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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Premodern | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Seize the Day
Untap target creature. After this main phase, there is an additional combat phase followed by an additional main phase.
Flashback (You may cast this from your graveyard for this card's flashback cost, then exile this.)

KongMing on
2 weeks ago
Sorry for the delay Goldberserkerdragon, we're moving next week and held a long going-away party yesterday.
Here's the boardstate I had when the game ended, I'll talk you through my turns, then give some analysis on what went well and what upgrades are needed. (Note, there were also 3 token copies of the Blood-Forged Battle Axe on Cloud)
It was a 5-player game playing with (in turn order) Dogmeat, Mothman, Cloud (me), Gavi, and Bumbleflower.
Opening Hand: Plains, Mountain, Slayer's Stronghold, Rhux, Sol Ring, Thran Powersuit, Infiltration Lens
T1: Draw Plains, play Plains into Sol Ring into Thran Powersuit, pass.
T2: Draw Swiftfoot Boots, play Mountain into Rhux and Infiltration Lens, pass.
T3: Draw Rune of Speed, play Plains and Swiftfoot Boots, equip Rhux with Powersuit and Lens, swing for 4 damage unblocked, pass.
T4: Draw Sword of the Animist, play Slayer's Stronghold, play Sword of the Animist, equip Rhux with the Sword and the Swiftfoot Boots, swing 7 damage blocked, ramp a Mountain and draw Bloodforged Battleaxe (BFBA) and Plains, cast the BFBA, pass.
T5: Draw Colossus Hammer, play Plains, play Cloud and equip him with everything, cast Rune of Speed enchanting Cloud, draw Bilbo's Ring, swing a 14/11 Double Strike Cloud in at an open Bumbleflower (their only blocker got strategically removed by Mothman) and KO them with Commander damage, ramp a Mountain (not pictured) and create two copies of BFBA, equip them to Cloud, pass.
~Between turns~ Get swung at for a lot of damage by Mothman (who could have seen this coming?!)
T6: Draw Wyleth Soul of Steel, cast and equip Cloud with Bilbo's Ring, swing a 21/14 Unblockable Double Strike Cloud at Mothman, kill him in one hit and only generate a single BFBA, ramp another Mountain (not pictured), equip Cloud with a third BFBA and pass.
Before Turn 7, I die to Dogmeat and Gavi's combined efforts.
Analysis :: Killing two players with Commander damage by Turn 6 isn't bad, but I didn't win the game.
As aforementioned, adding extra combat cards to upgrade the 2x Cut Materia to 4x Cut might have allowed me to take out another opponent Turn 6. The Hexproof on Cloud was invaluable - people tried to remove him but forgot about the Swiftfoot Boots.
I had a lot of redundant Haste, and not enough evasion to start getting Cloud's damage through blockers on Turn 5. Because all my mana values were so low and I didn't need to pay Equip costs on Cloud, I often had a lack of options in my hand despite having a bit of extra card draw.
Add: More evasion, card draw, and extra combats like Seize the Day.
Remove: Some Haste.
Leif-The-Lucky on
Elsha, Threefold Master
3 weeks ago
Hi capwner. All good, friend! I can't fix the graphical error until the commander is officially spoiled and added by TappedOut. :)
22 lands is definitely slim, but in testing, it's kept consistency high without issues—though I agree it's riskier than most builds. Mox Diamond might be cuttable.
Seize the Day and Waves of Aggression are great, but I’m more inclined toward Alchemist's Gambit, Chance for Glory, Last Chance, or Warrior's Oath since my monks have summoning sickness and they're cheaper CMC. That said, I’ll have to test them all—your suggestions could be strong!
Appreciate the input, and thanks for the discussion!
capwner on
Elsha, Threefold Master
3 weeks ago
Oh, I'm just stupid lol I thought your commander was OG Elsha. Top IS great by itself plus you have the other combo pieces so maybe still worth consideration. I'd also say 22 lands is pretty low for a commander with 3 pips, though almost all your lands make colors which is good. Personally I've never been a fan of Mox Diamond in these land pinched decks, would rather just have another land drop. How about some aggro combat spells like Seize the Day or Waves of Aggression? These seem pretty good with prowess token spam, doesn't contribute to the combo plan but having different angles is nice and this seems like an advantage of your commander
SufferFromEDHD on
Angry Birds
3 weeks ago
I have a massive collection of 1-ofs. Avoided foils to keep my $anity. A foiled out Kaalia is never going out of fashion: always fun to play, always fun to play against and always nice to look at. Props d00d.
My thoughts on Full Throttle = haha feels like an Unglued card. The artwork is so bad. WOTC needs to do some soul searching. This enchantment definitely belongs in any "combat matters" deck. Will cut Seize the Day in my list when I trade into it.
The only MLD I still run is Cataclysm. Really like the awkward situations it creates. Kaalia math is forever in our favor.
Also running Terror of the Peaks and agree with your points but still agree with Señor Profet assessment in losing atleast a playset of creatures for some gas. Kaalia likes to go faster than Trinity on that Ducati 996.
Sword of Light and Shadow probably the worst sword but the best colors to have protection from + recursion is too juicy to not utilize.
KongMing on
tiny multifarious bounties of red elves
2 months ago
Some extra combat cards like Breath of Fury and Seize the Day not only give you extra combats, they let you untap your creatures as well... Krenko would appreciate that, I think.
SufferFromEDHD on
Salt Devastation
3 months ago
If you decide to go the Jokulhaups/Obliterate route don't forget to add Planeswalkers!
Burning Sands won't backfire once you cut the excess fat from your creatures. Michiko Konda, Truth Seeker clean swap.
Seize the Day > Aurelia, the Warleader
Kira, Great Glass-Spinner great card but is meh for this strategy.
capwner on
Naya Goadam Business
7 months ago
This is a cool deck! I think it's pretty well built with a bunch solid cards and synergies, and you seem to have a balance of removal and protection with your gameplan cards. Doesn't seem too broken or anything, but just like a fun mid strength deck. 24 lands seems a little bit low to me, especially looking at your curve and without the nicer mana rocks, I'd maybe try and cut your 5 worst cards for some more land at least. But hey, you play it and maybe that amount works for you somehow. Some cards I might recommend Emergence Zone to enable some shenanigans during combat where you can play around counterspells. Seize the Day is another great card for big boardy combat decks, and you could even flash it with the zone to make opponents take extra goaded combats lol. I'd also add Slicer he seems like pretty good. And maybe something like Eldritch Evolution/Finale of Devastation to dump out your Gisela and Craterhoof that could be pretty sweet. Anyways those are my thoughts, cool deck man!
Profet93 on
Samut, Vizier of Naktamun
11 months ago
SufferFromEDHD +1 because of you, interesting deck.
Dualcaster Mage - For the combo potential with hit shimmer and twinflame, as well as general utility.
At the risk of being winmore, Alhammarret's Archive?
What is the point of squee, synergy with survival of the fittest? Reminds me of when I used to run Genesis for a similar interaction.
Skullclamp - Draw, or is it not needed?
Do you have enough mountains to trigger valakut? I feel the slot would be better utilized with a Castle Garenbrig?
Command Tower/Cragcrown Pathway Flip - Color fixing
Turntimber, Serpentine Wood Flip - Utility
War Room - Draw
Have you considered adding some extra combat step cards to trigger your commander's ability and deal additional damage such as Karlach, Fury of Avernus, Relentless Assault, Seize the Day, Scourge of the Throne, World at War, Breath of Fury, Combat Celebrant or my personal favorite Aggravated Assault?
Have (4) | metalmagic , jhTheMan99 , MrCrazzyc , Azdranax |
Want (6) | PowerofEnvy , Skullzer7 , ImpulsiveOx , Arkhaschan , DeadliestWar666 , jw560211_magic |