Longbow Archer

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Longbow Archer

Creature — Human Soldier Archer

First strike; reach (This creature can block creatures with flying.)

carpecanum on Unicorn's Army

2 years ago

Presence of Gond combos with Famished Paladin or Lurking Roper as long as you have one of your 1 life creature etb guys out. Infinite life, elves and counters if your boss is also on board

There are a few more lands that give you life when they hit the board

Paradise Plume, Pristine Talisman

OK, as far as cards to cut : Shield Dancer, Longbow Archer, Gavony Trapper, Songstitcher and both the creatures that let your opponents draw cards.

king0fclubs on Steal From the Rich, Give to the Poor

4 years ago

Things I like:

I think it is a good idea that you have a good number of things to dissuade being attacked. Propaganda effects will be big for keeping people off your back.

The Sabotage section seems solid and you should be able to put the pressure on the problem player as needed.

Treasure Nabber is a great ramp card for this deck and with the bonus of being able redistribute afterward, should be solid.

Starke of Rath-I've always been curious to see him at work and he will be interesting here. Might need to be careful how you use him, but as far as removal goes, the guy is going to kill a fair bit of stuff, should be fun.

Smothering Tithe-great way to get tokens to give away and perfectly on theme! Only shame is they go away once used so it won't help your permanent count too much, but people are probably only going to use them when they really need them so who knows.

Humble Defector-Great card draw especially if you can work out a deal with whoever you give it to. Overall, I think you are going to be able dig pretty deep into your deck which is always nice.

Things I'd replace:

Pride Guardian-likely only going to get you 3 health and die, not particularly worth a slot

Viridian Longbow-a good card in a combo deck but i don't think you will get much from it here, a lot of man to equip makes it tough to use well

Goldmeadow Dodger-not likely going to impact things much

Longbow Archer-not likely going to impact things much

Reckless Cohort-this guy is gonna get himself killed or get someone mad at you

Somberwald Vigilante-not likely going to impact things much

Felidar Sovereign-Sovereign is interesting, I haven't seen it ever win someone the game, but I have seen it turn everyone at the table against the player. The other side (and this is probaby personal preference) is it might feel a little anticlimactic winning this way, but again I've never seen it. I'd say try it out and see how you feel though, it is 100% a legitimate way to win especially in a Zedruu deck

Sword of Vengeance-Not sure on this one. The stats it gives are good, but I don't think there are ton of creatures in your deck that will use it super effectively. The highest power you have right now is 3 I think, so at most they are going to be 5 power, which isn't bad but compared to some of the things they will be up against. However it is hard to know what things you are going to be taking, so maybe it will come in handy. Might need to playtest.


Sol Ring-it is too good to ignore. Between Zedruu eating 3 mana with that ability and some of your cards hitting 7 CMC you are going to want this extra 2 mana.

Illusionist's Bracers-when equipped to Zedruu you can give away double the stuff. Also works with Bazaar Trader, Humble Defector (you get 2 cards when your opponent uses it too!), Starke of Rath

Chromatic Lantern-having the right colors will be important to using zedruu's abilities and this will free you up from having to worry about that too much

Cultural Exchange-a pretty quick way to re-balance the board, pricey manawise but pretty worth it, especially if you use it give your opponent a ton of things you own (for the same amount of mana Zedruu can only give away two things. If you do this for even 3 creatures are being more effecient and it is a decent jump up for your next Zedruu draw/lifegain)

Well of Lost Dreams-Double the number of cards you get on your Zedruu upkeep effect.

Cradle of Vitality-Put the lifegain to work to make your creatures increasingly large each turn.

Debt of Loyalty-not the best way to take control of things but not a terrible one either especially for only 3 mana.

Blatant Thievery-expensive but you get the best stuff the table has

Chamber of Manipulation-I like this on because for the cost of one mana you can take a creature and then have Zedruu give it away permanently (it won't be given back because Zedruu's ability overwrites that part of the Chamber's ability). At 4 mana total and the ability to continually do this each turn I think this is the most consistent and cheap way to steal stuff and give it away

Ajani, Caller of the Pride/Ajani Goldmane/Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants-Potential Little John? Quarterstaff weilding A-John-i is in line with your lifegain strategy and suitably strong for being your right hand man(cat)

Generally, I'd also say take a look at more tokening effects:

Elspeth Tirel/Elspeth, Knight-Errant-Another potential Maid Marian? I like Elspeth since she gives you tokens which you can give away, and she is can potentially win you the game if she sticks around. Livinia is comparatively not as useful in this deck (it shuts down Rakdos, Lord of Riots, but that is about it in our meta I think?)

Crested Sunmare-Gotta give Robin and Co. mounts and it doesn't get much better than a 5/5 indestructible horse

Griffin Aerie-Similar to Sunmare but maybe a little to fantasy for the theme, not sure how you feel

Last notes, I'd say some things to consider would be some of the fancier lands (shock/check lands) to make your colors easier to get, a little more enchant/artifact removal, and a board wipe or two because sometimes it all must go.

All in all, looking good!

hydrothermia on Samurai

6 years ago

Welcome to Tapped Out!

It isn't quite Modern, due to Breath of Life(7th Edition), Karoo(Visions/Commander 2014) and Longbow Archer(7th Edition). You probably want to adjust the format to Casual or change those three cards out for something that at least from 8th Edition forward on to make it modern legal and you're short one card, you have 59. Emeria, The Sky Ruin and Grand Abolisher would be a nice addition and maybe some Silences.

Samurai of the Pale Curtain is my personal favorite samurai of the Kamigawa block.

OOBS on White-Green Humans

8 years ago

I think you have quite a few of the right pieces, and a good start to the deck, but I'd take a look at a few things. First, I'd remove Longbow Archer and Soul Snare because they aren't modern legal. I'd also definitely consider going up to 4 Champion of the Parish and Thalia's Lieutenant, as they should be the most powerful cards in the deck, so you'll want to see them often. Another thing that may be really hard: you should probably run the minimum deck size, so you should cut until you have 60 cards. The reason for this is because while having so many possibilities in your deck can be really cool, it can also be really inconsistent. Having only 60 cards means you have a much greater chance of drawing your best cards more often. One card that is cheap and awesome for mono white decks like this is Brave the Elements. This card is incredible because it can be used to get your attacks through, protect your dudes... Trust me, totally worth it (maybe over Repel the Abominable since all of your creatures would gain the effect). Good luck on your brew!

berryjon on Pattern Recognition #3 - Combat …

8 years ago

scrobacca: Because it would be too powerful against creatures with flying. Besides, the creature you are looking for is Longbow Archer.

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