Blood Lust

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Blood Lust


If target creature has toughness 5 or greater, it gets +4/-4 until end of turn. Otherwise, it gets +4/-X until end of turn, where X is its toughness minus 1.

Apollo_Paladin on Down Down to Goblin Town

1 year ago

I have a similar themed build from many, many years ago.

One thing you might look at, even just to sideboard, is Blood Lust. It can be useful against decks which can manage to land an early problematic blocker down (like, say, Gifted Aetherborn which can survive blocking & mitigate life loss each turn). Having to rely on Goblin Grenade as your only direct board control is about the only real downside to a build like this (at least it was mine), and Blood Lust is from all the way back in 5th edition, so hardly anyone will see it coming.

Again, I'd probably sideboard it as it's situationally useful and you don't have a ton of 1-drops in your build anyway, but it might be something to toy with as it can give even a 1/1 attacker the same hitting power as Goblin Grenade, but without losing your goblin.

Either way +1 for some nostalgic picks here

teafresch on Balaam__

3 years ago

It should apply to whatever its pumped up power is. I have a similar deck that uses cards like..

JANK-TANK on S.M.S - Small Man Syndrome (Dwarves >> Elves)

3 years ago

Jabberjaw46 Thank you, I thought it was a good addition that may allow for higher CMC cards (Dragons) to come out too.

I really like Bomb Squad, and it would seem my average CMC allows for a playset (IMO). You're very helpful to point out that they have a free tap ability. I have always loved the very limited Dwarf cards and for many years have tried to make a viable tribal deck. Dwarven Bloodboiler , Dwarven Warriors and Blood Lust was the combo back in the day :-)

I am so happy that WotC finally brought back red Dwarves. As much as Kaladesh was great because of the return of the Dwarf.... Dwarves, to me, are red. Balthor the Defiled gets a pass. Springleaf Drum and Bomb Squad both seem like excellent additions. I'm thinking three of each, what do you think? That means six removals, and ideally I want more dragons too... I might reconsider the Twinscroll Shaman for sideboard.

I sent you a friend request by the way. Cheers!

FormOverFunction on New options for red/white

3 years ago

In a similar vein, I grew up with Immolation and Blood Lust which were a partial-sacrifice of self in trade for offense. I always liked that reckless aspect of red. From the white perspective, those red spells were a great way for a high and mighty ivory-tower-type white wizard to weaken opponents; “let their emotions melt their defenses...”

SynergyBuild on Test me: $10 Decklists

5 years ago

Boza Btw Blood Lust was always a favorite of mine, that deck makes it an absolute powerhouse xD for the text alone!

Muglacious_NiceFaceToad on Cards that buff opponents creatures

5 years ago

Oh I like Blood Lust , Mutiny , Rally the Righteous , Auger Spree , & Nameless Inversion .

I have been thinking about Duelist's Heritage & Bloodthirsty Blade , I have always wished Assault Suit could be equipped to opponents creatures. I am unsure about the Vow's, every time I have played them I haven't gotten much value. If they were instants I may like them better. I am going to test out Bloodthirsty Blade to see if sticking around ends up having more value for me.

I wish running green worked, Berserk is perfect! Generous Patron & Gahiji, Honored One could be interesting too.

Definitely Arcbond ! I forgot to list that one above. I recently found out how good it works with Radiate ! And some kind of damage prevention.

My commander is Queen Marchesa and deck link,The Game of Houses (Daes Dae'mar).

I am running Repercussion , Deflecting Palm , & Boros Fury-Shield in my doubling deck as they allow damage to go from 2X - 4X. Doubling deck link -The bigger they are, the better they fall. They used to be the same deck but they recently split.

Thank you all for the suggestions!

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Cards that buff opponents creatures

5 years ago

So the deck is mardu coloured I guess? A card you should try is Repercussion . It's somewhat expensive though, so I can understand if it's out of budget. Blood Lust , Nameless Inversion , Auger Spree and Rally the Righteous seem pretty useful.

Who is your commander? I'm very interested.

ClockworkSwordfish on Ball Lightning!

5 years ago

Interesting build. You might like Skullclamp as another way to dispose of your various Ball Lightnings if Greven can't stay in play. Veilborn Ghoul is another interesting option, as he not only has a useful 4/1 body, but he can return himself to your hand for free every now and then - though I suppose you're a little low on swamps for it to be too reliable.

And yes, it's kind of a jank pick, but this is also basically the perfect home for Blood Lust . Maximize your gains and minimize your losses! Chariot of the Sun can likewise help reduce your life loss from any fatties you might pitch, but to be fair most of your critters have 1 toughness as it is.

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