Mishra's Bauble

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Mishra's Bauble


, Sacrifice this: Look at the top card of target player's library. Draw a card at the beginning of the next turn's upkeep.

LampeShades on Beastmode

3 weeks ago

Considering -1 Land, -1 Temur Battle Rage, and -2 Questing Beast (move to sideboard), +4 Mishra's Bauble > to increase likelihood of triggering delirium on Fear of Missing Out.

maybe a Ragavan or two in the mix??

Andramalech on Kuroikage

1 month ago

Bookrook I've been waiting to add it as a one of for the list at the barem8nimum, because it could be so useful! Especially since I think Urza's Saga would fetch it, so if I run Mishra's Bauble then it might have some kind of utility. Will see what's up!

Cloudy2024 on Kuroikage

2 months ago

really nice deck. I have a similar one to it and I use Mishra's Bauble which really helps the Nethergoyf to get bigger faster.

wallisface on Rakdos Speed Aggro

2 months ago

Some thoughts:

  • Dreadhorde Butcher is a very decent Rakdos aggro creature. Monastery Swiftspear also feels like a must.

  • I don’t think either if the auras are worth it, they’re too likely to allow the opponent to 2-for-1 you with a killspell and immediately lose you the game through lost tempo.

  • Fear of Missing Out is better than all your current 2-mana creatures and could lead to some really powerful turn-3 wins provided you can adjust the deck to reliably have delerium (playsets of Mishra's Bauble, Street Wraith could help with this. Ideally you'd also want Bloodstained Mire but I get that’s $$$).

capwner on Molten Opals

2 months ago

I did a bit of mulligan testing between 64 and 61 card versions of this deck. I found the 64 card version with 4 Ghost Quarter / 4 Mishra's Bauble / 4 Thoughtcast performs slightly more consistently in terms of the likelihood of getting a functional opening hand. The results from 100 simulated game 1 openers show this:

64 card: Keep 7 x78 / Keep 6 x15 / Keep 5 x6 / Keep <5 x1

61 card: Keep 7 x69 / Keep 6 x27 / Keep 5 x4 / Keep <5 x0

This is a subtle difference but it suggests the increased number of GQ and Mishra's helps to smooth out manafixing issues in opening hands. My subjective assessment was also that the 64 card version had higher quality openers on the whole. For this reason I have updated the list to reflect this change, and I also added a 1-of Urza, Lord High Artificerfoil because he seems cool.

Xica on Gleeful Reveler 2024 dec

2 months ago

The idea with the deck was to play cards that cannot be efficiently answered. If opponent spends 3-4 mana to clean up tokens generated from my spell costing thats enough of a win for me, to be worth it.

Thats why you can observe an utter lack of creatures without relevant triggered abilities in the deck. Bedlam Reveler is a "draw 3" card that dodges Force of Negation, which sometimes also endd up becoming a sizeable attacker - but thats just a bonus. Same goes for Clockwork Percussionist. Its mainly there to act as copies 5, 6, 7, 8 of Experimental Synthesizer

...well sweepers aint bad, as opponent tapping out for a sweeper means no Flare of Denial, and allows me to deal damage directly to face.

And well leyline of combustion is much more than just "possible tech against bowmasters, lava dart, W6".
For decks that can burn out the opponent, its one of the most universal hatecards.
It hits lots of combo decks, and pretty much all non-counterspell interactons.
Good against mill.
Good against targeted discard
Good against prowess, burn, phoenix
Often deals significant damage to unexpected players running Mishra's Bauble
Protect from opposing land destruction in eldrazi decks
Punishes activation of lotsa walkers
Creates downsides for enchantment based removal spells

capwner on Amalia and Her Loyal Lurrus

3 months ago

I've played against Amalia she's super strong, basically giving an aristocrats/drain deck a voltron finisher. This list looks well put together for a fairly budget deck, you have all the good lifegain/token cards to make her tick and some good protection. The only thing I can think of is to add more stuff that Lurrus can abuse, cards like Mishra's Bauble, Benevolent Bodyguard, maybe even totem armor cards like Dog Umbra. With the power to regenerate your board with Lurrus, you could maybe run a few more wraths too! White Sun's Twilight seems like a great fit to me.

DreadKhan on Muldrotha Mill

4 months ago

Any reason you're not running land ramp effects? This is the most resilient form of ramp in Commander, very few decks target lands. There are permanents you can recast, like Wayfarer's Bauble, Sakura-Tribe Elder, Dawntreader Elk, Diligent Farmhand, Wight of the Reliquary, maybe Path of Annihilation? There is always Wood Elves and it's ilk. I feel like you could shave a few lands for land ramp effects, it's a good way to test them out and see if you enjoy the acceleration vs drawing so many lands.

You should also look at cards that help 'grease the wheels' of the deck, things like Llanowar Visionary and Elvish Visionary offer a body while drawing a card, and fwiw later on if you have nothing better to do you can just draw a card via Muldrotha. On that note, you might like small permanents that draw, there is trusty old Urza's Baublefoil, as well as Mishra's Bauble, if you don't run many artifacts then you should use these as good recast targets. Technically the info can be useful, but you mostly want them for free card draw.

I don't know if they're strong enough for your meta, but I used to love the old Seal of Removal family cards when I wanted small Enchantments. The others that might apply are Seal of Primordium and Seal of Doom, Doom is a lot of mana, but repeatable Artifact/Enchantment hate can be pretty helpful.

If you want to mill yourself you might like Altar of Dementia. This Altar can also be a wincon with a big enough creature, like Lord of Extinction or Consuming Aberration, or if you have a big enough board of smaller stuff. It's especially useful if people are going to hit you with a Farewell, this can let your creatures go to the graveyard for recursion while also milling someone (maybe you, maybe an opponent).

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