Adult Gold Dragon

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Adult Gold Dragon

Creature — Dragon

Flying, lifelink, haste

legendofa on Are there any flavor/biological reasons …

4 months ago

SteelSentry Yeah, my last sentence was more absolute, I guess is the right word, than it needed to be. Creature types do have an important role in flavor and identity. My point, poorly stated as it was, is that M:tG creature types don't represent real-world taxonomy well, and fantasy taxonomy is exactly as precise or arbitrary as the creators make it.

I don't know enough about the cultural history of nagas to really speak on them, other than they're important in southern and southeastern Asia, so I didn't really address that one. I understand there's a similar story with rakshasa from Tarkir vs. real-world culture. Something I need to learn about.

The viashino could have become Dragons instead of Lizards, and I wouldn't see a problem with that. You have a good point with the dragonborn. (AFR has its own flavor and mechanical fails, though, running off D&D rules. An Owlbear would last about two seconds against an Adult Gold Dragon, not fight it to the death, and Barbarian Class leaned too heavily into the D&D class mechanics. For M:tG Barbarians, it's a stupid-expensive Fervor. No Barbarian or Berserker card so far rolls dice, and only Vrondiss, Rage of Ancientsfoil has anything to do at all with dice rolling. Hey, look, a Dragon!)

But I don't think there's much risk of further changes. Most of the other M:tG-original humanoid-animal creatures already belong to the animal creature type: nacatl, leonin, all kinds of aven, wolfir, ainok, rhox (which were usually animalistic before 10th Edition), loxodons, everything from Bloomburrow... It's just kind of bringing the old stuff in line with the new stuff.

And now that I'm thinking about it, I want to see snail people. Move over, Toxrill. The Snail Wizards are coming in.

legendofa on My cognitive dissonance around multicolor …

1 year ago

I believe that (effect in color A) + (effect in color B) should equal (combination of effects in multicolor AB). For example, deathtouch is a green-primary ability. First strike is a red- and white-primary ability. Therefore, a red-green or green-white creature with deathtouch and first strike is reasonable. This position is somewhat supported by a Great Designer Search test question, whose answer stated in part that a black-green creature with flying and vigilance is reasonable. The answer proved controversial, but was repeatedly and vigorously defended as officially correct. This position is also supported by cards such as Needlethorn Drake, Adult Gold Dragon, Kunoros, Hound of Athreos, and many, many others.


There are no red-green or green-white (and no other color) creatures with deathtouch and first strike. Nor is there a (legal) black-green creature with vigilance and flying. The empirical evidence is completely missing. Also, the more complete GDS answer specifically states that a green-black creature with flying and vigilance (and no other abilities) is a better creative choice than a white-blue creature with flying and vigilance (and no other abilities). Before that question had been asked, answered, criticized, and defended, Tempest Drake was a card. Afterward, Warrant / Warden became a card. So not only is the empirical evidence missing in these cases, it seems to point in exactly the opposite direction as official philosophy, and my opinion that A + B should equal AB.

Instead, in practice, it seems that A + B is actually less than AB. There are ability combinations that do not exist in certain color pairs, even if each individual part of the ability combination is fairly represented by separate colors.

I see two resolutions. The first is that my belief, and the official position, is incorrect, and that a red-green "deathstriker" or a black-green vigilant flyer shouldn't exist. The second is that these ability combinations are feasible, and they simply haven't been printed yet for some reason.

What's the best way out of this? Which resolution is better, or is there a third option I'm not seeing?


Question #28

Gleeock on Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's …

2 years ago

Neat variance. The wand holds a very special place in my heart, I will need a couple since I already run chaos wand & this one just has a higher ceiling.

Ancient brass is strange to me. I would've thought it would follow the two-color format like Adult Gold Dragon having . Then copper would seem like & so on

KBK7101 on Cheap dragon

3 years ago

I think Manalith and Mana Geode are both fine for now. They aren't the best and would probably need to be swapped out later but I think they'd be fine in a first draft. Same with Terminate.

For possible cuts... Temple of the False God has sabotaged me more times than it has helped me, though. Definitely recommend taking that one out. The five single color (and Adult Gold Dragon) AFR dragons, while cool, don't really do much in commander, sadly. I'd recommend taking them out as well. Gratuitous Violence is a great card for mono- decks but gets increasingly more difficult to cast with more colors. It will end up being uncastable in most situations. Should probably also be cut.

As for recommendations... Hellkite Courser would be fantastic in this deck! "Blinking" Tiamat in for a turn to trigger it's effect seems really good. Unclaimed Territory and Exotic Orchard would be help immensely with color fixing issues. Temur Ascendancy is great for giving all your dragons haste and helping you draw cards. Stubborn Denial (and to a lesser extent, anything with the keyword Ferocious) works really well in decks with big creatures. See the Unwritten is a way to possibly cheating out some creatures if you're looking for a bit of randomness. Lastly, Sarkhan's Unsealing can help you get rid of some enemy creatures or just blast someone in the face (or both!) just for casting dragons.

I think your first goal should be to getting the deck to 100 cards. Once there, you can use all the stats this site provides to see if you need more cards that help fix colors, what your mana curve is, how many spells you have etc. You can also create custom categories by putting #(yourcategoryname) after the card name in the deck builder. You can better organize your deck into categories like card draw, dragons, removal etc. You can even put them in multiple categories if you want. Here's a few so you can see what I mean :

1x Lathliss, Dragon Queen #Dragons #Tokens

1x Terminate #Creature_Removal

1x Command Tower #Lands

1x Arcane Signet #Ramp

Hope this helps! Best of luck!

TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

3 years ago

I for one love the idea of a Boros Dragon. The two we have now, Velomachus Lorehold and Adult Gold Dragon are very disappointing, in my opinion. I mean they are nice for what they are, but I just wish they were a tad better.

Radium, Lord of the Sun

Legendary Creature - Angel Dragon

Flying, vigilance

Whenever Radium attacks, untap each other attacking creature you control. Radium gets +X/+X until end of turn where X is the total number of attacking creatures you untapped in this way.

Whenever Radium deals lethal combat damage to an opponent, untap each creature you control. After this combat phase, there is an additional main phase.


After finding his way into Serra the Benevolent's realm, she made quick work to - not judge him - but take a deep fascination with him. Until then, she had only heard of Dragons but had yet to see one. She was hesitant, seeing him as more of a beast than an ally or friend. She soon found that his carnivorous nature was not compatable with her world, and felt strongly discouraged by it. As her Angels flocked to manage his defeat, she wept as war tore throughout her realm.

As the Angels hunted him down, a darker force took this opportunity to invade and claim her world for his own. Radium lead the assault, disregarding the attacks on him by the Angels instantaneously. With their aid, Radium managed to almost single handedly drive the forces of evil back.

And for his efforts, and his kindness to not continue the war against the Angels, Serra blessed him with Angelic linage. As a Dragon, he already didn't age or need to sleep, but now he also did not need to eat or drink to sustain life. As a result, he was no longer driven by ravenous hunger and, as such, was able to live out his days in peace and harmony with the rest of the Angels.


IsActuallyBatman on Ur-Dragon Test

3 years ago

First of all, love the deck. It's straight up just a colossal pile of dragons, and that's incredibly powerful.

I would consider looking into the stuff they came out with in AFR. There are a number of stellar dragons other than Tiamat, notably Adult Gold Dragon, as well as Dragon's Disciple which makes it that much harder for your opponents to target your stuff. Also Orb of Dragonkind and Temple of the Dragon Queen are also swell.

Outside of that, I would consider more ramp. Dragonlord's Servant is iconic, but Sarkhan, Fireblood is criminally underused. Sarkhan Unbroken is also pretty good, but not at the same tier. Sarkhan's Triumph is a dragon tutor, which is pretty good.

Also I note you don't have Lathliss, Dragon Queen, Utvara Hellkite, or Thunderbreak Regent, all of which are fantastic Dragon tribal cards. Also there are the staple Tribal cards, which are listed fairly comprehensively here.

usurphling on Prismatic Dragons

3 years ago

Kalain, Reclusive Painter is very good here in this deck. It helps you accelerate with his treasure token.

Adult Gold Dragon is also nice in this deck to gain some life lost from these aggro well as being a hasty creature...

Other than that, that's your standard prismatic dragons

TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

3 years ago

I agree, LunchBox1211. It took Wizards of the Coast like 25+ years or something to make a Boros Dragon and we got Velomachus Lorehold which is a very hard "meh", followed by Adult Gold Dragon which is a giant letdown.

We need a TRUE Boros Dragon!

Brazor, Arial Colonel

Legendary Creature - Dragon Soldier

Brazor, Arial Colonel costs less to cast for each creature you attacked with this turn. Cast Brazor only during a main phase and only during your turn.

Flying, vigilance, haste.

Creature tokens you control have Melee.

When Brazor, Arial Colonel enters the battlefield, untap each creature you control. After this main phase, there is an additional combat phase. At the end of that combat phase, end the turn.


Word soup is word soup. But he needed to be worded as such because sticking Flash on him could be a big problem with entering the battlefield during an opponent's turn. Then, ending the turn is required otherwise you could sacrifice him to something such as Ashnod's Altar and re-cast for a continually reduced casting cost to loop near-infinite combat phases. The card would remember all creatures who attacked this turn, so if something attacked twice it would be counted twice. You'd never have to pay the increased Commander Tax. Because of this, suppose you have 4x and 4x available; That's 4x additional combat phases. So to prevent this, he ends the turn.

I'm satisfied. Took several revisions. Surprised I wasn't ninja'd.

Challenge: This sounds kinda funny so I'm going with it.

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