Insane Spellslinger (Turn 3 win)

Modern* Grimgrinner


thewyzman says... #1

Correct me if I'm wrong:

Kiln Fiend (T2) + Armed (+3/+0, +1/+1, d/s) + Artful Dodge (+3/+0, unblockable) = makes Fiend a 7/2 (?) with double strike, so 14 damage is not lethal?

I'm going to assume you have max 3 mana on T3 (which all was spent on the above combo).

Turn 4 I could see the lethal combo if you add in, say, a Lightning Bolt ... Then Fiend would be 10/2 with double strike, effectively dealing 20 damage + 3 to whatever from the bolt.

I had someone beat me last rotation with a Nivix Cyclops on T5. Rather frustrating from such a low budget deck. Gotta love it! +1 for it.

December 12, 2013 3:20 p.m.

Grimgrinner says... #2

With Kiln Fiend on the field, Gitaxian Probe (pay the phyrexian mana for 2 life. i also can see their hand to make sure the combo is safe) makes it a 4/2, Artful Dodge makes it a 7/2, and Armed makes it an 11/3 with double strike.

I had a typo on Gitaxian Probe in the description, so it wasn't showing. Any questions?

December 16, 2013 1:19 p.m.

NateJH says... #3

Why no Mutagenic Growth ?

March 10, 2014 6:54 p.m.

Grimgrinner says... #4

To be honest, I hadn't even thought of it. That's some pretty sick combo potential there, gotta admit. My only problem is that every card in my deck so far already performs essential roles. My only 3x is Faithless Looting . I

Mutagenic Growth certainly has good combo potential here, but my problem is that this is a combo deck that needs to find its pieces fast, and that card doesn't draw. Perhaps i can sideboard it in somehow, but honestly i have no idea what i'd take out for it.

March 10, 2014 7:08 p.m.

Hidden Strings is a card to consider. It can be a free sorcery to buff your Kiln Fiend by untapping the lands you used to spend it. It can also tap potential blockers for Kiln Fiend assuming that you don't have Artful Dodge . Also, since this deck always has you going ham with all your instants and sorceries to buff, Hidden Strings' cipher ability (which will probably always trigger because of 4 Artful Dodge + tapping creatures with Hidden Strings) will leave you with 2 open mana for casting more creatures, or more importantly, to Mana Leak and Vapor Snag to dave your own creatures . I also suggest Nivmagus Elemental because of the fact that you'll always have instants and sorceries in your graveyard and you can constantly buff it. Also, it's a U/R one drop that gets buffed permanently. It gives the deck a way to utilize all those spells that are in the graveyard.

March 11, 2014 3:33 p.m.

Grimgrinner says... #6

Mana Leak and Vapor Snag are to be used against the opponent, to counter their creatures, or threatening spells, or what have you. Vapor Snag in particular is a great tempo spell. I like to reffer to it as the "Blue Murder ". It deals with all sorts of creatures, notably Tarmogoyf . It does tend to get sideboarded out a bit though. As to mana leak, general purpose counter spells are always relevant.

As to Hidden Strings , yes it's a "free" cast, and I can tap their dudes, but I used to run a similar deck to this in Standard (being based off Nivix Cyclops and Guttersnipe ) and that card felt weak in that build. In fact, I ran Inaction Injunction over it. Cantripping is pretty important to a deck like this, and hidden strings just isn't as good as anything else in the slot.

Nivmagus Elemental Isn't a bad option here. I'd either have to cut out some instant's / sorceriers for it, or cut a creature, probably Delver of Secrets  Flip . One thing that hurts using it though is that the spells don't resolve as you exile them. It was good enough in the standard build to cast spells just for the trigger, but I'd have to rely on a bunch of one-drops to make it work here.

March 11, 2014 8:22 p.m.

Alright, I see the issue with Nivmagus Elemental . You'd be losing spells anyway to flashback.

Another suggestion of mine is Assault Strobe . I see that it's in your maybeboard but I believe it's a super absolute must for this deck and that you should definitely make space for it. With 4 Assault Strobe , you can win on turn 3 or 4 with Kiln Fiend or Nivix Cyclops very easily.

An example of an early win:T2 Kiln Fiend , T3 Assault Strobe , Artful Dodge , Flashback Artful Dodge , swing for lethal on T3.

What's scary with the situation above is that you only needed 2 cards to win. In fact, Assault Strobe works perfect in this deck because it exponentially multiplies the buff to Kiln Fiend and Nivix Cyclops , and at 1 cmc, it leaves you open with a lot of mana to cast your other 1 cmc spells (not to mention the fact that you have a ton of 1cmc spells). Doing the math, if you have a card that gives double strike, you only need 2 other instant/sorcery spellcasts in order to swing for lethal, which means that most of the time, you'd need only 3 mana to kill the opponent which is pretty damn frightening. Also, even without the support of other instants, 1 Assault Strobe immediately puts 8 damage on the table, and that's just from 1 red mana. Not only does it put a lot of cheap and early damage, it gives you a lot of damage potential late game and a way to deal damage even through blockers. And at 1 cmc, I definitely think it deserves a spot in your deck.

And yes, +1. :) My friend is starting out and he's looking for a budget deck, and I may just suggest it to him because it's potent and fun as heck.

March 12, 2014 12:57 a.m.

Grimgrinner says... #8

Thanks for all the feedback! The reason that Armed / Dangerous was in was because I'm fairly new to the modern format. I didn't know that Assault Strobe existed. When I discovered it, I threw it on the maybeboard for so i didnt foreget. Turns out yes, t3 win is still totally viable with Assault Strobe ! Yay!

If your friend wants to play this deck, I have a few cautions for him; First is that the deck desperately needs Scalding Tarn , or at least a fetchland of any color that can grab Steam Vents ( Arid Mesa is a bit cheaper i believe). I was even considering adding in 2x Street Wraith for deck thinning.

Second is that this deck, while it can win quite quickly and reliably (before they can stabilize) it's also quite easy to shut down. You never, ever, ever want to swing in for your 20 while they have certain mana open, such as Path to Exile , or Lightning Bolt in the case of kiln fiend. The cyclops is a bit tougher, but he still dies to Dismember . If he's ok with the whole "explosive victory or miserable failure" kind of deck, then go ahead!

March 12, 2014 2:54 a.m.

Maybe sideboard in some Mizzium Skin ?

Also, most of the time our playgroup is just a bunch of friends so we'll probably just let him proxy the expensive lands. A budget and fun balls to the wall deck like this would be a nice introduction for him to Magic.

March 12, 2014 4:50 a.m.

nolio36 says... #10

I run a Pauper deck similar to this....sooo fun, doesn't make many friends when it comes out tho....+1

March 12, 2014 11:59 a.m.

nolio36 says... #11

consider Ponder for that awesome first turn card.

March 12, 2014 12:02 p.m.

nolio36 says... #12

I guess it would have to be a casual deck at that point...just checked the banned list

March 12, 2014 12:04 p.m.

Grimgrinner says... #13

Ponder is fantastic! So fantastic that it's banned in Modern :P

(I think most of the reason was to slow down combo decks, and also because Snapcaster Mage is a thing. Preordain was banned for the same reason).

Serum Visions is pretty much the best cantrip left in the format, but it's going for about $6 as a common. Not sure if i want to add that or not.

March 12, 2014 12:09 p.m.

byepolarbear says... #14

100% Manamorphose imo, bonkers in combo decks =-) Cantrip and basically free = win!

March 13, 2014 7:55 p.m.

Twanicus says... #15

Ponder is banned in modern, but Index is a decent substitute. I have a very similar deck i run, and i believe Mizzium Skin is a four of mainboard must. There is so much efficient removal in modern at turn three, and keeping one blue open while swinging for 14-16 unblockable is a beautiful choice to give them. Do they go down to 4, or risk a removal knowing that the answer you may or may not have will make it lethal. Izzet mind games, baby. Also consider Wee Dragonauts and Guttersnipe main board in case the game goes longer than turn 4. :)

March 15, 2014 3:45 p.m.

unholycookies says... #16

Should look into Spell Snare . A lot of cards in modern happen to be two drops.

March 17, 2014 1:46 a.m.

mathimus55 says... #17

Since you're basically running a critter based storm deck, maybe replace Lightning Bolt with Grapeshot ? Spreads your removal out way better and potential to go off in a big way

March 17, 2014 2:08 a.m.

unholycookies says... #18

He can't grapeshot it. No mana ramp and no card draw. You'll be hard pressed to do more than 4.

March 17, 2014 2:46 a.m.

A_Magikarp says... #20

Dragon Mantle is another cantrip that could be useful just in case things go passed turn 3; an Assault Strobe would just double it's value! Although, maybe as an enchantment, it'd just slow the deck down.. (I'm not too big on competitive modern)

Anyway, +1 from me!

March 20, 2014 3:15 a.m.

ynottry says... #21

Manamorphose is a must like bypolarbear said, it allows you to turn 3 (with kiln fiend on the board) Manamorphose -Assault Strobe - Artful Dodge for 20 unblockable at the cost of only 2 mana meaning you have a free mana to cast Mizzium Skin or Dispel ! Another suggestion would be Distortion Strike > Artful Dodge if you can keep your guys on the board, because it rebounds itself for free next upkeep and makes kiln fiend a 5 power unblockable for 1 two turns in a row, its mainly a preference thing either one will work I just prefer the Distortion Strike

March 20, 2014 7:41 a.m.

GamerSonX says... #23

thewyzman you are forgetting to flashback the Artful Dodge

March 20, 2014 7:12 p.m.

GamerSonX says... #24

thewyzman you also are not using the right combo in your question.

March 20, 2014 7:13 p.m.

seakeal says... #25

Add Fling

March 20, 2014 11:29 p.m.

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