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Orzhov Heroic Humans





This is the standard deck i might run post rotation. Black and white have some powerful auras and heroics right now, so I decided to make a deck around it.

The Creatures:

Fabled Hero can win the game pretty damn fast with enough auras. Agent of the Fates is my main source of removal, and he's very efficient. Xathrid Necromancer is so good against removal with all my powerhouse creatures being humans.

The other spells

Gift of Orzhova provides lifelink, evasion, and devotion. Sweet. This deck can really abuse Ethereal Armor to epic proportions, so a playset is needed. Gods Willing is in there for the heroic and to help against the influx of removal BOTG has brought into the metagame. Spiteful Returned really helps get damage through, even if I play him as a creature. Herald of Torment makes my creatures very beefy and is a great flyer on his own. Lastly, Orzhov Charm provides removal, reanimation, and even saves a creature with a heroic trigger.


Blood Baron of Vizkopa is so good against other black or white decks. Even though he can't be enchanted, he's worth siding in against those matchups, as they will probably have him too. There are a lot of decks that are vulnerable to Obzedat, Ghost Council, and I have had much success with him in my orzhov midrange deck. Fiendslayer Paladin and Lifebane Zombie are the black and white hate cards in m14, probably the best sideboard cards. Pithing Needle gets rid of planeswalkers, Maze's End, and a whole bunch of other things. Sin Collector is a human and is awesome against control, could be in the mainboard. Dark Betrayal is for those pesky Desecration Demons. Revoke Existence is for gods.

A final note: I would totally add Brimaz, King of Oreskos in there, but I'm certainly not going to buy him and probably won't be able to trade for him, let alone get him in a pack, so that's not very feasible right now. This deck seems like it will be fun to play, and any suggestions are welcome!


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changed the deck based on cards i actually have. Its a bit more aggro now.


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 2 Mythic Rares

25 - 9 Rares

8 - 3 Uncommons

9 - 1 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.19
Tokens Cat 2/2 W, Soldier 1/1 W, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders White/Black, Orzhov
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