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Woeful Win-mill *Standard Sultai*

Standard BUG (Sultai)



The solitary goal of this deck is to have my opponent struggle ceaselessly and feed me zombies. Ideally at some point during the match, with no cards in hand and their will broken by the sheer mass of their discard pile, my opponent embraces the loss and reaches a moment of zen. Sort of like this:

Spin those arms to salute your milling master!

disclaimerI started playing magic a few weeks ago but since I've played 4 competitive matches, listened to maybe 30 hours of mtg-related podcasts, and read 2 articles about mtg I think I'm qualified to say this may be

the greatest deck of all-time!

This deck was originally based around more blue shenanigans but after my first FNM 0-4 record I have taken out some holes in the strategy ( Force Away without a 4/4 card in deck, Stubborn Denial without a 4/4 in the deck Sultai Ascendancy on turn 3 without a creature on the board etc.)

This new deck should be as timeless and extraordinary as the eponymous Chartreuse Liqueur. So welcome to the mountain top and drink down the sweet elixir of success.

D-d-double Disclaimer I realize I don't know everything so that's why I bring my ideas to you; the helpful, loving and encouraging nerdy niche of the internet.

I welcome any suggestions/constructive criticism and if you like the premise of my first spike/serious deck please show me some love :)

......anyway, enjoy the build!

Altar of the Brood - Play this turn 1, start the mill

Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver - Turn 3 continue to disrupt/mill/winning game card

Empty the Pits - Great card late game after self milling and gets Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver and Liliana Vess some protection

Hero's Downfall - I got trounced by Planeswalkers in my first FNM, so I have invested in some answers

Icefeather Aven - Good card/low cost, flyer utility, board stall + morph is nifty!

Liliana Vess -I'm trying to win the game with graveyards, and she is the lady to do it. Disrupt/feed Waste Not

Rakshasa Deathdealer - My best drop because he just goes and goes. If I miss a land drop/ mill myself out of serious synergy this guy comes through as an offensive and defensive powerhouse with just 2 mana up

Necropolis Fiend - More graveyard utility against creature heavy deck and some aerial offense early with Taigam's Scheming

Rakshasa's Secret - more disrupt and feeding Waste Not and Sidisi, Brood Tyrant

Rattleclaw Mystic - Mana Ramp/Morph funsies

Ruthless Ripper - quick cheap damage with morph/subterfuge and a good blocker

Sidisi, Brood Tyrant - I like Zombies/Tokens

Taigam's Scheming - Ive found this card helps with planning my next turn/playing the ashiok mirror/using it feed my graveyard cards/making turn 3 Rakshasa's Secret a safe(r) play.

Mind Rot gives another discard/disrupt option for Liliana Vess to pull from and Mind Rot + Waste Not can be a great combo to get more mana to play with or a zombie if my opponent doesn't pay attention.

Murderous Cut - Good removal, with taigam's secret it can be on the cheap/ and with 3-4 cards in the graveyard it is threatening enough where they may wait to cast their bomb creature until they have an answer

Despise - Because I cant afford Thoughtseize yet *edit I splurged for 2, & I am getting 2 more next week :) cause my opponent shouldn't get to keep cards.

So key combos: Rakshasa's Secret + Taigam's Scheming Rakshasa's Secret + Waste Not Liliana Vess + Waste Not Altar of the Brood + Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver Thoughtseize + Waste Not

all of which disrupt severely, generate offense from zombies or available mana, or gaining control of opponents creatures, the other way I win would just be smash Rakshasa Deathdealer and Icefeather Aven into their face.


Negate To slow the burn deck/walkers deck

Waste Not - switch them in with the extra seize for more control/disrupt of their game plan and creating more offensive options

Empty the Pits - Against the blue player who thought I only had 1

Sultai Charm looking for a great use for this, getting rid of courser, drawing & discarding into a zombie.

Drown in Sorrow depending on the next fnm I may put another out to stop the bum rush

Reclamation Sage - Artifact/enchantment removal

Thoughtseize - tis the season to be seizing

Treasure Cruise - ..This card...

Tormod's Crypt - Maybe they like being milled... but that ain't the way this deck makes gumbo. Exile that pile!

My dream is not just to win but to form friendly/competitive bonds. At the end of a match, my opponent and I shake hands like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Carl Weathers in Predator, flexing hard as shit. My new best friend/sworn nemesis looks me in the eye and says " You could be my wingman anytime" Then I hop on the back of their motorcycle and we ride off into the sunset, where the trail of our tail lamps and my free-flowing tears glitter in the light of a ruddy orange dusk letting onlookers know:

We are Magic!


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years
Key combos

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 2 Mythic Rares

23 - 1 Rares

14 - 8 Uncommons

6 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.85
Tokens Morph 2/2 C, Zombie 2/2 B
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