Karametra gimme gimme lands

Commander / EDH* Xlib22


Comfordor says... #1

Tireless Tracker ? Creature spells will trigger karametra, (play lands) which will create clue tokens, to draw more creatures, which you will cast into play? Then loop xD

EDIT: Didn't see it in your maybe list. the synergy is worth it in my opinion.

April 5, 2017 11:08 p.m. Edited.

Abres_Tenelles says... #2

Have you tried Cream of the Crop? You can stack it's trigger after Karametra, God of Harvests and keep which card you want on top.

Also, everytime you play a creature, anything unwanted gets shuffled away.

April 8, 2017 8:32 p.m.

Xlib22 says... #3

Abres_Tenelles I didn't know of this card, and have been looking for more ways to search for stuff I like or at least draw into things I want, so will definitely look into fitting it in

April 9, 2017 6:39 a.m.

jremi says... #4

I find Amulet of Vigor is great with land ramp decks, also the enchantment Zendikar Resurgent adds to your mana pool(but not your opponents) and gives card draw on creature cast.

If you want more draw power I have some more draw cards in my selvala combo deck.

April 9, 2017 1:05 p.m.

budlaorf says... #5

How about a Qasali Pridemage over your Caustic Caterpillar? One more mana initially but it only costs one colorless to activate his destruction. The Exalted is just cake.

Also Defense of the Heart is great in any deck that has big creatures to close out the game, esp in multiplayer.

April 11, 2017 11:05 p.m.

Xlib22 says... #6

budlaorf Qasali Pridemage is a great suggestion. I have some attachement to Caustic Caterpillar as it was one of the first magic cards I played with but I think qasali is objectively better, and I will grab a copy soon.

As for Defense of the Heart, I can see it working well as I could just search for Avacyn, Angel of Hope and Craterhoof Behemoth which essentially wins me the game. I'll see if I can fit it in.

Cheers for the suggestions!

April 12, 2017 1:42 a.m.

NV_1980 says... #7

Nice deck djeffs93. Might I suggest Selvala, Heart of the Wilds; fits well with being able to summon big things quickly. Talking about big things, how about adding Worldspine Wurm or Dragonlord Dromoka? I think I'd add Elemental Bond as well.

Cards I'd remove would probably be Bane of Progress (I don't think you need this, you've got plenty of anti-artifact/enchantment without the need to nuke your own), Song of the Dryads (because you have plenty removal as it is) and Seer's Sundial (because I think elemental bond would do a better job).

April 15, 2017 1:05 p.m.

Xlib22 says... #8

NV_1980 they are all great suggestions, particularly Elemental Bond and Dragonlord Dromoka, but am gonna look into getting copies of all of them. Seer's Sundial is definitely coming out, as it hasn't proved too useful and having to pay 2 to draw a card is often not worth it. Bane of Progress has proven useful, particularly with Heroic Intervention and Avacyn, Angel of Hope, and Song of the Dryads has helped me to immobilise other commanders, particularly against decks with no enchantment removal. Thanks for the suggestions!

April 15, 2017 6:01 p.m.

budlaorf says... #9

Might I suggest you take out Song of the Dryads and replace it with Darksteel Mutation instead? It makes the opponents commander and indestructible 0/1, and doesn't help the opponents ramp. This way, you can destroy all their creatures while keeping the commander stuck on the field as a 0/1.

April 15, 2017 10:36 p.m.

Xlib22 says... #10

budlaorf thats a pretty good idea actually. I have a copy of Darksteel Mutation so will dig it out and switch them round. Thanks for the suggestion!

April 16, 2017 2:22 a.m.

Caesar853 says... #11

what about Zendikar Resurgent as well as Fastbond? not sure on the legality of the fastbond but i do know its handy when you want to get quick!

May 11, 2017 5:26 a.m.

Alkadron says... #12

I actually strongly prefer Song of the Dryads over Darksteel Mutation. Both cards will cause their targets to survive most standard board-wipes, like Wrath of God - The song because the target isn't a creature anymore, and the mutation because the creature is indestructible.

Some other boardwipes, though, the Mutation will die to while the Song will stick around for:

Generally, I think a 0/1 indestructible creature is a lot more vulnerable than a non-indestructible forest in EDH games. Enough so that the extra mana cost for the Song and the ramp side effect are totally worth it.

May 11, 2017 8:18 a.m.

Xlib22 says... #13

Caesar853 Don't think Fastbond is legal in EDH but Zendikar Resurgent is a card i've been thinking about putting in for a while. I have a spare copy so I may trial it and see how it plays. Thanks for the suggestions!

May 11, 2017 9:08 a.m.

Flagellum says... #14

Horn of Greed while yes it helps opponents but you will be abusing it much more than they will be. Played a game with Karametra and there were 2 of those on the board. Needless to say card draw wasn't a problem :) The draw isn't a "may" though.

May 11, 2017 6:42 p.m.

Flagellum says... #15

Also forgot Panglacial Wurm for added hilarity. Cast Llanowar Elves and now you have a 9/5 trample lol. Still have to pay the 7 cmc but NO ONE expects it when playing against me.

Hunting Grounds is often overlooked but shouldn't be especially when playing with big critters.

Burgeoning because if you have good card draw, spewing out the lands in hand is great.

May 11, 2017 6:50 p.m.

Xlib22 says... #16

Flagellum Panglacial Wurm is very funny, will definitely have to look about putting that in. I've playtested Burgeoning and it worked fairly well however I felt that after the first few turns it didn't offer too much. Hunting Grounds looks like a decent addition though, especially since I tend to burn through creatures / have a lot removed by opponents to stop my board getting out of hand. Cheers for the suggestions!

May 11, 2017 8:03 p.m.

Zerraphon says... #17

If you're open to suggestions, a card I found and actually LOVE is Dust Elemental Idk why NO selesnya decks play this card over Fleetfoot Panther another good card is Regal Behemoth I know you have it in here, but in my play testing it has been overwhelmingly more effective than say Zendikar Resurgent Another great card I've found usefull is called Cream of the Crop Its helps tremendously filtering your deck, another usefull card against any kind of black deck is Reclamation And I cannot stress enough how powerful Rogue's Passage is, in my deck I run Blightsteel Colossus and that land basically wins me the game. I was actually looking at putting Sandwurm Convergence in a slot within the 99, Since karametra gets so much mana so quickly it seems like it would be good.

May 12, 2017 2:01 a.m.

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