Thantis Political Slaughterhouse

Commander / EDH Vile-Wesker


Nominae says... #1

Hey, if you're looking for big beaters, you can look at eldrazis with Artisan of Kozilek.. In jund, you can have Kresh the Bloodbraided, Butcher of Malakir, Corpsejack Menace works with your commander and kresh.. Prossh, Skyraider of Kher Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar Protean Hulk, Combustible Gearhulk Verdurous Gearhulk Noxious Gearhulk.. Hornet Queen can make your ennemies attack into 1/1 deathtouch which is fun There's a lot of dragons stuff such as Hellkite Overlord, Hellkite Tyrant, Bogardan Hellkite Dragonlord Atarka..

There's some big stuff lovers such as Spearbreaker Behemoth, Genesis Hydra..

For big green stuff and ramp, you can look at my

Nissa, vastwood commander

Duel Commander* Nominae


Maybe some of those cards cost a lil' bit over 5$, i'm not sure on some prices, but I'll look for cards that benefits always having to attack or always be attacked from now on, and I might get back to you ! Good luck on your deck, Thantis seems really fun !

September 26, 2018 12:38 p.m.

Vile-Wesker says... #2

@NominaeThanks for your reply. Lots of cool beaters in that bunch. I'm especially fond of Genesis Hydra in there and Combustible Gearhulk for either draw or damage. Been looking at the Hornet Queen while testing I found doing 3 dedication has been troublesome for my Tempo with this deck at times. Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar Would bring a lot of hurt in this deck as having 6 to 8 lands at turn 5 isn't strange in this deck.

As to the others they sure look great for in the deck but their bodies seem to be easily dealt with assuming I have to fight with them I generally want big bad beaters. The bigger they are the more they need to trade for getting rid of them.

September 26, 2018 3:37 p.m.

Nominae says... #3

Then you can look at invicible stuff, you won't have to care about them dying fighting Darksteel Colossus Myojin of Life's Web Predator Ooze Soul of New Phyrexia Stonehoof Chieftain are pretty fun and/or beefy creatures, with Asceticism to protect them from other spells

September 26, 2018 3:58 p.m. Edited.

Nominae says... #4

Also, Triumph of the Hordes is great in your deck, but it might not be fun for you opponents.

September 26, 2018 4 p.m.

Vile-Wesker says... #5

@Nominae My local playgroup/friends don't play infect or Eldrazi's due their cheesyness.

September 26, 2018 4:27 p.m.

Nominae says... #6

You won't have to break your bank for a Blightsteel Colossus then, but the other invincible stuff I linked shouldn't be fun breakers.. i thought of another thing to help Thantis : Dolmen Gate or Winds of Qal Sisma to make all of your creatures invicible for a turn, or maybe Tanglesap + Nylea, God of the Hunt

Tangle can leave you an open door to the an opponent face

i've never seen this commander but I'm starting to really like it !

September 26, 2018 8 p.m.

Vile-Wesker says... #7

@Nominae Winds of Qal Sisma is already in there. Nylea, God of the Hunt Is pretty damn good with all the beaters in the deck. 6/6 and being indistructable herself is damn fine for only . Tangle looks pretty damn strong as well. And I'd def replace Winds of Qal Sisma for it just have to hope I can find it somewhere.

Too bad Dolmen Gate is outside of our budget rules. I'd have included it for sure else. But I'm most of all looking for political interaction for this deck. Instead of sitting in my lil corner crafting a win as I do with all my other decks I want this one to be as interactive as possible for the whole table.

September 27, 2018 3:04 p.m.

Vincentc1 says... #8

Vile-Wesker, nice deck I like the Revel in Riches in here, have it win you a game before ? Overall, how's your deck perform and what is your meta ? I would love to play cards like Bitter Feud,Sower of Discord,Avatar of Slaughter, but it always end up being a situation where suddenly I have two opponents and the third one just stay there as a spectator and laught seeing the ennemy smash me... hahaha. Does that situation happened to you once ?

Do you fell like sometimes you need more than 2 boardwipes or if creature just massively dies to combat ? And is there a lot of target removal in your games ? Cause I love to Golgari Charm my creatures from nowhere or even if it's from another deck that needs a little bit protection, Heroic Intervention all my permanent in play in response to mass boardwipes. At least it save me from one of the many everyone play. Heroic Intervention is a little higer than 5, but is an amazing response to keep for the late game when you are one turn away from winning. The other card is just nice flexibility for response to terrible enchantment, wipe plants token of whatever token my enemy have and mostly, protect my dudes. Good work and thank for the suggestion the card is already in the deck !!

October 19, 2018 9:52 a.m.

Vile-Wesker says... #9

Vincentc1 I've won quite a couple games through Revel in Riches especially if you count in the times where it manafixed me and or allowed me to play something I else couldn't have payed for. The biggest surprise in the deck has been Dragonlair Spider for me though. Getting those 1/1 blockers each time and opponent casts a spell is just insane for this deck. I liked the look of Golgari Charm and Heroic Intervention I'll side board em and test it out. Been kinda looking for Fogs with an Edge and these sure look like they'd do that.

I have multiple playgroups, this deck is more for at the kitchentable with beers n friends. I got 3 decks that are somewhat too solid to play after a bunch of beers because of how competitive they can be and just demolish themed decks.

Marchesa, the Black Rose EDH, Hentai, the Corrupted ReAnime.tor and The Scorpion God makes minds Rot. are my more feared decks. And I generally like to play something more lighthearted after I do a match with one of those. This deck being one of those more lighthearted ones. I also have another with Xenagos, God of Revels as commander. Wich basically lets me punch one person out of the game and then I get hated out of the game. This one I play more politically as I just keep cursing the player that is just then winning at the time making people incentivised to attack em. Or I give away other goodies like Humble Defector.

October 19, 2018 2:20 p.m.

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