meta, using the beast tracker to search for the spider in my sideboard.

Hmm, Sun Titan might be a good card but I'm not too sure how effectively it would help. Most of my cards are over 3 mana though. But it's a good idea. Might be useful in preventing anything from happening to my card:Druids' Repository if they destroy it...but if I already have 6+ mana for the Titan, I should be good on mana.

July 15, 2012 11:55 p.m.