Slayer of the Wicked

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Slayer of the Wicked

Creature — Human Soldier

When this enters, you may destroy target Vampire, Werewolf or Zombie.

legendofa on Card creation challenge

3 years ago

Research Supplies


You may choose not to untap Research Supplies during your untap step.

At the beginning of your upkeep, if Research Supplies is tapped, sacrifice it unless you pay and put a charge counter on it.

, Discard a card: Gain 1 life.

Inspired - When Research Supplies becomes untapped, remove all charge counters from it and draw that many cards.

Create a card that hates on a specific creature type, like Slayer of the Wicked or Zombie Apocalypse .

Rhyno52 on Anti-Vampire Deck

4 years ago

Sooo i would cut Captain of the Watch down to two, Akroma's Memorial completely out, True Conviction down to one, Honor of the Pure down to three, Spare from Evil down to three, Gift of Estates completely out, Slayer of the Wicked down to three, Circle of Protection: Black exchange for Prismatic Strands and also down to three. You can dash in 4 plains for that and stil have 11 slots left for nice creatures or spells.

Some would be Raise the Alarm Soul Warden

Ziusdra on Card creation challenge

5 years ago

Elspeth the Haunted

Legendary Planeswalker - Elspeth

+1 Exile a card from a graveyard, then create a 1/1 white spirit creature token with flying. If a creature died this turn, create two tokens instead.

+1 Creatures you control gain +1/+1, lifelink, and protection from zombies, werewolves, and vampires until end of turn.

-6 Destroy target enchantment or artifact and target creature, then search your library for a nonland permanent of converted mana cost 3 or less, reveal it, and put it onto the battlefield. Shuffle your library afterward.


A nod to Innistrad's morbid mechanic, as well as the humans versus unholy creatures theme (a la Slayer of the Wicked, Elite Inquisitor, etc.)

The ultimate is tricky, because you need to destroy both (an enchantment or artifact and a creature) in order for it to resolve and for you to get your 3-drop thing.

This was a fun challenge but in the time it took me I was probably ninja'd. If I wasn't, then I'll issue a similar challenge: imagine Sorin spending some time on Ixalan.

ChiefBell on Getting LGS Tournament Ready

8 years ago

This deck is not very suitable for tournament play, for a number of reasons.

Firstly, a lot of your answer cards cost 3 mana (Oblivion Ring, Banishing Light, Claustrophobia, Cancel, Deny Existence). These need to become 1 or 2 mana answers to remain relevant in modern. Lots of people will be playing 1 and 2 mana creatures. If your answer cards cost more than their threats then you will lose because they can play the game faster than you. For example, on turn 4 your opponent can play two creatures. On your turn 4 you only have enough mana to answer one creature. You are now behind in the game. This principle is a rough description of what we call "tempo". Some ideas of alternatives include Mana Leak, Remand, Spell Snare, Path to Exile, Azorius Charm, and more Journey to Nowhere.

Secondly, many of your answers are very narrow. Slayer of the Wicked is not going to do much in modern. Negate is going to miss A LOT of potent cards in modern. Suspension Field will also miss some key creatures such as Goblin Guide, that you really need to answer. As I said before look for more generic answers. Mana Leak counters any spell. Path to Exile exiles any creature. Likewise, so does Journey to Nowhere.

Thirdly, your creatures are underwhelming. You have a lot of 2/2s and 3/3s which won't really get the job done very fast, especially given that they lack evasion like flying or menace. This means they will be blocked easily and aren't doing huge amounts of damage when they hit. Furthermore none of your creatures have flash which means that every turn you need to decide whether you use your mana in your turn for a creature, or leave it open to play a counterspells in the opponents turn. Every wrong decision here could cost you the entire game. Look for evasive creatures or creatures with flash to make your life easier. Unfortunately humans is not a very good deck for this because none of them fulfil either criteria. Things like Aven Mindcensor and Deputy of Acquittals can help. As can Dimensional Infiltrator. Another really strong card is Eldrazi Skyspawner because it essentially only costs 2 mana to play given that you can sacrifice the token it makes for an extra mana.

Fourth. Your overall deck strategy seems confused. In modern, decks that mix creatures with counterspells have to be very careful about how they play, as I said earlier. If you play a creature on turn 2 and then the opponent plays Liliana of the Veil on their turn 3 - you just lost the game, simply because you didn't hold up mana for a Mana Leak when you should have done. This kind of decision making is HARD and it costs even the best of players games. To make these decisions easier these decks do one of two things. 1) They don't play any creatures at all, only control spells, until they have a guaranteed win and then play an unkillable creature like AEtherling. This is traditional control. 2) They play the cheapest creatures available like Delver of Secrets  Flip or Monastery Swiftspear so that as early as turn 3 they can both play a 1 mana creature AND then hold mana up for a Mana Leak as well. This strategy of cheap creatures allows you to do a bit of everything without wasting all your mana on any single play. This is known as a tempo deck. Mixing high mana cost creatures with high mana cost control does not work. You need to strike a balance somewhere and this comes in either leaving the creatures aside until the later stages OR minimising the mana costs of every play you make to the greatest extent possible.

Fifth. Your mana base is a bit dodgy. You lack dual lands such as Glacial Fortress, Hallowed Fountain, Tranquil Cove and others. The key to any deck in modern is being able to play pretty consistently and behind consistency is a mana base that works. If you play Claustrophobia and Fiend Hunter you need to be able to play either of these cards on turn 3 every single game. This means out of 3 mana available you need mana symbol umana symbol u AND mana symbol wmana symbol w. In order to achieve this at least one or your lands has to tap for mana symbol wu. Lands that come in untapped are a lot better than lands that come in tapped. Especially in a deck like yours. Glacial Fortress will probably serve you well.

Pro tips:

  • Try to fix your mana-base. I listed examples above.
  • Try to find control cards that cost less than 3 mana and answer any creature. I listed examples above.
  • Try to find creatures that either have flash, or cost very little mana. I listed examples above.
  • Try to decide what your deck wants to do specifically because mixing two halves of decks together doesn't work. Are you tempo, or control?