The Minefield: A Modern Artifact Recycler (T3 Win)

Modern DuTogira

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The Banning of Splinter Twin and Summer Bloom —Jan. 16, 2016

There are a couple of changes that are being made here, two as general performance improvements, and another two as reactions to the banning of aforementioned cards.

-1xArtificer's Intuition --> +1xTrinket Mage Mainboard
This gives me another 3CMC wincon without damaging consistency too much. It also provides a blocker, which I can't complain about. This change is purely for performance, and is credited to hubatish, as running Trinket Mage in place of Artificer's Intuition was his idea.

-1xShambling Vent --> +1xVault of the Archangel Mainboard
This one is partly in reaction to the bannings, and partly a performance change. Vault allows me to utilize cards like Pili-Pala and Hangarback Walker to turn otherwise non-threatening creatures into mini Wurmcoil Engines. Tron's increase in power level post bans cemented this change.

-2xMeddling Mage --> +2xCrumble to Dust Sideboard
This change is to combat Tron as it rises to power. Crumble is also useful against Bx Eldrazi, which should be getting more powerful post OGW, and is decent against BGx decks given their heavy reliance on fetch lands for color fixing.

The discussion is being reset again for clutter purposes.

DuTogira says... #1

The steam vents isn't bad. Although I think that profane is going to be better than any other 2 cmc wincon. I'll make the steam vents change and drop one island. Seems like I'll be going with the hangarbacks so far though :P

January 11, 2016 12:07 a.m.

Yep. I'd say 2 Hangarback is probably correct. Worst case scenario you have to fetch for it with Artificer's Intuition. I guess Profane Command is probably better than any other cmc=2 wincon because it can be used to stall and to try and go off when you're not comboing, which is super nice.

Try a 1-of Vents, and if it ends up costing you more life than you save in the relevant matchups, then cut it, but I do like its prospects against Merfolk and Zoo in particular.

Aurelia's Fury looks fantastic against a lot of decks though. Use it vs aggro pre-combo to tap down their creatures and even kill them on occasion to buy time. Use it pre-combo against control to ping them for 1. If they counter it, then they are much less likely to counter when you go for the combo that same turn making it more likely that you can go off. If they don't counter it, you're guaranteed to be able to combo off that turn (because no one plays creatures that are also counters). You can also just use it to burn them to the face when you go infinite, which is a good way to end the game.

January 11, 2016 12:24 a.m. Edited.

DuTogira says... #3

Profane command is still far more versatile than fury. I don't really need to stop my opponent from using counter magics because of the nature of the combo. So I would run another command before I considered fury.

January 11, 2016 12:36 a.m.

Makes a lot of sense. Command really is an all-star in here, so running 1 more should be pretty helpful.

January 11, 2016 12:40 a.m.

DuTogira says... #5

Running one more would be nice, but I'm starting to feel like hangarback does more for the deck's bad match ups than command does. I'm going to be running two of either the walker or the command... Just need to figure out which is worth the 2 of slot.

January 11, 2016 12:47 a.m.

hubatish says... #6

Love the use of Artificer's Intuition! Really looks like a great toolbox for it here, and kinda like a second build-around. Maybe add Thirst for Knowledge over some number of Muddle the Mixture/Perplex? I feel like blue artifact decks actually have some of the best card draw in Modern.

Also perhaps some Inquisitions/Thoughtseizes to beat out other combo decks?

January 11, 2016 4:20 p.m.

hubatish says... #7

On a second look, the deck is more all-in that I thought. Still, cool! maybe talk about Trinket Mage in the maybeboard as well?

January 11, 2016 4:21 p.m.

DuTogira says... #8

The problem with Trinket Mage is that even though he augments my Pillow-Fort aspect of the deck, he does nothing for the combo aspect.
The deck can be all in, but then so can Twin if you play it that way. This deck works much the same way.
Cantrips aren't something the deck really needs. It doesn't play to the long game because it's pillow-fort nature tends to lose there, unless against decks which recieve a massive amount of hate from teh pillow fort cards. In these cases, fetching them matters more than card advantage.

January 11, 2016 4:29 p.m.

DuTogira says... #9

Been thinking I might want to replace Meddling Mage with Tidehollow Sculler.
Meddling Mage has the advantage of nullifying all copies of one card, but does not guarantee that the card it nullifies is in my opponent's hand.
Tidehollow Sculler lets me see the opponent's hand, but loses to two-ofs. It also is guaranteed to have a relevant target, and as an artifact, it can be reclaimed with Academy Ruins, or pitched to Artificer's Intuition.

Seeing the opponent's hand is a very powerful thing for a deck that is combo centric and which runs such cards as Chalice of the Void. Thoughts on this anyone?

January 12, 2016 1:52 a.m.

DuTogira says... #10

nah nvm. Sculler is a bit better against the midrange lists, but I already board heavily for those match ups, and the sculler is far worse against those combo match-ups that meddling mage can really shine in. Sculler has his moments, but I would never board him in to take advantage of the fact for lack of things to board out.

January 12, 2016 2:43 a.m.

Adameus2012 says... #11

I made an esper control deck for FNM last week, was browsing through my cards and came across one I had previously overlooked for a long time. Telepathy. I kind of threw it in SB because I only had an hour or so before I had to leave, but when I got there I was VERY surprised at the crazy amount of advantage I had against almost all types of decks. No more tricks or surprises, and I always knew exactly which path I needed to take to victory. In sideboard you could play against almost any deck that would give you trouble.

January 12, 2016 9:22 a.m.

DuTogira says... #12

Telepathy is interesting. I mean knowledge definitely is power, especially with this deck. But telepathy doesn't DO anything. I don't think my list is so powerful it can afford to run a card like that.
I could also consider Vendilion Clique, but I don't think I would run that over meddling Mage either so... Mage it is for me, at least until they print something better for this deck.

January 12, 2016 3:26 p.m.

DuTogira says... #13

Infinite Obliteration, Athreos, God of Passage, and Mortify are all cards I am considering very loosely for the the deck.

Infinite Obliteration could replace Meddling Mage as a more permanent solution to certain... problems. Primeval Titan comes to mind, but decks like the new Bx Eldrazi wouldn't like it so much either. This one MIGHT be able to replace Meddling Mage, but it only hits creatures, while Meddling Mage can name cards like Stony Silence. I am skeptical of its superiority. Surgical Extraction might also work here, but is less useful against decks which play massive creatures (like Tron and Bx Eldrazi) since it only hits cards already in a graveyard.
Athreos, God of Passage punishes decks which are high on removal but low on enchantment hate. The BGx match-ups and UR/URx match-ups come to mind since I can vial him in, but I am unsure what I would take out to put him in, even if he were just a sideboard card. He does not guarantee recursion of creatures, but could allow me a rather sneaky non infinite win with Profane Command. The other problem is that Athreos does not win me the game when I stick him, and I could really use some 3 CMC card that combines with infinite mana to win me the game, but is still useful even if I don't have infinite mana. Staff of Domination and Blue Sun's Zenith do not count here. I don't think there is room for him, but of all cards I have the most hope for Athreos.
Mortify is a card that I am not quite sure how to fit in, but it's ability to destroy enchantments could be very useful against cards like Stony Silence. I don't think I will find room for it.
Thoughts on any of these?

January 12, 2016 6:43 p.m. Edited.

DuTogira says... #14

Also thinking about turning the sideboard Artificer's Intuition into an Auriok Salvagers since the salvagers are a very powerful tool for maintaining a presence in the long game.

January 12, 2016 7:27 p.m.

DuTogira says... #15

Ok, so I am making that sideboard Auriok Salvagers change. Salvagers improves my BGx match-ups, hatebears, lantern control, eldrazi control (given that I board in Leyline of Sanctity), Twin, and Collected Chord match-ups. That's 35% of the meta that Auriok is superior to Intuition against.
Intuition is better against Bloom titan, grixis control, jeskai control, living end, ad nauseam, storm, and scapeshift. That's 14% of the meta that the sideboard Intuition is concievably better against.

The math on that means that Salvagers should be a better sideboard card in 21% of all match-ups, and most of the match-ups that salvagers improves are the ones that my deck could most use help against anyway. So there is my reasoning, and why I am making the switch.

January 12, 2016 8 p.m.

Okay, first I'm going to bring up an overarching problem I've started to notice, then I'll address the cards you're considering individually.

One thing I am worried about for this deck is that it has a lot of mana sinks, and I'm not only referring to the combo pieces. Artificer's Intuition, Chalice of the Void, Engineered Explosives, Hangarback, and others too. What doesn't get better with a lot more mana put into it, cantrips into another mana sink. Basically, I think you need more early efficient interaction. Whether this is a big problem or just the way this deck runs, I'm not really sure, but I have to imagine that running Path to Exile or Inquisition of Kozilek will improve the deck in the early game.

Infinite Obliteration is 3 mana, compared to 2 for Meddling Mage. It only hits creatures, whereas Mage can name Stony Silence. I guess it doesn't die to removal, but Mage will buy some time at a minimum, which is all you really need. I don't think it's particularly useful for this deck.

Athreos is definitely not what you want. You're a combo deck - they'll just pay the life because it doesn't really matter. It also doesn't have any power or toughness unless you have 7 devotion, which won't happen. It honestly just doesn't do anything for you.

Mortify isn't terrible, but Path to Exile will always be a better choice. When you path a creature, the mana they gain will (almost) never do more damage than the creature that you killed would have done with a less efficient spell. Even if Mortify hits Leyline of Sanctity and Stony Silence, I think you'll always have a better way to spend your 3 mana. I guess sideboard it could be pretty good, which is where you were thinking about playing it, but definitely do not mainboard it.

Salvagers switch makes sense.

January 12, 2016 9:08 p.m.

DuTogira says... #17

I guess I could replace Gitaxian Probe with Thoughtseize, but that is nearly the limit of what I think this deck can afford to do. Turn 1 hand disruption means I will probably be going fetch into shock (if I just grab a swamp it really hurts me trying to consistently get UU by t3) which brings me to 17, 15 if I use Thoughtseize which I would to combat tron and Bx eldrazi.
The reason why I don't worry too much about having all these mana sinks is that they all handle my opponent's early game relatively well. I suppose Thoughtseize could heavily benefit that line of play but... I don't know how much health I can afford to lose on T1 to my own deck.
I'll have to test that particular change tomorrow morning.
Short of also dropping Serum Visions (which I am not in favor of) I don't think there is room for any more hand disruption.

January 13, 2016 2:35 a.m.

DuTogira says... #18

The deck also just isn't going to have amazingly efficient early game. The spellbombs and the explosives are about the limit of that, barring the aforementioned change. Most decks forgoe putting early pressure on you in order to deal with Pili-Pala though, and it isn't on you to play reactively. Your opponent won't kill you on turn 3 (if he can chalice usually blows him out anyway). Reacting in the early game is the opponent's job.
That said, I realize that even after mulligans, bad hands can happen, and that some hand disruption would probably go a long way to improving those poor hands. I'm just not sure it's needed, especially since being able to probe and play Serum Visions in the same turn is quite powerful. It's also easier on my mana base.
Again, I guess testing will have to be the judge. I'm not sure how well I can goldfish this idea.

January 13, 2016 2:50 a.m.

Hmmm. Good point. I don't see what to cut, but I would try to include 2 Inquisition of Kozilek or Thoughtseize. This deck is somewhat weak to opposing hand disruption, and just using yours to pick theirs out of their hand is very effective

January 13, 2016 8:05 a.m.

If you find the life loss from Thoughtseize to be too damaging against aggro, Inquisition of Kozilek hits everything relevant I think, so it's what I run.

Otherwise, compared to Probe, it also allows you to see your opponent's hand, breaks even in card advantage, can't be cast for free, but it can remove game-ending threats before they happen, so I think it's a fine swap. The information was what make Probe so good, so being able to de-sculpt your opponent's hand is pretty nice.

Seize requires careful play though. Some matchups you'll be better off using it to clear the way before you combo off rather than jam it through turn 1 to see what's up. Especially post-board, you have to be very smart while using it. GBx wants to jam it through turn 1 every time because it exists only to throw a wrench in the opponent's plan because by turn 5, their cards will be better regardless. Here, you have a combo to protect and different things matter in your opponent's deck, so play it carefully. Do make sure you don't hold on to seize and then get blown out by the Stony Silence in their opening hand, because that would be unfortunate, but I think you get the idea by now.

I think you can safely turn 1 Seize into a second Profane Command, but only if you think you need it. It might not be necessary, but you should definitely consider it. You don't rely on Seize as a primary form of interaction, but rather a way to answer some tricky cards in key matchups, so cutting down to 2 won't be the end of the world.

That got pretty long winded, but I'm tired and don't have the energy to make it look pretty. Just my thoughts right now. Deck looks great! Love the alters!

January 13, 2016 10:57 p.m.

DuTogira says... #21

The reason for seize is that it can take care of some of the higher costed threats like tasigur, Karn, Keranos, ulamog, etc that this deck simply cannot handle otherwise. Inquisition would be preferable, but no other forced discard spell at 1 can handle those high costed cards that my deck cannot otherwise handle. Yes seize hurts a bit more, but in match-ups where that matters it can always be boarded out in favor of Leyline.

January 13, 2016 11:15 p.m.

Makes sense. Any thoughts on possibly dropping 1 Seize for 1 more Command? Your call on that one because I have no idea which is the better option.

January 13, 2016 11:39 p.m.

Adameus2012 says... #23

People forget about blackmail. By the time you would have to deal with a bigger threat, they more than likely would have exhausted their hand to the point where this would be great. Perhaps not against all decks, but chances are good than in a matchup where you care that much about the 2 life from thoughtseize, those are the types of matchups where the number of cards in their hamd should be close to ideal.

January 13, 2016 11:58 p.m.

DuTogira says... #24

A second command won't happen prior to an instant speed wincon. Having intuition means I don't want another 2cmc wincon honestly.
Thing is, i don't want a second staff, don't really want BSZ back... And there are no other worthy 3 cmc wincons.
As for blackmail, it fails to let me see the opponent's full hand, so that one won't happen.
I'm thinking thoughtseize is fine, since it is decent in all match ups and lets me know what I'm playing against.

January 14, 2016 12:05 a.m.

To be honest, I think the list is done. It looks really rock-solid. Er, metal-solid?

Unfortunately you're the only person capable of building the sideboard, but it looks pretty good too. I think you're ready! The one thing I haven't considered is if there is anything worthwhile in Oath, but I kinda doubt it.

January 14, 2016 12:13 a.m.