
Instant (6)

Sorcery (3)

Enchantment (4)

Creature (2)


This deck is based off the Startling tutelage Deck built by Jaxis, taking into account several recommendations from commentators on the deck. To see the original go here:

Many of the descriptions I use here are his descriptions, though I've added more notes in too.

The idea of the original deck was to lock the opponent down and mill them to death with Sphinx's Tutelage. This deck adds in another win condition that synergizes will with the enchantment focus: Sigil of the Empty Throne.

To quote Jaxis:


"The ratio of enchantments to enchantment hate in the current Standard. Dromoka's Command is staying in, and it doesn't target enchantments. We will have to worry about a couple of new cards that do, but the balance is definitely in favor of an enchantment-heavy deck.

In contrast, creature hate in Standard is very real. There are board wipes aplenty, including Languish and Planar Outburst. Having zero creatures in the deck (unless you count Persistent Nightmare Flip, which can't be countered) makes all these cards effectively dead. The more dead draws our opponent has, the better for us."


Spinx's Tutelage : Every time you draw a card (and there's lots of drawing to be had here), you mill your opponent for 2, and if they are both nonland cards that share a color, they get hit again. Some cards in the deck will allow for 6 cards to be milled, even if none of them share a color.

Sigil of the Empty Throne: A key feature of this deck variant is the Sigil. More for late game, this enchantment adds more value to playing your draw and removal enchantments later in the game. A 4/4 flyers is fantastic for closing out a game quickly and provides another viable win condition for your deck should milling not be enough. Multiple sigils can also be played and stack like how Sphinx's Tutelage can, albeit if you're at the point when two Sigils can come out, the game has already gone on fairly long.

Quarantine Field: Shuffling Planar Cleansing to the sideboard to bring this in the mainboard. This spell acts as a more target boardwipe that synergizes well with the Sigils. More importantly, you can slam this down and target anything your opponent has out, a key creature, an enchantment, an artifact or a planeswalker. It also has the added bonus of coming in later and not wiping out your angels if your opponent can flood out his board. This card will likely be one of the ones switched out with the sideboard the most (to bring in the Planar Outbusts if your opponent is running a creature heavy deck).

Immolating Glare Another change from the original deck. This takes the place of Suppression Bonds (now in sideboard) as an instant speed removal to protect you from attackers. While the Bonds had better synergy with the Sigil, the cheaper cost of this removal allows for enough flexibility in the game to warrant the change. Apart from Stasis Snare, there really isn't any other instant removal in this deck and a cheap removal effect like this is applicable against a number of decks (it helps pick off cheap attackers from aggro decks for a lower mana cost, or it can take down bigger creatures from Midrange or Ramp Decks). Its also easier to fire off earlier game and helps lower the overall mana curve of the deck.

Oath of Jace: This allows you to draw 3 and both have a discard element. Helps for filtering, and mills 6 if Tutelage is out. With multiple tutelage, this effect increases even more so.

Starfield of Nyx : Mostly to fetch Enchantments from the graveyard. If nothing else, you can fetch Oath of Jace for more drawing/milling without having to cast anything. Getting an army of enchantment creatures is a bonus, but not one this deck is looking for.

Startled Awake   Flip : Technically a non-creature, but having the opportunity to bring it back as a skulking Persistent Nightmare Flip is truly scary. With all the milling Tutelage is going to do, I expect this to be a finisher without having to rely on Nightmare shenanigans. The flip effect also adds an (expensive) repeatable clause for this card, which in the long game can be a boon.

Vessel of Paramnesia : Milling 3 for 3 and drawing a card isn't optimal, but could be interesting. This is mostly here for an early-game sacrificial lamb against Dromoka's Command, if you don't want to sacrifice a Pacifism. Late game this helps also act as a cheap ennoblement for Sigil, to jam out a 4/4 angel.

Declaration in Stone This card offers some premier removal. It can boardwipe tokens and it can neutralize graveyard strategies. While sorcery speed stinks, at the same time this removal will have relevance at any point in the game. A one off spot removal or a potential sweep of multiple copies. While giving the other player clue tokens might not work well, at the same time, that just means he can empty his deck faster.

Stasis Snare/Pacifism: Key removal that also enables the Sigil.


Planar Outburst: Good for sweeps, this can help if the enemy is flooding the board or if they have lots of Hexproof critters. Swaps in for Quarantine Field usually.

Negate, Ojutai's Command : Different counters for different situations. Negate will protect our enchantments from counter/hate magic and Command will protect from endgame bombs like Ulamog and Avacyn... hopefully.

Orbs of Warding: Good for in case burn decks or other targeted effect decks come into play.

Sphinx of the Final Word: If a creature is needed to beat down, this guy can do it. Against other controlling decks, he can help close things out and avoid getting tagged with almost any removal (bar wrath effects).

Suppression Bonds: If more removal or enchantment enablement is needed, this card can help.

Silkwrap One extra one incase extra cheap removal is needed.


Silkwrap + Starfield of Nyx : Gets around Hexproof because the creature isn't targeted. Works with Suppression Bonds as well. This can also apply with Stasis Snare as well.

Oath of Jace + Sphinx's Tutelage + Starfield of Nyx: If Oath is on the battlefield AND in the graveyard (shouldn't be difficult) bring the Oath back each turn to draw 3 cards, mill for 6 or more and then discard 2 cards.

Sigil of the Empty Throne + ANY ENCHANTMENT:

While it won't come online until Turn 5 earliest, this enchantment really helps make the deck. Once it hits the field, any further enchantment you play gains additional value. Removal adds a creature. Card draw adds a creature, Starfield brings an enchantment back? BAM one more creature! And these are 4/4 evasive creatures. They demand action from my opponent, but its going to take real removal to get them. And with the Sigil I'll always have a source for them.

That's the long and short of it, feel free to critique and advise. Also be sure to pop over to see the original deck too if you'd like. Credit again goes to Jaxis for the original idea.

Edits Cards being moved out:

Vessel of Paramnesia : Milling 3 for 3 and drawing a card isn't optimal, but could be interesting. This is mostly here for an early-game sacrificial lamb against Dromoka's Command, if you don't want to sacrifice a Pacifism. Late game this helps also act as a cheap ennoblement for Sigil, to jam out a 4/4 angel.

That all being said though, slotting this out for Declaration in Stone has helped the deck run a bit smoother. While I am sacrificing a potential Angel/Mill outlet, in return I'm gaining removal which can prevent graveyard interactions and can also allow me to cheaply remove multiple creatures.

Forgotten Creation I tried to work with this (hand dumping and redrawing sounded like gravy with the milling aspects of this deck. Unfortunately through play testing I often found that I often either didn't want to dump my hand or I didn't have enough in my hand to make it worthwhile. In addition, being your only non-token creature makes it an easy target for removal (especially since this deck has no negates in the main board). Dropping him for the Declaration in Stone felt better.


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Playing on MTGO I was a little behind on my list. Port Town and Declaration of Stone were hard to come by so I ended up just running extra plains and islands (though I got the Declarations). I also forgot to get the Quarantine Fields so I ended up just running the Planar Outbursts instead in the main deck. I also took out Pour over the Pages and put in Catalog to give me instant speed card draw.

Findings so far are somewhat mixed. This deck can put in a solid performance, but there are definitely some archetypes its struggles against.

B/R Devoid was the archetypes that this deck struggled with the most. Duress and Transgress the Mind were common in those decks and combine with Thought-Knot Seer created potent early game hand hate which really neutralized some of the early power of this deck. By being able to pull out removals, my opponents were able to consistently field their tougher creatures and batter me down. The Though-Knot Seer especially proved menacing, which I could usually remove them after a turn or two, that was still 4 to 8 life I would usually be down and I'd also have lost a card before I could use it and by the time I could get the Starfield up and running to get enchantments back, it was usually too late.

R/G Decks also posed a bit of problem. While I could usually hold off against those a bit easier, assuming I could stay on top of my removal, I've been finding that Chandra, Flamecaller is the card that has killed my deck more than any other card (though Thought-Knot Seer is a close second). Not having my Quarantine Fields hurt this weekend. Relying only on Suppression Bonds (side boarding in) I found that even with drawing large numbers of cards I had difficulties finding the solution to Chandra in time, her ability to hit for 6 life with those elementals is brutal. Often since I'd already taken some damage in the early game from smaller beaters, the turn Chandra appeared I usually died.

So for discovering weaknesses this weekend, I've learned that hand hate and planeswalkers are the two most dangerous things facing my deck so far.

To counter the later, I'm now more certain that bringing in the Quarantine Fields on the mainboard and side boarding the Planar Outburst is a good idea. In some games, the Outbursts have just been dead in my hand, the opponent either has no creatures and planes walkers, or just one creatures that was really annoying. While some boardwipes were in order, I'm finding that Declaration in Stone is a much cheaper solution. Against aggro decks its fantastic as I've usually been able to sack multiples of my opponents creatures and against decks that swarm tokens it effectively is a board-wipe at two mana. Giving clues to my opponents hasn't given me too much grief in games, since emptying their deck is one of my win conditions and more often I've been relieved to see them spending a turn to draw an extra card or two.

In addition, the Quarantine Fields should give me a response to Virulent Plague, which has been a common card sideboarded in against me. Not only does this allow my angels to come in at full strength, the Field also acts as an enabler for Sigil.

Against hand hate though, I'm not sure if there are new cards I can bring in to effectively counter that. So far, the only real strategy I've found to be effective is to use one of my draw cards Oath of Jace, Catalog) to grab more cards to hopefully replace the card I lost. I'll need to run some more testing to figure this one out.

I'm also getting some Port Towns for this week. While running normal lands hasn't hurt this deck too bad, once in a while I've found myself wishing one of my mana was a white mana in game since most of my removal depends on casting white. It's my hope that having more versatile mana will help smooth out the occasional hiccups.

With all that critique out of the way, for the good news, I've been finding that against W/G Decks, this deck has had some (not always) success. When I can survive to turn 7 or 8, my win percentage has gone up significantly. That early game is the most crucial though, if I can't get enough removal early on, then I've found that I get slaughtered (Tireless Trackers, Sylvan Advocates and Thalia's Lieutenants have formed brutal combos against me). Ironically, Declarations of Stone have been my best defense early on, since I'm usually able to wipe out half their Tireless Trackers early on (leaving all those clues, but no one to be pumped by them). Silk Wraps help neutralize early beaters as well (especially Sylvan Advocate).

W/U Humans and some Bant decks I've had similar successes against, surviving the early game has allowed me to control the later game. Knight of the White Orchid and Consul's Lieutenants are tough beaters, but with enough removal, I've consistently been able to keep them at bay long enough for my mill and angels to come online. Dromoka's Command with decks running Green is a worry, but I've not been hit enough by that card. Funnily enough, the mill's by Spinx's Tutelage usually ends up dumping one or two command in the graveyard.

All in all, this deck has been fun to run, but it still needs some work. I'm considering bringing in Jace, Unraveler of Secrets for more consistent card draw and extra removal, but figuring out where to slot him in to and what to remove is difficult.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 2 Mythic Rares

18 - 5 Rares

17 - 1 Uncommons

8 - 7 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.91
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Clue
Folders SOI rotation in, Standard mill ideas
Ignored suggestions
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