Isshin, Two Heavens As One - Eiganjo Uprising v1.3

Commander / EDH KBK7101


Massive first update and Happy New Year! —Dec. 30, 2022

OUT - Velomachus Lorehold, Falconer Adept, Dockside Chef, Laelia the Blade Reforged, Slumbering Dragon, Pugnacious Pugilist, Peerless Samurai, Akki Ronin, The Restoration of Eiganjo, Gift of Estates, Blood Reckoning, Damnable Pact, Sign in Blood, Read the Bones, Sigil of Valor, Mind Stone, Scoured Barrens, Bloodfell Caves, Castle Ardenvale

IN - Kaya Geist Hunter, Purphoros God of the Forge, Iroas God of Victory, Herald of the Host, Skyknight Vanguard, Hammers of Moradin, Mardu Strike Leader, Signal Pest, Welcoming Vampire, Tocasia's Welcome, Plumb the Forbidden, Deadly Dispute, Orzhov Signet, Rakdos Signet, Boros Signet, Arid Mesa, Exotic Orchard, Sulfurous Springs, Slayers' Stronghold

Phew. That update was a bit bigger than I anticipated, but hopefully the deck runs a bit smoother now. Cut a bunch of the bulk stuff I filled the deck out with to hit the original 100 cards, some of the higher costed token generators and the one time use draw spells. Also cut Velomachus Lorehold because, sadly, the quality of the instants/sorceries he could hit wasn't all that great.

The new token generators and card draw effects should help the deck run a lot close to what I want it to look like. Particularly excited about Kaya, Purphoros and Hammers of Moradin! Also added in a few lands and Signets to up the manabase a little bit. 33 lands was a bit light. Would love to still find space for the cards listed under the "Candidates for next update" section of the maybeboard, if possible...

In any event, happy new year everyone! Hope 2023 brings us some great expansions and precons!

KBK7101 says... #1

Crow-Umbra This is my Isshin deck I mentioned. Would love if you could take a look at it at some point and offer some advice.


December 23, 2022 1:53 p.m.

Crow_Umbra says... #2

Hi KBK7101, I think your deck looks pretty solid to start off. I do have some suggestions on cards I think you can eventually upgrade. First few cuts I think you can make safely are:

  • Sigil of Valor, Akki Ronin, Peerless Samurai - These can likely be cut since they only care about a singular Samurai, Warrior, or Creature attacking alone, and I think that goes against the Go-Wide token theme you want to implement.

  • Slumbering Dragon, Blood Reckoning, & Search the Premises - These are for sure meta calls. I cut Pillow Fort effects from my deck because my play group would remove Isshin, then tank through standard triggers, or they'd leave me alone, and I wouldn't get any of the benefits. Your mileage may vary depending on your meta.

  • Velomachus Lorehold Maybe. Mostly because they look for Instants and Sorceries. I do like that they have Haste, so you don't have to wait. Ultimately up to you.

I think all of the stuff in your maybe-board could be swapped in pretty safely. Hopefully once Commissar Severina Raine and Inquisitorial Rosette get some In-Universe printings, you can add them to your consideration.

I'd also highly suggest Plumb the Forbidden, Deadly Dispute, and maaaaybe Liliana's Standard Bearer as some more potential draw options in a token strategy.

Both Purphoros, God of the Forge and Mishra, Claimed by Gix  Meld are excellent damage finishers in a token strat (but are definitely expensive upgrades).

December 23, 2022 2:20 p.m.

Crow_Umbra says... #3

I almost forgot, but I'd recommend checking out Ardoz, Cobbler of War, Fervor, and Ogre Battledriver as a mix and match package of Haste and Damage buffs. Ardoz and Battledriver both beef up tokens when they ETB, even if they enter tapped and attacking.

Signal Pest and Legion Loyalist are both strong 1 drops with cool anthem effects.

Additional potential upgrades to bolster your board protection could be Reconnaissance, Dolmen Gate, and/or Iroas, God of Victory. They're also in the Expensive Upgrades category for sure, but make a big difference in swinging away. I'm always happy to see at least one of these three in my first couple draws. If you feel that you don't need them for your meta, then no worries.

From my own experiences, it helps to have a variety of board protection effects to keep your aggro pressure strong, but keeps your defenses strong as well. Brave the Sands is another personal favorite of mine, especially when in rebuild mode after a wipe. Helps make the board "wider".

Transmogrant's Crown is a slightly worse Skullclamp that could be another draw option for the deck.

Sorry to overwhelm you with suggestions. I think you have a variety of options to select from. Ultimately what matters most is that it's fun for you to play and can put up a decent fight in your play groups.

December 23, 2022 2:33 p.m.

KBK7101 says... #4

Thanks for all the suggestions! I have a few of the cards you mentioned, so I'll see if I can find them and add them in soon. I also love how you immediately picked out all of the "I just need to hit 100 so I'll toss these random cards in there" cards in the first paragraph. lol

Thoughts on Kaya, Geist Hunter and, once it eventually gets reprinted, Anointed Procession?

December 23, 2022 3:46 p.m.

Crow_Umbra says... #5

No worries KBK7101. Any time people write Primers I try to check them out for additional context.

I haven't play tested either of those cards for Isshin, but I have for a Ratadrabik of Urborg deck I was brewing. I'd say test out Kaya first, since she isn't too expensive to pick up. She has the death touch anthem, which is cool.

If you feel like your token production is lacking, I'd try at least Kaya first. Sometimes one explosive turn is all you need.

December 23, 2022 4:55 p.m.

KBK7101 says... #6

I actually already have a copy of both of them. Got some other cards I think I can shift around to fit into here, too, like Iroas, God of Victory, Savai Triome and Reconnaissance. I also just ordered a handful of the ones that I don't have on hand. I might update the deck next week sometime, depending on how things go.

Thanks again!

December 23, 2022 8:01 p.m.

Last_Laugh says... #7

Nice start. I have a few suggestions for you. I'll try to keep things budget(ish) friendly and break it down by category.

Card Draw: Breena, the Demagogue, Karazikar, the Eye Tyrant, and Emberwilde Captain are all budget friendly AND good card draw here. Plumb the Forbidden in your maybeboard I can't recommend enough.

Pumps: Soltari Champion and Shared Animosity are excellent here. Shared Animosity will make just 4 matching tokens into 7/1's on attack... and it snowballs from there. Divine Visitation I guess goes in this category and is well worth a slot with this much token production.

Tokens: Launch the Fleet is something I've added recently to my own list. Good results so far but I've only seen it twice lol.

Finishers: Commissar Severina Raine and Brutal Hordechief will end people. Devilish Valet doesn't have an attack trigger but just 6 tokens entering makes him 64 power and 10 tokens is 1024 power. He WILL 1 shot at least 1 person out of nowhere.

Haste: Ogre Battledriver giving haste and pumping your tapped and attacking tokens works really well here.

Feel free to check out my list for ideas. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Isshin - Army of Darkness

December 27, 2022 1:31 p.m.

Last_Laugh says... #8

Oh, and Vault of the Archangel deserves a spot.

December 27, 2022 1:47 p.m.

KBK7101 says... #9

Soltari Champion and Shared Animosity are great! Never thought about those two. Pretty sure I have animosity around somewhere, too. Totally forgot about Divine Visitation. Ogre Battledriver, Brutal Hordechief and Vault of the Archangel are definitely going on the maybeboard, as well.

Gonna have to pass on Commissar Severina Raine, sadly, due to my immense dislike of crossover cards. Maybe I'll add her in if they ever print an in-universe version, but I don't think that'll happen.


December 27, 2022 2:41 p.m.