Honor of the Pure

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Honor of the Pure


White creatures you control get +1/+1.

Cloudy2024 on Haunted Humans

1 month ago

cool new take on humans! possibly consider Aether Vial. also exchange Honor of the Pure for Flowering of the White Tree as it boosts you legendary creatures. Overall an amazing deck!

TheVectornaut on Rise of the Griffins

4 months ago

While I like the idea of the current enchantment combo, I don't know that it's really necessary. Privileged Position already protects your stuff without the need to get out 2 cards. Further, turning all of your lands into enchantments opens you up to instantly losing the game to something like Spring Cleaning, although players are more likely to play mass wipes that will also destroy or exile their permanents due to Enchanted Evening's symmetry. Speaking of, you can try to take advanatge of that symmetry in other ways like playing Azorius First-Wing as an unblockable griffin, assuming you don't mind going into blue. Otherwise, I'd still try to upgrade the griffins here to be a little faster and more impactful. Diving Griffin and Resplendent Griffin have the potential to be better than Sunspire Griffin, depending on the final build. Fearless Fledgling and Griffin Rider are both aggressive options to shore up the 2 slot in a way I think would be more impactful than Crashing Drawbridge or the currently underwhelming Pearl Medallion. Finally, Wanted Griffin may be better than Senate Griffin at 4, again depending on what your game plan ends up being. Mutavault and Metallic Mimic are some less budget friendly options that could help the tribe's limited card pool.

As for anthems, I usually prefer the 2 cost options to the 3, although I do like Always Watching. Honor of the Pure is the vanilla option while Rally the Ranks or even Obelisk of Urd could fit in a tribal shell. One thing I thought of while looking at the high number of white pips making the Medallion worse was that you could lean into that and go for a mono-white devotion build. Some anthems like Flowering of the White Tree and Benalish Marshal already fit well in such a deck. You'd definitely want a playset of Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and some sort of payoff for the extra mana like Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite, Walking Ballistafoil, or whatever other bomb you prefer. You'd also want something to play on 1 for that strategy. War Falcon has some synergy with Griffin Rider, Esper Sentinel is a generically powerful draw engine, and Weathered Wayfarer is a classic way to find Nykthos. War Falcon also brings to mind the idea of leaning more into broad flying support like Sephara, Sky's Blade and Rally of Wings, although I acknowledge going down that path could severely dilute the tribal identity of the deck. One final approach I can think of is pivoting to focus on lifegain to use the Griffin Aerie in your maybeboard. You'd definitely need cheaper ways to gain life than True Conviction, especially since I think it's already one of the weaker cards in the deck. The reality is that you'd probably be nudged towards splitting the griffins with angels to take advanatge of Angelic Accord, Bishop of Wings, Speaker of the Heavens, and even Archangel of Thune. Outside of that, the options are more limited. Maybe mass lifelink could be made cheaper with Metallic Mimic plus Envoy of the Ancestors or Abzan Battle Priest. This is the only route where I actually see Path of Bravery being worth it.

Taida on Orzhov Tokens

9 months ago

The deck looks nice. You can make more use of the colors you chose, so adding something like Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim or Blood Artist, so you can both gain life when your tokens enter the battlefield and make them more annoying when they die. You could also include one or two copies of Blade Historian for closing the game. I would recommend changing Swords to Plowshares by Path to Exile, Get Lost or Fateful Absence, as it is not legal in Modern. You could also include more anthem effects, like Honor of the Pure, but I think the ones you have already included are very nice. Another plainswalker you could consider is Basri Ket, as you will be attacking with a lot of creatures, and you could create even more of them. Finally, I would recommend adding some copies of Isolated Chapel, but it comes to personal preference regarding la

Crow_Umbra on In Response... Hold my Beer

1 year ago

Pretty solid deck! I haven't made a mono colored deck in a while, but Red, White, and Black are the ones I'd probably take a shot at. Just a few quick ideas for stuff that might fit here:

  • Scapegoat and/or Brave the Elements are pretty cheap protection options.

  • If you're not opposed to Universes Beyond, Flowering of the White Tree could be an upgrade to Honor of the Pure. I've really liked it in my aggro decks that can run it. Mostly suggesting since I saw you already have Minas Tirith in your land base.

  • Fanatical Devotion could be a repeatable means of protecting your high value creatures by chucking.

  • More generally speaking, but I think one of the cool things about mono color decks is that you can run more utility lands like Volatile Fault or Scavenger Grounds than multicolor decks can typically get away with.

Best of luck with your deck if you've had a chance to play it irl. Ojer Taq seems ridiculous to get that creature token flowing.

AstroAA on [EDH][Primer] Adeline Anthem Beatdown

1 year ago


I think you're right on the 1:1 replacement of Flowering of the White Tree and Honor of the Pure - I didn't even think of that, haha. Thank you!

Scapegoat looks very fun and interesting and I honestly kind of like it as an "Oh shit" panic button response.

Thank you for your comment!

Crow_Umbra on [EDH][Primer] Adeline Anthem Beatdown

1 year ago

I see you already have it in your Maybeboard, but I think Flowering of the White Tree can probably replace Honor of the Pure in your mainboard. All of your non-Legendary creatures would get the same buff as Honor of the Pure, plus the additional upsides for all your Legends. I've had a chance to play it in my Isshin, and Burakos/Folk Hero decks, and liked how it played in both.

Brave the Elements and Scapegoat are both fairly cheap board protection effects.

enpc on Two Colored Decks / First …

1 year ago

Like all the others above have said, it is super dependent. But generally it's a tradeoff between ease of producing mana for the deck and specific mechanics you want to run.

For example, if you were wanting to leverage cards like Bring to Light, you'r going to have a bad time if you try to make your deck even two colours. Decks that want to make this card work will run a 5 colour mana base, even if they're a 4 colour deck for example. But if you're building a deck around cheap anthem effects like Honor of the Pure or are wanting to run really heavily costed cards (like Cryptic Command for example) you're (generally) going to be limiting the number of colours you're running. Though even for this kind of stuff, it's not uncommon to see a mono-coloured deck splashing another colour (if you're unfamilar with the term, it means adding one or two cards of another colour but not commiting to that colour for the deck).

For most eternal 60 card formats though, the better access to mana bases they have, the more colours they will run to give the biggest card pool. Legacy and vintage decks will commonly be 3-4 colours as they have one of the best mana bases available, so you may as well take advantage of it. On the flipside, you will see decks specifically designed to punish this attitude; modern blue moon made some waves a few years back running a very basic heavy mana base (mainly blue with some red) and then ran Blood Moon to hate on the fact that most modern decks are like 3 colour and they all rely heavily on shocklands.

For formats like commander which have a buildaround card, people wanting to play that particular card is usually the driver and whatever colour(s) that card is will come second to what it does (typically). People will then make the card work with what they have available in the legal card pool, so sometimes you will see some interesting card choices to overcome colour identity restrictions.

wallisface on Knights of the Firststrike Table

1 year ago

Some thoughts/suggestions:

  • modern decks typically don’t want to run more than 4 cards costing 4 mana, and often run nothing above this cost (this is to try avoid the deck becoming slow/clumsy). You’ve got 8 cards costing 4-or-more, which is a bit high. I’d recommend ditching all of Dearly Departed, Vraska's Scorn, and Vraska, Scheming Gorgon, because all of these cards are extremely weak for their mana cost.

  • just from a mana efficiency persoective i’d also ditch Forebear's Blade (6 mana for +3/+0 is a pretty bad return), and Paladin Class (there are better white enchants, like Honor of the Pure).

  • having a 12/12 Plains/Swamp split when almost all your creatures need 2 white mana on turn 2-or-3 seems really unideal, as you won’t be able to reliably achieve that. A better Plains/Swamp split might be 18/6 - though realistically if you only have access to basic lands, then your deck would be a lot stronger & more consistent just being mono-white.

  • You need ways to interact with your opponent, as just letting them do what they want is a recipe for disaster. I’d recommend adding in Path to Exile and/or Lay Down Arms.

  • I get what you’re trying to do with Basilisk Collar, but an all-first-strike deck is already incredibly strong defensively (because you can double-block). It feels more cute-than-useful, imo.

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