Rotwidow Pack

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Rotwidow Pack

Creature — Spider


, Exile a creature card from your graveyard: Create a 1/2 green Spider creature token with reach, then each opponent loses 1 life for each Spider you control.

lhetrick13 on

2 years ago

Kazierts - You definitely went full jank! As the deck is, in Modern I feel like this is a struggle offense...With a average CMC of >4.0 and not many cards to disrupt your opponent or even interact with their board, I feel like your spiders are going to get squashed more often than not.

Despite my initial bleak forecast, I feel like Nyx Weaver might have some merit in this deck. It feels like you are trying to get some cards in your graveyard fast to power up things like Unholy Heat. Nyx Weaver aids with that and keeps the spider "tribe" feel. Chainweb Aracnir is a suggestion for lowering the manna curve. Its ability to be recast from the grave is a bonus if you get into a dogfight. Rotwidow Pack again hits on the theme of getting cards into the graveyard and has a nice "tribal" feel to it. Arasta of the Endless Web might be nice to run a few copies of just to aid in getting some bodies out on the field if your opponent loves to play spells.

In terms of support, Swarmyard could be helpful to keep some of those heavy hitting spiders on the board if you could swing it. Running tri-colors is tough though with utility lands added in. Spider Spawning is not good but it is an option as well.

Good luck and happy brewing!

Housegheist on So Many Spiders

2 years ago

Some spider suggestions:

Llanowar Greenwidow, Oran-Rief Recluse, Glowstone Recluse, Sentinel Spider, Sweet-Gum Recluse, Hatchery Spider, Doom Weaver, Obelisk Spider, Rotwidow Pack

Spider-Support: Curse of Clinging Webs, Eaten by Spiders, Hidden Spider, Spider Umbra, Webspinner Cuff

Bramble Sovereign could produce Spider Copy-tokens on etb. If you plan playing 3 colours… Thantis, the Warweaver?

And… what about Lolth, Spider Queen?

Edit: with 3.3 cmc, you have a pretty low landcount. I would cut some non-creature-spells

TheVectornaut on Red/Green Starter

3 years ago

This is truly a mishmash, but out of all your creatures the ones that jump out at me are the disproportionately high number of spiders. Spider tribal could be an interesting direction to move the deck in, although switching to Golgari or at least Jund would probably be necessary. Black gives you access to graveyard interaction that benefits cards like Hatchery Spider while also having a fair number of good spider cards. Some modern options for such a deck are Arasta of the Endless Web, Graverobber Spider, Ishkanah, Grafwidow, Nyx Weaver, Rotwidow Pack, Chainweb Aracnir, Twin-Silk Spider, Spider Spawning, Blex, Vexing Pest  Flip, Renowned Weaver, Metallic Mimic, Adaptive Automaton, Obelisk of Urd, and Coat of Arms.

If you are more interested in staying red, one option is to focus on your combat tricks with cards that like being targeted. Silverfur Partisan and Zada, Hedron Grinder are a great pair for such a deck. Cheap buffs with bonus effects like Confront the Unknown and Expedite work well in such a shell, as do cards that care about having many creatures like Might of the Masses.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Afraid of Spiders? Better run.

5 years ago

MurrSheep: Thanks for the upvote and the comment. Regarding your suggestions: Hidden Spider is interesting, but it's hard to find room for a one-drop that doesn't me help me get delirium online by itself. It's still definitely worth remembering. I recently kicked Penumbra Spider for Rotwidow Pack. While the former has better stats, the latter can help me win the game. So I'll pass there.

Bringiton4 on Spider Tribe

5 years ago

Updated: added 2x Rotwidow Pack and one Hatchery Spider to make it work with the graveyard a bit more as a lot of cards end up there with Nyx Weaver

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