Dauthi Marauder

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Dauthi Marauder

Creature — Dauthi Minion

Shadow (This creature can block or be blocked by only creatures with shadow.)

DreadKhan on Korvold Sacrifice

2 years ago

I assume you're trying to keep this on a lower budget, so this post will lean into cards that are cheaper, probably ~$5 or less. I feel like something like Pawn of Ulamog, or Sifter of Skulls, or even Ogre Slumlord? Bodies off of creatures dying that can also die is pretty on theme.

A great source of fodder can be Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder, but if you play anything too big he'll just die. You really want some infinite and free sac outlets if you use him, but there are a few of those around that aren't too costly, including Viscera Seer, Carrion Feeder, Woe Strider, and Sadistic Hypnotist. There is also Dimir House Guard, which can also serve as a tutor for anything that's 4 mana if you already have better sac outlets on board. Another creature that interacts fairly well with your Commander is Prossh, Skyraider of Kher, who can make some bodies for you/provides a free sac outlet.

Not sure how often you attack, but Jolene, the Plunder Queen, Grim Hireling and Professional Face-Breaker can all generate treasures for you to sacrifice as needed. These are good cards with creatures that are hard to block, such as Shadow creatures, though Gruul has no Shadows afaik and Black has mostly Dauthi that aged poorly and the pricey Dauthi Voidwalker, I have been known to run Dauthi Slayer and Dauthi Marauder here and there, Dauthi Horror is also reasonably cost effective in it's own way. There are a few more out there if you like the concept of creatures that can't block or be blocked.

You might like Mimic Vat, the bodies can be useful while having some synergy with the Commander.

Since Korvold can easily get over 10 power and has evasion, have you considered Tainted Strike to help him one-shot people? 10 Infect damage kills any opponent, regardless of life total. Also good with a Trample source obviously, Garruk's Uprising, Primal Rage (or Rancor?) or Blossoming Bogbeast are all affordable and playable sources. Obviously not important if people rarely run fliers in your area.

I could point out some good candidates for replacement in your list if you'd like.

Hope some of this is helpful!

mal099 on Orzhov Infinite life combo pauper

5 years ago

Guardian of the Guildpact is both very hard to block and very hard to kill. Another wincon might be using an unblockable creature like Tormented Soul or Dauthi Marauder together with Phyresis , just to make sure you kill your opponent even if they can get life every turn too.

The main issue is that all of these can be countered, but there's not much that can be done about that.

HalbrechtHalbrecht on Death in the Shadows

6 years ago

First off, love this deck! You got a +1 from me! I've always been attracted to Shadow as a mechanic, but I've never gotten around to delving into it too much.

I like Dauthi Mercenary * better than Dauthi Marauder . Both are 3-drops with shadow, but while the Marauder starts out with one more power, the Mercenary has the potential to be pumped up higher, especially if you have a Dark Ritual and nothing else to play with it. It's a good late-game mana sink when you've run out of cards in hand (and considering your curve is so low, I imagine that that's easy to do).

* T/O claims that Dauthi Mercenary isn't pauper legal, but Scryfall disagrees, because it's a common on the MTGO-only set Vintage Masters. From my understanding, MTGO legality is currently also used for paper pauper.

Another card that scales for the late game is Endless Scream . Maybe try a 1-of?

I also like Infernal Scarring , probably in place of Predator's Gambit . It's 1 more mana, but Gambit's toughness boost and Intimidate are irrelevant, whereas the death-trigger card draw makes the creature a less attractive target for removal, while being a much better target for your own Rite of Consumption .

Alternatively, have you considered equipment as well as auras? The only one I'd suggest is Bonesplitter (in place of Predator's Gambit ). Sure, it costs 1 more mana for the very first time, but against a removal- / bounce-heavy deck, it'll be way better in the long run. You won't get 2-for-1-ed then, and subsequent re-equips are just as cheap as Gambit.

mal099 on $10 Shadow Pauper

6 years ago

Pretty similar to my own shadow deck, you may want to compare for ideas! :D

Specifically, Edge of Divinity has some alternatives that are strictly better for this deck, like Predator's Gambit . Molting Snakeskin might also be a nice alternative. I also removed Bonesplitter and Dauthi Marauder for being too expensive, but all alternatives for the latter are easier to block.

ClockworkSwordfish on Shadows (Legacy Budget)

6 years ago

I think you're a little light on creatures. You might want to run Dauthi Marauder over Scare Tactics, which requires you're attacking with at least three creatures for it to be worthwhile. Even then, it has the same effect as Bump in the Night , which doesn't need any creatures to work.

Some other ideas:

Dowsing Dagger  Flip gives your opponent two useless creatures that can't block any of your guys, meaning it will immediately flip.

Dauthi Trapper or Dauthi Embrace plus Dauthi Cutthroat is removal every turn.

Lashwrithe will be a little pricey at four mana, but it's a huge boost that should close out the game quickly.