Village Elder

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Village Elder

Creature — Human Druid

{{G}}, Tap, Sacrifice a Forest: Regenerate target creature.

goldlion on Yarok, Landlubber

4 years ago

If thematic is what you're looking for, I dug into my old Gitrog deck and found Fortitude and Village Elder.

I'd also recommend considering Emergence Zone and Elvish Reclaimer as possible includes.

Maybe even Expedition Map if you have some land combos that are important?

Have you considered Mystic Sanctuary?

eyes2sky on eyes2sky

6 years ago

Flooremoji I have tried to use Village Elder in two sacrafice based decks: Jackie Treehorn's Logjammin' and BloodGaea'r '99, in both cases the Elder didn't make the cut. I do use the Elder in an EDH deck though: This Land Is My Land.

Flooremoji on eyes2sky

6 years ago

Hey, do you think Village Elder could be good in pauper?

Podkomorka on Hallar, the Firefletcher | Pauper EDH

6 years ago

I like what I see so far. The land count seems right. I see many staples that I'd like to see. I'd like to see Path of Ancestry, Darksteel Pendant, Reclaim, Entourage of Trest, Mutant's Prey, Hunt the Weak, the two green cycle lands, Explorer's Scope, Village Elder, Crown-Hunter Hireling.

To make room I would look at the following to take out: Sizzle, Welder Automaton, Wrap in Vigor, Withstand Death, Blinding Fog, Jolrael's Favor, Nature's Panoply, Might Beyond Reason, Saddleback Lagac, Dragonscale Boon.

It's always nice to see new faces in our community :) Welcome!

eyes2sky on Dark Hearts

6 years ago

Nice idea using Dark Heart of the Wood...if your'e playing it in paper, then it's legal to use so long as your playgroup/venue allows. If your'e interested in land sac then this guy might be of interest: Village Elder, he can save some of your big guys from removal. If you are trying to go the Delve route you will need a lot more ways to fill the graveyard. While I love Pulse of Murasa, a better option would be Grapple with the Past. Take a look at this delve deck I run to get an idea of how many spells are devoted to filling the graveyard: Eye D-Bug.

eyes2sky on Vitamins P, D & H

7 years ago

Some other ideas: Pulse of Murasa instead of Stream of Life and for some added protection for your commander: Village Elder (combo's nicely with Pulse of Murasa)

GimmeTheSucc on Omnath is Disgruntled

7 years ago

Hi JumboCommander love your channel and love this deck. What do you think of Dragon Broodmother as an additional sax outlet? She's a very strong card by herself and can potentially be explosive with Omnath on the board. I previously included Thunderfoot Baloth but am curious about Soulbright Flamekin. It works even if Omnath is not in play and has the potential to generate a substantial amount of mana on top of the already high levels of ramp. Lastly, instead of Sylvan Safekeeper I substituted Village Elder which similarly protects your creatures. I'm running a more budgeted list with Steely Resolve and still wanted some regeneration action. Thanks again for this guide and the inspiration to build this commander!