LEAN and MEAN: Flayer Jund

Modern Infinimage007


Wurmlover says... #1

Blood Moon should be in the SB instead of Grim Lavamancer. also replace 2 LotV with 2 LtLH

October 20, 2016 3:48 p.m.

I've toyed with the idea of Tarfire in Jund as a 1x of main and maybe 1x in the side. This because hey, it's 2 direct damage, but also the Tribal makes Goyf bigger. My reasoning is, hey bigger Goyf, but also a better mirror match, perhaps?

What do you think about Tarfire?

October 21, 2016 9:04 p.m.

Infinimage007 says... #3

aeonstoremyliver: I've always like the idea of Tarfire in that it grows the Goyf, but I'm not sure that makes it worth it. I see a lot of lists that run it. It's similar to Seal of Fire in that regard, but Seal of Fire works better with Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet. You can tap out and still create a Zombie with Seal of Fire.

What's your opinion on the difference between the two?

October 21, 2016 9:09 p.m.

Infinimage007 says... #4

Wurmlover: Why should I replace the Liliana of the Veil with Liliana, the Last Hope? I'm not sure that it is worth it. Also, mainboarding Blood Moon would require a lot of changes, and I'm not sure that it does as much for the deck as I would like. Sure, it improves our matchups against Tron and the BGx mirror, but apart from that it can be a dead draw.

October 21, 2016 9:11 p.m.

Wurmlover says... #5

fair enough, the Blood Moon option would be tough. I think you need both LotV and LtLH to be good. its like using karn and ugin together. LtLH is very useful for utility and removal. say your Tarmogoyf gets hit my an Abrupt Decay, you -2 LtLH and you get it back. plus, it could potentially buff it as well. her +1 is also good at removing bobs an other small annoying creatures.

October 21, 2016 9:16 p.m.

Infinimage007 says... #6

Wurmlover: Gotcha. I definitely like that synergy. The only problem is I lose consistency of drawing Liliana of the Veil, and I can't have both on the battlefield at the same time. It's just that Liliana of the Veil is so strong, and I don't want to lose consistency of drawing her. I very much like Liliana, the Last Hope's ability to remove small creatures, recur creatures, and to close out the game, but I think all of those are covered by the other cards in the deck. Any of the removal I have, Kolaghan's Command, and Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet and Pia and Kiran Nalaar accomplish the same tasks.

On the other hand, Liliana of the Veil adds to my discard (admittedly a repeated effect), gives us an sacrifice effect, and utterly cripples an opponent's board state.

Now, I definitely like Liliana, the Last Hope. Maybe she'll become a one-of? We'll see.

October 21, 2016 9:25 p.m.

Hmm... Well, I can see your point for Seal of Fire and I haven't considered it until now. You make a great case for the card. Being able to activate it at Instant speed whilst tapped out is huge as well as it being an enchantment adds to a bigger Goyf.

On the flip side of that, you may be able to either force discard or destroy an enchantment, whereas a Tribal spell in your gaurantees Goyf to be bigger..

October 22, 2016 12:45 a.m.

Clawed6 says... #8

Nice deck. I feel like four CMC 4 spells is a bit high for a Dark Confidant deck due to life loss considerations. I would drop one Pia and Kiran Nalaar or Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet for that Courser of Kruphix you want to include.

October 25, 2016 2:30 a.m.

I dig this! Grim Flayer is an interesting add to Jund that I haven't done yet, and I like that you kept Bob and Goyf too. The only thing I could potentially suggest would be Tarfire and/or Seal of Fire to help with Delerium and to buff Goyf.

I personally run Kalitas main as he's an absolute house, but that could be a meta call. I do really like Ob Nixilis in your board. I run Garruk Relentless  Flip and think he's waaaayyy underused and undervalued in the format. He's also a house in Legacy. I'm currently running Arlinn Kord  Flip in my list and will let you know the results. I think she's been scoffed at and is similar in function to Garruk. IMHO she's what can seal the deal for Jund and can help grindy games end.

December 3, 2016 11:29 p.m.

Infinimage007 says... #10

aeonstoremyliver: I'm warming up to Arlinn Kord  Flip; like you said, I originally scoffed at her but I see that she is like a bigger Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip. I think Garruk Relentless  Flip's low loyalty is what makes him susceptible to getting burned out or attacked. I like the deathtouch wolf, but I think Arlinn Kord  Flip is better.

I would like to fit a Seal of Fire in, but I don't know what to take out. What would you suggest?

December 3, 2016 11:39 p.m.

I may replace Arlinn with Chandra, the Mindsculptor, but she'll stay for a bit.

Maybe take out an Abrupt Decay for 1x Seal of Fire? Give that a whirl maybe?

December 3, 2016 11:51 p.m.

charlesovery says... #12

Look a deck taken form the net deck stasis of tournaments. Nothing new here so why even post it?

December 20, 2016 12:10 a.m.

Infinimage007 says... #13

charlesovery: Thank you for making a meaningful contribution to this discussion! If you are so bothered by this deck, than you should just leave. I'm sorry that I didn't post something that complied with your idea of what should be shared on this site.

December 20, 2016 11:14 a.m.

charlesovery says... #14

You are welcome to my meaningful contribution. I don't make the rules for what should be posted on this site. However, anyone can post a netdeck that has nothing new going on with it at all. I bet you called this deck your own creation too. Which it obviously isn't!

December 20, 2016 1:16 p.m.

Infinimage007 says... #15

charlesovery: I'm sorry that you think I just went on a website and found this list. I actually put a fair amount of thought into this deck. I'm sorry that I didn't create something entirely new; I'm not Gerrard Fabiano who can create a deck out of nowhere. I would appreciate if you didn't interact with me if you only are going to negatively criticize my deck(s). Thanks.

December 20, 2016 1:23 p.m.

charlesovery says... #16

You did not site your source for this deck because it is so obvious that you copied this deck. Where is the report button this dishonesty?

It is cool to play another persons deck but to not give them credit for their hard work of creating is morally and ethically wrong and you should be ashamed of yourself!

December 20, 2016 1:33 p.m.

Infinimage007 says... #17

charlesovery: I certainly did not copy another person's deck, thank you very much. I took the time to make thoughtful decisions about each card that went into this deck. If I had copied or "netdecked" this, I would have included a source. But since I made this with my knowledge of the general archetype of Jund and knowledge of the format as a whole, I did not need to cite a source. If you can find a decklist that is exactly the same as this, I might include it as a "source".

Apart from your incessant criticism and the fact that you are convinced that I did not create this, you need to review your spelling and grammar skills. It is difficult to debate with somebody when they misspell constantly and disregard the rules of grammar.

Now please, unless you have found a decklist that is exactly the same as this, do not comment here again. You are contributing nothing to this discussion. Thank you.

December 20, 2016 1:48 p.m.

charlesovery says... #18

There is no discussion here to contribute to. Any jund archetype is known to be exact to this. All you did was change numbers around. Then say you built on your own knowledge. Sorry! But, that doesn't make you the original source of that information.

Using the grammar and misspelling issue is nothing but a distraction. I usually type these comments on a phone. We all know how crappy phone autocorrect is.

Site the sour e and give the credit where it is due.

December 21, 2016 12:24 p.m.

OOBS says... #19

Solid inclusions. I like what you did with the sideboard, if feels fairly different from what I normally see. I haven't seen Ob Nixilis Reignited yet (and never considered it relevant in the modern format), but it seems like it could do some real work in grindy matchups. Out of curiosity, how well has Olivia Voldaren been working out for you? She seems like she might be a little slow against what you'd typically bring her in against, but perhaps I'm wrong. I'm not very experienced with Jund, could you explain to me the decision not to include a 1 of Grim Lavamancer that I occasionally see? Seems like a cool card, but I'm sure it could interfere with Delirium and Tarmogoyf, but I didn't know if there was something else I missed. I also noticed that there is no Kitchen Finks in the sideboard. Most Jund decks that I see opt for a 2 of against burn and other aggro decks. Could you explain the exclusion of them and your thought process behind that decision?

Charlesovery, believe it or not, you can create your own build of an archetypical deck without netdecking. Might he have been influenced by existing Jund decks? Absolutely. That doesn't mean that what he has posted here is not his own work. I'd appreciate it if you'd at least recognize that this isn't your standard Jund list, and while it may draw ideas and the base foundation (and many staples) from existing Jund lists, that demanding him to cite a source for the list when there is no one correct source that could have inspired the deck is unreasonable.

December 22, 2016 11:01 a.m.

Apakakuta says... #20

charlesovery just leave. Your comments are completely irrelevant to the discussion on this thread. If you wish to be an Internet troll go find yourself another bridge to sit under.

Infinimage007 I do like Grim Flayer quite a lot but my main concern is you have a large amount of self damage. Be it fetches,shocks,Thoughtseize or Bob (Dark Confidant). So with all that life loss you may find issue against Snapcaster Mage & Lightning Bolt decks and burn/ aggressive decks in general, and in my experience just a few Scavenging Ooze doesn't quite do the job.

However have you thought about Collective Brutality? Seems like it can be really good in many scenarios for your deck. It stays with your gamelan with the DuressDisfigure modes while also giving a bit more reach and lifegain as well.

December 28, 2016 2:47 p.m.

charlesovery says... #21

Blade it was a direct card for card number for number copy.

Apakakuta - Troll? You even responding late to this conversation shows you to be the troll here. Relevance isn't up to you. It is up to me as I have pointed the creator of this thread in the right and correct direction to find such deck that was copied. Your comment on this topic is what is irrelevant.

December 31, 2016 11:48 p.m.

Apakakuta says... #22

I've seen some of your deck's and they are the same as I've seen here known archetypes with a few different choices.

Do not barrage others for the same thing that you do.

January 1, 2017 12:13 a.m.

RegMurse says... #23

I just found this thread, and in my universe, you are either part of the problem, part of the solution, or part of the landscape (Robert DeNiro said this in Ronin. I can't cite the scriptwriter with off-hand knowledge at the time of posting). I COMPLETELY understand the emotion behind calling out those whom you think are usurping ideas from those who came up with them. EVERY Jund deck then needs to have an asterisk next to it, to pay homage to the original (whose name I don't know at this time, but GD it is just a great deck archetype). I hope, and am inclined to think, that this person was well paid and recognized (yes, this comment is ironic). If not, he/she joins ranks with Tesla, and others, who pioneered genius and did not get the recognition they deserved. Good people, let us get back to comments with substance; if you want to continue to debate the ongoing non-issue here, please go to reddit or somewhere else.

Moving on:

I like how this looks. I am also trialing the Grim Flayer x4 in mine. I have left several Vamps instead of Tarms, just because I want the Vamp Tribal to flourish. I am trying out a burning motif with Seal of Fire, Chandra, Torch of Defiance, and Collective Brutality. I played a Simic Control deck last night, and was shocked at how vulnerable mine was. The wins did not happen like I thought they would; although, they did happen. With only 1 Kolaghan's Command available to me (yes, I realize it is may be grammatically incorrect to start a sentence with a preposition, although some scholars believe this to be a myth), a Pithing Needle totally froze my Liliana of the Veil. I became land locked, no cards in hand, and no Dark Confidant to be heard of. This is why I have included 2 KC in my MD.

I have not seen any Jund decks with Fatal Push included. Prefacing that comment, I should mention that I have set up spreadsheets of ALL of the Top 8 Jund Decks of the past year. This, in itself, makes your deck unique... and I like it. Tragic Slip is SUCH a powerful card, in my mind, but the fact that it is so conditional has stopped me from including it. I do, however, like the look of the opponent, when a left field toss from the wall hits them in the face.

I will be watching what you do with this, and I will let you know the changes I have to make in my meta. Thank you for the posting and contributions.

January 15, 2017 9:22 p.m.

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