Showdown #24: Come Fly with Me



3 September 2014



Hello all and welcome to Showdown, where I pit my current standard build against those submitted by you all, the members of TappedOut. Apologies for having a week without content! Apop was quite busy and I didn't have enough time to get one of these out before last Wednesday. Last time you and I were together, I showcased the results from my first ever Showdown challenge: The Doom Challenge. It took a while to get done, but after running all the numerous matches and creating synopses for them all, we found some results about the Doom-blast combo. Mostly that it was good but not always the easiest to pull off.

This time we're just doing the old-fashion article you've all come to know and love. I'll once again be piloting my Conclave's Revenge build that I've been running for the past handful of episodes. Rotation is almost here people! And this will be the penultimate article from me while running this build :( Due to my love of midrange strategies and certain color preferences, I think I'll be choosing to run Temur Midrange come rotation. However, if GW Mid proves to somehow be viable still (and it might with the announcement of Windswept Heath!) we may see the Conclave continue to trudge on through the plane of Tarkir. Before I ramble on unnecessarily about my own builds, let me introduce this week's challenger: Dalektable's Mono Blue aggro build.


This deck looks sweeeet. I don't necessarily enjoy playing aggro in the RDW frame of things, but tempo aggression? Dude, sign me up. Bounce effects are mah jam. Dalektable's deck here consists of a large number of incredibly cheap flyers to bring the pressure quickly, with a number of ways to keep up the pressure in the midgame, be it through bounce removal in the form on Void Snare or through card advantage with Military Intelligence. There's also the possible combo of Ensoul Artifact + Ornithopter that we've all come to know. I think that Archangel of Thune will by and large be my biggest help in this matchup, but if I cannot draw into one, I'm desperately going to need a good Setessan Tactics to help me out, because I don't have cards right now to deal with aggressive flying-based decks. Let's see how it goes!


Music for your head


Let the games begin!

Game one


Dalek wins the flip and will be on the play. I choose to have him keep a hand of island, Ornithopter, Judge's Familiar, Cloudfin Raptor, Void Snare and 2x Illusory Angel. I do wish one of those angels were another island, but I think we will be alright. Keep.

I keep an opening hand of 2x forest, Mana Confluence, Elvish Mystic, 2x Banishing Light and Garruk, Caller of Beasts. Also not the greatest hand, but I'm hoping that those removal spells can allow me to keep up until I draw into some gas.

D1: Island, coudfin raptor. He could play thopter here, but I'd prefer to keep that in hand to successfully cast Illusory Angel. Pass.

S1: Draws Courser of Kruphix. Instantly rewarded! I play a forest and my elf before passing.

D2: Draws Springleaf Drum. Hmm...that makes this next turn a lot more thought-provoking. Do I play the drum to better his chances of having enough mana? Or do I just blindly hope the deck will cough it up and get the attacking going now. At this point, all I'm missing out on is one point of damage with the raptor attack, so I'll play a little conservatively this turn. He plays out the Springleaf Drum and then uses its ability to tap the raptor and play Judge's Familiar, evolving the cloudfin. Pass.

S2: Draws Polukranos, World Eater. That's also great. I play a forest and tap out for my Courser of Kruphix. She reveals Sylvan Caryatid from the top. Pass.

D3: Draws island. Oh thank goodness...things are okay for him now. He plays the island, casts Ornithopter, taps it for mana with the drum along with the two islands and casts Illusory Angel, evolving the Cloudfin Raptor. He attacks for 3 with cloudfin and the judge's familiar. Pass. (s 17/20 d)

S3: Draws Sylvan Caryatid and reveals Polukranos, World Eater. So many threats to take care of so soon...I guess it's good I had these Banishing Lights. I play my confluence, gain a life, then lose that life to use it and cast a Banishing Light on the opposing Illusory Angel. I attack for 3 with my elf and courser before passing. (s 17/17 d)

D4: Draws island. Hmm...Polukranos is going to be coming up very shortly. That's going to be a pain. Of course, I can delay that by Void Snare-ing the banishing light and forcing myself to replay it or try to race. That seems smartest to me with my limited knowledge of the deck. It'll also help out the raptor. He uses Void Snare on my Banishing Light to return it to my hand. Illusory Angel re-enters the field and evolves the raptor. He then plays the island, uses the ornithopter-drum to help make 3 mana, and casts the other Illusory Angel, evolving the raptor a fourth time (eesh!). He swings for 5 and passes. (s 12/17 d)

S4: Draws Polukranos, World Eater and reveals forest. I plays the forest and gain a life, revealing Temple Gardenfoil. Well, this is rough. We're actually staring lethal in the face right now. I am forced to lose a life to cast Banishing Light on the Cloudfin Raptor and then play a Sylvan Caryatid. Pass. (s 12/17 d)

D5: Draws island. He attacks for 9 with his flyers and passes. (s 3/17 d)

S5: Draws Temple Gardenfoil and reveals Sylvan Caryatid. Huh...I'm dead. I concede.




Dalektable Wins Game 1!!

Sideboard tech with Spooty:


That...did not go so well. We even got a T2 Courser...I need to overload my aggro hate. Nylea's Disciple, Trostani, Selesnya's Voice, Setessan Tactics, get in here. All my Garruks, all my Elspeth's and 1 of my Ajani's are leaving in your stead. Hopefully being on the play helps me out a little bit here.

Sideboard tech with Dalektable:


That was honestly really kick-ass. I love tempo decks. Alright so my game plan for siding in this matchup is to bring in the fourth copy of Void Snare and to bring in the 3 copies of Rapid Hybridization. Archangel of Thune is a threat that needs an answer, and bouncing away other things as we try to get in those last points of damage seems incredibly necessary and useful against midrange. Military Intelligence doesn't seem particularly amazing in this matchup since the creatures are rarely getting killed and things are more about speed than card advantage. I'm going to board that playset out for this game. I might be wrong there, but it seemed like the best choice and removing creatures feels like nonsense.

Game 2


I am on the play. I keep an opening hand of forest, Temple Gardenfoil, Courser of Kruphix, Fleecemane Lion, Setessan Tactics, Archangel of Thune and Ajani, Mentor of Heroes. Seems pretty alright. It'll be a shame if we draw no lands though...and knowing me that could happen...

Dalektable keeps an opening hand of 2x island, Ornithopter, Cloudfin Raptor, 2x Faerie Impostor, and Ensoul Artifact. Is this a nut draw? Because this feels like a nut draw.

S1: Tapped Temple Gardenfoil. Pass.

D1: Draws Illusory Angel. Yep, it's a nut draw for sure. I already think I know who's going to win this game. He plays island, Cloudfin Raptor and Ornithopter, evolving the raptor. Pass.

S2: Draws Temple Gardenfoil. I play a forest and cast my Fleecemane Lion. Pass.

D2: Draws Hypnotic Siren. Island, Ensoul Artifact on Ornithopter, swing 6 flying. Pass. (s 14/20 d)

S3: Draws plains. GOOD FREAKIN--....this is crazy. I guess I need banishing light pronto? I totally should have brought in Reclamation Sage. I don't know why I didn't. That's a slight punt on my part and I'm going to pay for it right now. I need to like..not keep taking 5 damage a turn. But I don't have a way to do that right now. I play Setessan Tactics on my fleecemane and use it to kill the opposing raptor. I play a tapped Temple Gardenfoil and pass the turn.

D3: Draws Illusory Angel. He attacks for 5 in the air. He then plays Hypnotic Siren, and follows that up with Faerie Impostor, returning the first to his hand. Pass. (s 9/20 d)

S4: Draws Supreme Verdict. Oh thank goodness. I thought I was done for...what? You don't believe me? Yeah, okay, I drew a forest. I play my Courser of Kruphix and reveal Temple of Plenty from the top. I play it, gain a life, and scry Nylea's Disciple. I can't keep it unless it kills the thopter. It goes to the bottom and another courser is found on top after. I attack for 3 with my lion and pass. (s 10/17 d)

D4: Draws Cloudfin Raptor. He attacks for 7 with his two creatures. Then he follows this up with a Cloudfin Raptor into a Hypnotic Siren, evolving the raptor. Pass. (s 3/17 d)

S5: Draws Courser of Kruphix and reveals Mutavault. I play the mutavault from the top, gain a life and then tap out for Archangel of Thune. I attack for 5 with my lion and courser. No blocks. Pass. (s 4/12 d)

D5: Draws Rapid Hybridization. That'll do it folks! He turns my beautiful angel into a stupid frog lizard and then attacks for way more than lethal.




Dalektable Wins the Match!!




Holy hell dude that was unbelievable. That was an old-fashioned beatdown. I've been on a bit of a winning streak as of late (if you don't include the Doom challenge, I guess), but that's over now. A lot of people act like I'm crazy when I say that this deck actually has a bit of a tough time against aggro occasionally. "But you look like you'd do great against aggro.." is what I usually hear. I do! I agree! But when it comes to decks like this things get absurd quickly. When could I have done differently? Well, for one, I could have boarded in my Reclamation Sage instead of leaving in my second Ajani, Mentor of Heroes. That was pretty dumb of me, admittedly. And I guess since I opened with Ajani in my hand, having had the sage in his place would've helped me a ton in that matchup. That said, I think it still would've remained a struggle. A T2 attacking 5/5 flyer is just...not okay.

I seem to rarely play against MUD anymore for whatever reason, which is why I don't have Skylasher in my sideboard. Skylasher is obviously the go-to trump card for this matchup and could've easily given me a better chance at winning. But that's how it goes sometimes, right? Sometimes you go to a tournament unprepared for the meta. If this deck was to be facing MUD or other blue aggro decks I'd probably have a full set of the little bug in my board. Alas, this was not the case.



Dalektable, your deck is sweet dude. I'm honestly going to have a pretty hard time coming up with any advice for you considering I'm still trying to pull feathers out of my hair. Let's look at the sideboard, though. I notice you have 3 copies of Hour of Need in there. Mind if I ask what that's for? I did a little testing with the card in some other brews and found it to be awesome, but lackluster. On that same note, you do need a way to get past something like Skylasher post-board. Might I suggest a few Thassa instead? Seeing as there's no cheap way to remove the bug, why not just go through it? Bonus points if you manage to make her into a creature as well. Of course, I know this probably puts a bit of a issue in the whole "budget deck" thing. But, hey, sometimes cards are expensive for a reason! I guess a more budget-friendly choice would be something like Aqueous Form, if that piques your interest.


If you'd like to be the next contender in Showdown, please leave your decks linked into the comments below! Be sure to use the "deck-large" option so I don't miss them! Apoptosis should be back next week to continue on with the decks he wishes to face. Hope you all enjoyed the trouncing! See you all again in two weeks :)

A Quick Serious Talk


Alright. I want to talk to you guys about something that is kind of hard for me to discuss. And that topic is unfortunately money. I want to talk about a couple things here and hopefully you can read this section without getting upset at me for whatever reason (the topic of money really grinds some people's gears...).

Allow me to start off by saying that I did not begin doing this to try to make money. And to be clear, I'm still not doing this just to make a quick buck, either. A few months ago I took a bit of a leap and decided to branch off from TappedOut to seek possible new horizons writing for other sites on the premises that I would be compensated for my time. I'm very passionate about this game and about creating good content so I tend to want to spend a lot of time and effort doing things involving those two things. I simply needed a way to justify spending that much time doing so. After all, a young adult with thousands of dollars of student loan debt breathing down his neck needs a way to make a living.

I was fortunate enough to be picked up by Even more fortunate was I that you all were so very accepting and understanding why it was I decided to do that. My initial intention was to put all content I created there (Showdowns, deck techs, etc) so that every time I wrote something I was compensated for it, and therefore I could justify doing so. Due to certain circumstances, however, I was not able to keep up with my regular Showdown articles in the way that I wished to do so, and I honestly felt weird not placing them here when that's what they're really for. And so I've been splitting things up between here and there.

Over the past month you may have noticed that my articles from that site have dipped to almost nothing. Why is that? Well, I think a big portion of it is simply that my enjoyment does not come from making money while doing this. It comes from the interaction between you all in the comments and the creativity and fun I can have designing my own stuff. I don't get that anywhere else. And so I've stopped writing for them, basically. I've just focused on getting my content here to be of a higher quality and making sure it's consistent. And I've been so much happier doing that...but now I find myself at an impasse.

Sometimes in life you have to balance fun and financial stability, right? If I only write for TO, I enjoy the community, the fun, and the environment I've come to love. But I simply cannot spend as much time doing so since that same time is probably needed to be spend trying to get extra hours at work to pay off rent and other expenses while saving to pay off my loans/get a car/move out...blah blah blah. If I write for Legit only, I get compensation and therefore all of my money gained from working my real job can go straight to bills and savings, but it becomes more of a chore than a hobby. And I would essentially have to cancel doing this type of article because there isn't the community over there.

I've been racking my brain trying to come up with an answer to all this and there isn't an easy one. But I know one thing is for certain -- I don't want to stop. And I don't want to stop writing these articles for TO. Hell, I actually have a new series in the works right now that I think could be better than this one right now (I'm currently calling it "Speed brewers", and if I can afford to do it I think it'll be awesome). And so the only thing I can think of right now is to set up a donation link. No, I'm not asking anyone to pay me. No, I don't want anyone to feel obligated to do so because they feel bad for me. And no, my content will not become a "pay me and I'll release the next article" situation. But it's the only thing I can think of to help eradicate this problem.

Perhaps it isn't a good idea. And perhaps you all think I'm a big sellout. But hopefully I can get some thoughts from you all about this conundrum. If people would feel offended by me posting a donation link (probably like paypal or something) at the bottom of the future articles in a non-invasive way, let me know and I'll be done with it. But if you guys and gals think it's a reasonable idea or even want to pitch in, I can do that too. Again, I'm not trying to get pity money out of people. Anywho, I've rambled on far too long about this. Let me know what you think, please. I appreciate you all as my readers. Doing what I do here has changed my life for the better and I owe it all to you.



Until next time, may you never get mana-screwed. And as always, thanks for reading!


Keep up with all the showdown action and more!

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @Spootyone

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This article is a follow-up to Showdown #23: The Doom Challenge The next article in this series is Showdown #25: Lightning Crashes

Great article Spooty. Those were some fast games!!!! anyway, I like the donation idea. No one is forced to pay you, so I don't see how it would be a problem. The fact of the matter is you need money to continue doing what you do, and and there is no shame in asking for a bit of help. I say go for it. Best of luck to you!

September 3, 2014 1:20 a.m.

Khaotica says... #2

I respect you more for asking for the donations - not everyone can step up to the fact that they need some support and I do think we have an awesome community here that would love to help you out and keep getting both awesome content and allowing you to continue doing what we all love. I'm in favour of the donation button. I hope everyone else is too.

September 3, 2014 2:14 a.m.

tooTimid says... #3

I'm at a stage in my life where I can't personally donate (Also known as I'm 14), nor can I speak for anyone else, but I can say that I love readying these and would love to support you in anyway I can.

Also excited to see what "Speed Brewing" is...

As always this was a great showdown and can't wait for the next one.


September 3, 2014 2:54 a.m.

-Fulcrum says... #4

As a 19-year-old college sophomore...


I'm currently looking for a part time job (mainly to sate my MtG hunger), and if things go well, I'd be happy to donate what I can.

September 3, 2014 3:10 a.m.

Red0Zone says... #5

I'd be awesome to see you go up against my Mono White Token deck. I love tokens so much and I'm glad I was able to put a Standard Legal deck together once I came back to Magic.

Mono White Tokens (Post Rotation) Playtest

Standard* Red0Zone


September 3, 2014 4:41 a.m.

Dalektable says... #6

Thanks for the feature spooty! I'm glad you enjoyed piloting the deck, I personally have enjoyed it thoroughly. Tempo is my jam. I think you did well all things considered, my deck really punishes midrange decks. (I'd consider any of the Monster variants one of, if not, my best match up)

Thassa is a good suggestion, I am already looking to acquire a couple for the slight tranformation this deck is going to have to make after rotation. And Hour of Need was a suggestion I got relentlessly, the thought being to use it in response to spot removal. Honestly I haven't loved it, but It's okay. I used it once in response to a Detention Sphere which ended up winning me the game, which was nice.

I also fully support the donation button Idea. If I had the extra cash (which being 16 and jobless, I do not) I would totally donate every week. Your content is good quality and pretty professional. I think everyone will be open to the idea.

September 3, 2014 7:53 a.m.

bretters says... #7

I'm excited to see your post rotation build Spootyone I think the donation button is alright. I'd love to pit one of my decks against your build. Whenever you post your deck, I'll submit one of my decks to challenge it.

September 3, 2014 8:10 a.m.

golffore297 says... #8

Hey Spooty,

I've been a long time fan (and two time contributor) of the series. I think it's perfectly reasonable to ask for donations for your work. I know I and many others of the TappedOut community love to read your articles and look forward to when the next one comes out. While I feel sometimes asking for donations is rude and selfish, cases like this are totally rational and fair. If you're going to spend time giving high quality content to us, it makes sense we give something in return.

Also, I like the Heartstone image reference, excellent choice.

If you're interested in putting yourself against another one of my brews, here's my latest build around Yisan, the Wanderer Bard , which went 4-1 at my last FNM:

It's LIKE Pod... Playtest

Standard golffore297



P.S. If you could, would you be able to link me to the Showdown in which you featured my deck Devotion to--Wait what? I'd greatly appreciate it since I can't find it anywhere.

September 3, 2014 9:53 a.m.

weisemanjohn says... #9

I recently started reading these articles as I also recently decided to become active on this site. Its interesting to watch games with decks I'm not used to seeing as I often play against the same people with the same decks. I would like to offer a challenge with my (previous) fnm deck (changed over to the RUG engine deck that I submitted a bit to late for your article)

Kiora found a hydra Playtest

Standard weisemanjohn


September 3, 2014 12:54 p.m.

Spootyone says... #10

Thank you to everyone for the positive feedback :) I was worried I'd get nothing but "sellout!" after posting this article, but it turns out my fears weren't needed. I think what I'll be doing is posting a link to my PayPal account on future articles near the bottom -- noticeable, but not ridiculous. I'd also like to have some sort of acknowledgment for those who donate. Perhaps I could post all donations from the past 2 weeks on every subsequent article.

Paypal allows you to send a message with payment doesn't it? Maybe I could use that to relay info on who would send what or they could ask to remain anon if they desire to. Just brainstorming here.

September 3, 2014 3:26 p.m.

Hey Spooty! Great article as always, I know you get a lot of requests for decks to face next time but I would be honored if you picked my G/B dredge deck: The Pneumatic Clamshell (hate to call it dredge, but thats the only thing I can think to call it). Keep up the good work man!

September 3, 2014 5:05 p.m.

NeoNoGlow says... #12

I think it does allow you to send a message with payment Spootyone. If not, it does tell you who sent the payment. Also, I really enjoyed the article. :) I'm trying to get used to commenting on here.

September 3, 2014 5:41 p.m.

Spootyone says... #13

Thank you, NeoNoGlow. You're awesome! :P

September 3, 2014 5:43 p.m.

Spootyone says... #14

Also, here you go golffore297: Showdown #8

Also, I have a "showdown" article tab now! click on it to see all the previous showdowns in succession if you've missed out :)

September 3, 2014 6:23 p.m.

Lord007 says... #15

Great article, like always, and great idea to keep your passion going.

For the last time... I'd like to submit my

Did you really want to kill that? Playtest

Standard Lord007


Luckily I'm already brewing for rotation and Athreos, God of Passage and Abzan Ascendancy are best buds. And going into Green allows me to add Fleecemane Lion too!

September 4, 2014 11:28 a.m.

VampireArmy says... #16

Bro...I would so be into helping a fellow goat token sacrificer. 10/10 will donate if i see a link

September 5, 2014 1:33 a.m.

almerican says... #17

Great read again.

I would like to nominate my new deck

Mono-R Haunting Playtest

Standard* almerican


for you to play against. If it doesn't make it oh well, but I think the idea is iteresting and would like your opinion.

September 5, 2014 2:19 a.m.

tooTimid says... #18


What are the rules on submitting post rotation decks?

September 5, 2014 2:38 p.m.

Spootyone says... #19

As long as the cards are in the database so I can playtest with them, I'll allow it. I'm curious to see how new things work too haha.

September 5, 2014 2:47 p.m.

Apoptosis says... #20

Spootyone you're such a sellout!!! I do this for free and would never, EVER.... Nah, I'm just joking with you. I remember being there, it's really tough at your age to balance job/magic. I think asking for donations is fine as long as yeaGO allows it (it's his site after all).

Great matchup! I did a few play tests again Dalektable's deck against my staticaster death touch build when I was thinking about decks to go up against. His deck is really, really solid. I could win if I got staticaster/gorgon's head online, but otherwise it's rough. What your matchup didn't show is how sustainable his deck can be with Military Intelligence .

Sorry to everyone about last week. Real life deadlines at work got in the way and I had no choice. I will be back next week, so if you want to go up against one of my builds please post!

September 6, 2014 7:18 a.m.

tooTimid says... #21

As you wish Apoptosis, here's my submission:

Dead, Not Gone | Sultai Graveyard Playtest

Standard* RedSoxFanKy


September 6, 2014 9:10 a.m.

brokendwarf says... #22

I'm still working on the sideboard and description:

Abzan Walkers Playtest

Standard* brokendwarf


September 6, 2014 10:07 p.m.

-MisterJ- says... #23

Its funny, I just rejoined the Standard play force in my local meta, and after seeing the damage and speed that Rabble Red can do and how quickly... It made me think there had to be a way to do something fun/aggro enough to make a blue version. And I think this is as close to an aggro blue deck as it gets in Standard. I only wish Dalektable's deck would maintain post rotation, but without Cloudfin Raptor and Judge's Familiar as excellent 1 drops to get there quickly how viable it will be, at least and maintain speed.

I love what you do and while I rarely comment outside of decks on the site, I wanted to say I hope you continue to do these decks and I wish you luck in finding the balance in the future.

September 7, 2014 6:39 a.m.

bioplay says... #24

This is the first article of yours I've read Spootyone, so I don't expect you to choose my deck immediately, but if I have time, I'll attempt to keep up with your series more. Also, I completely agree with your donation idea, it seems great, since no one is obligated to pay you. And now, I nominate my deck, an idea I recently came up with:

Hydra Bomb Playtest

Standard bioplay


I just saw a lot of really good hydras in standard, and I was all, "LETS DO IT!!" It ends up working much like a R/G Monsters build, except instead of ending up with tons of useless mana, you pump it all into your X-cost Hydras. I've only playtested it a little bit, but it did end up swinging with 54 trample and +6 from Nylea herself. 22 of that was on a single Mistcutter. I am still working on a sideboard. If you're interested, let me know!

September 7, 2014 8:56 p.m.

ownageban says... #25

Hey I would like to submit my build:

Yavimaya ascendency Playtest

Standard* ownageban


September 8, 2014 7:32 p.m.

sujrondc says... #26

I realize this is late, but Krakens ALWAYS come late to the party.

September 9, 2014 10:14 a.m.

Nigeltastic says... #27

: Great writeup as always.
: I'm brewing up some spicy Sultai goodness for you, so I won't have a challenger until then, but get ready cos it's gonna rock.
: Honestly I don't think it would be a bad idea to get in touch with some of the site administrators, and discuss the option of payment for articles. I understand that that is not something that currently does, but I also don't see a reason why it isn't. My suggestion is something like there's a premium account for whatever it is per month ($5 I think). So what about the option of some higher tier account that is let's say $10 a month for some number of minor greater perks (more cycles and features) that then pools cash into a place for sponsored articles.

I think that's one thing this site is missing (the only thing really); a consistent flow of solid, quality articles from dedicated content contributors. Your showdowns are always well written, and I imagine if you had compensation, could become more regular than ever before (not that you are a sellout or anything weird, but I know that everybody has to eat, and money makes it easier to produce things consistently cos you can justify the time). I would even argue they should put it to a vote and see what the people say about the idea. Clearly some members of the site are not against donating (and I would encourage you to put a link if this plan fails), so why not make it a win-win-win-win-win and just bundle up a higher cost subscription that is optional. Just my opinions. Keep on rockin!

September 9, 2014 8:57 p.m.

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