Sparkmage's Gambit

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Sparkmage's Gambit


Sparkmage's Gambit deals 1 damage to each of up to two target creatures. Those creatures can't block this turn.

kibernick on Heavy Metal

6 years ago

After some playtesting, need to think of a way to handle faster decks like Infect, will invest in something like Sparkmage's Gambit.

Also realized that my Phyrexian soldiers are not colorless... So out goes Ghostfire Blade, putting in Scepter of Dominance until I have some time to revisit this deck.

Firebones675 on Super Smash & Break

7 years ago

Before I answer that, Id want to hear from you what kind of deck do you want to be. You have a lot of cards like Traitorous Blood or Sparkmage's Gambit that are at their decks that win quickly and tend to be aggressive with creatures, whereas some of your cards like Destructor Dragon tend to be slower and not have much of an impact early and only show up in longer matches where you grind out the game until you start casting high cmc spells. To over simplify, do you want to try to make a deck designed to pressure your opponent and win before they can mount a defense, or would you rather stop all their threats, and slow the game down enough that you can start casting splashy spells? Somewhere in the middle? There isnt a right or wrong answer, but figuring it out might help figure out what kinds of cards youd want in the deck.

MrMjolnirMan on Wizzets

7 years ago

Absolutely love the concept. I might recommend tweaking Baral, Chief of Compliance and Warden of Evos Isle- you only have Docents as your flyers and you're not terribly heavy on instants and sorceries. I might recommend something simple like Sparkmage's Gambit, Send to Sleep, or even Act of Treason. The first two will do wonders with Willbreaker, giving you multiple creatures, and Act of Treason is just great for keeping yourself in the game if your creatures are smaller than theirs (they probably will be with Izzet.) Plus if you have Willbreaker out, you get to keep it!

darter0111 on

8 years ago

Falkenrath Gorger only serves as a 2/1 body in this deck, I'd cut and get more Reckless Bushwhacker and more lands if you want to make the most of Molten Vortex. Lightning Berserker can be great late game, Dragon Fodder and Hordeling Outburst have wonderful synergy with Goblin Rabblemaster, Foundry Street Denizen and Stoke the Flames. May look at ways of swinging through, like Magmatic Chasm or Sparkmage's Gambit. Dual Shot is wonderful sideboard against elves or mana dorks as well. Food for thought

Feltrix on Storm Surge

8 years ago

I would add another Jori En, Ruin Diver. I've been waiting to see a deck like this. Maybe replace Sparkmage's Gambit with a counter or Take Inventory?

Rexapex on Claws of Hanweir

8 years ago

Love it. I run a similar deck mechanic so I appreciate the match reports. Oozesplosion, Turn 1 Delirium shell v10.5 Have you tested Sparkmage's Gambit? It does more work than most can appreciate. Not sure you have room in the board. Maybe sideboard it in for ramp/emerge? It can do work against Spirits and Angels too.

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