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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Kestia, the Cultivator
Legendary Enchantment Creature — Nymph
Bestow (If you cast this card for its bestow cost, it's an Aura with enchant creature. It becomes a creature again when it's not attached to a creature.)
Enchanted creature gets +4/+4.
Whenever an enchanted creature or enchantment creature you control attacks, draw a card.

Flarhoon13 on
Game of Thrones: Sylvia Brightspear's Dragons
4 months ago
Nov 9 and 16
Game of Thrones: Khorvath and Sylvia Brightspear's other Dragons lost one game before finally pulling one out. Jesse's boardwipe inadvertently assisted me--Supreme Verdict? thanks to my Boros Charm. Will killed Kelsey on Orzhov Aristocrats, then my Magmaquake took out Kestia, the Cultivator in response to an aura being cast. Sunforger got Return to Dust, which took out his Sphere of Safety plus another copy. Quicksilver Amulet, with me on six lands, allowed Utvara Hellkite to make 3 other 6/6 dragon tokens and then finally another 6 on the final turn with me on six lands
Flarhoon13 on
Game of Thrones: Sylvia Brightspear's Dragons
4 months ago
Oct 18th
Game of Thrones: Khorvath and Sylvia Brightspear's other Dragons served another loss, to Will's Kestia, the Cultivator. Comeuppance and Safe Passage just prolonged the inevitable. My losers' record drops to 8-22
Darsul on
Cultivating Enchantments
1 year ago
I see where your coming from in a vacuum but, in reality you can still draw get just as many triggers off Tuv as with Kes. Note: Tuv triggers once a turn NOT, once on your turn so, as long as you play your enchantments at flash speed on your opponents try you will trigger her draw. Yes that's a little more build around but, still you can get multi. triggers. I know back when this precon came out I always tried to shoehorn Kes over Tuv and when i look ya your deck I feel your trying to do the same. In short getting more draw triggers is a reason but, not the best reason to play Kes over the other option, Sythis, Harvest's Hand would be the best for the enchantress draw commander.
What I feel really makes Kestia, the Cultivator stand out over her peers is she rewards you for playing wide. The real trick is finding that balance. B4 this last eldrain set came out Control Magic and cards like it were all stars with her, stealing you opponents dudes swinging with them and your get to draw a card.. ah yes please but, stealing your opponents stuff always has 2 major down falls one, they need play dude worth stealing and when they are out of the game so to goes their card. Now how ever we have cards like Gylwain, Casting Director, Spellbook Vendor and Ellivere of the Wild Court(yes i see her in your list). They mean less auras we need to shove in the deck to help trigger kes but, building on that we can run Umbra Mystic (she didnt play well with heavy control magic list). Note you need to attack to get the trigger so, we need ways to attack profitably to that end Archetype of Imagination feels like a must (it really read "my team is unblock able muh ah ah ahahah"), Bow of Nylea can help too. Most of my auras in my list are all make the creature unblocked variety.
Let me know if Im crazy and ill stop but, if you want more thoughts from me ill write more but, for now i feel like im imposing so ill leave you with this. Not saying im doing it right but, my list for Kes has me at about 34 Creature 15 enchantments 36 lands and 14 other cards where your trying to split 50/50 enchantments to creatures when, kes needs you to go wide and turn your team sideways. Tuv or Sythis want more of the 50/50.
Darsul on
Cultivating Enchantments
1 year ago
hey, I love too see more kes players but, to help out with suggestion are you running Kestia, the Cultivator over Tuvasa the Sunlit?
griffstick on Card creation challenge
1 year ago
Since I made my wife a card I decided to make my own with the same art style.
Create an creature/enchantment aura, that works like bestow but in reverse. Celestial Archon for example. The bestow cost is more than its casting cost. Well make an Aura Enchantment that has a mechanic that allows you to play it as a creature instead and the cost to do so is more because when it dies it attaches to a creature as an Aura. See its bestow in reverse.
- Boon Satyr
- Chromanticore
- Kestia, the Cultivator
- Herald of Torment
- Nighthowler
- Eidolon of Countless Battles
- Hypnotic Siren
Cards for examples
Chomp16 on How does Kestia and Weaver …
2 years ago
Kestia, the Cultivator and Weaver of Harmony question here. If you attack with 4 enchantment creatures, are these 4 separate triggers or just one? In other words, if I copy the ability with Weaver, will I draw an additional 4 cards or just the one?
Deadpan_Serious on
Big, Bad Tuvasa - Budget Local League
4 years ago
since you said 'I love the concept of "one creature that wins" ' i take it you put all the friendly aura's on your commander? doesn't your commander get removed with something like Swords to Plowshares whenever an opponent can to cause all of those aura's to be put in your graveyard?
anyway, what about bestow creatures like
Kestia, the Cultivator
Eidolon of Countless Battles
? also
Steal Enchantment
can give you two enchantments for the price of one. and
Control Magic
is pretty good.
then there's Nexus Wardens , Yavimaya Enchantress , Celestial Ancient and definitely Sage's Reverie .
also multicolored aura's like Shield of the Oversoul , Shielding Plax , Favor of the Overbeing , Steel of the Godhead .
Nagoragama on
Bant Auracrafting
4 years ago
Added the newish Auracrafting cards Estrid, the Masked, Tuvasa the Sunlit
, Kestia, the Cultivator
, and Estrid's Invocation.
I switched the commander to Estrid for now, but I think would be better off with one of the creatures, so that I always have some creature to cast, never finding myself with nothing but Auras in hand and nothing to cast them on.
Commander options are:
Estrid, the Masked
Tuvasa the Sunlit
Kestia, the Cultivator
Rafiq of the Many
Have (1) | metalmagic |
Want (1) | XxSirKittehxX |