Butcher of the Horde is the Beast and the Ultimate Sac outlet for your deck. Feed him right and you'll see your opponent sighing across the board.
Nantuko Husk provides you with so much value when sacing your own creature, you can practically swing in and sac as accordingly. We all know how much of a bad ass this guy is when played correctly.
Bloodsoaked Champion lives to die. This guy right here is you recyclable sac target. Every time you swing with an attack, you can buy him back with just . When you have enough mana on your board, you can bring him back consistently on the stack and sacing him again and again for both Butcher of the Horde and Nantuko Husk. There are cases where you can litterally sac bloodsoaked for 4-5 times and have a oversized Nantuko Husk. Beyond the exceptional sacing ability, Bloadsoaked Champion is a turn 2 beater and being able to bring itself back provide constant pressure on the enemy board. This guy just does everything we want from a aristocrat deck.IMMORTALITY!
Zulaport Cutthroat. This guy makes removal terrible for your opponent, and makes your sacing insane. Remember when you can effectively sac your Bloodsoaked Champion 4-5 times? Well, this guy right here just gives you 5 life and made the other your opponent slam his palm on his/her face after losing 5 life. This guy practically hurts your opponent just by sitting here while you do your stuff. Nantuko Husk, Butcher of the Horde, Altar's Reap and Bone Splinters provides so much value if you have Zulaport Cutthroat on the board. This is literally hurting em for every move you make.
Hangarback Walker is the embodiment of value. Replace this over carrier thrall simply base on the fact you get a lot more value over time. The 1/1 flyers works wonder and really well with Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury. You can sac the token more effectively with Hangarback Walker and this capitalize on Zulaport Cuthroat effectiveness. play test has shown that I could deal 15 life loss with 2 Zulaport Cuthroat and Nantuko Husk on the board with a Hangarback Walker with 5 counters on it.
Vile Aggregate is pretty peculiar. Yes, the deck can flood the board with good amount of creatures and yes it does work pretty well with Vile Aggregate ability. But really, 3 mana, 5 toughness. It stops a god damn Siege Rhino or a Tasigur, the Golden Fang. The trample is super relevant when trying to squeeze in damage and this card serves as a alternate play when you can't find Butcher of the Horde or Nantuko Husk.
Wingmate Roc is your one-off beater. I would had preferred at least 2 of this flying crazies, but I'm not willing to skim on land nor the rest of the spells. So far, 1 is enough.
Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury is your second 5 mana beater. Was considering adding a second Wingmate Roc but felt this card might do better. It gives my creature on my board a huge amount of boost and with the 1/1 thopters, this card shines really well.