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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Premodern | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Goblin Lackey
Creature — Goblin
Whenever this deals damage to a player, you may put a Goblin permanent card from your hand onto the battlefield.
TimelessLove on Krenko's Goblin Meat Market
5 months ago
Here are a few cards I think you should consider:
Umbral Mantle, it's basically a cheaper Sword of the Paruns
Staff of Domination, it's also Sword of the Paruns but with a side of High Market and Skullclamp
Pashalik Mons, it plays like a Goblin Sharpshooter
Hordeling Outburst offers 3 goblins for 3 mana, better than Goblin Rally at 4 goblins for 5 mana, Goblin War Party even offers 3 goblins for 4 mana with a modular alternative.
Heraldic Banner and Patriar's Seal, colored mana ramp with a side of +1/+0 or untap respectively.
Quest for the Goblin Lord, a cheap and easy way to get +2/+0 on all your creatures. It helps the deck win even when you don't manage infinite.
Goblin Recruiter, tutor for goblins is terrific for the deck and stacks the top of your library letting you add Muxus, Goblin Grandee, you could play Goblin Recruiter and put 7 Goblins on top of your library, draw Muxus and either play him normally or cheat him with Warren Instigator or Goblin Lackey to cheat the top 6 Goblins on your library.
Mirage Mirror, it's more of what you want in the deck.
jdogz32 on Gerblins!
1 year ago
I would add 4 Legion Loyalist because Goblin Piledriver and Goblin Rabblemaster don't have trample. Also if you are going to add Warren Instigator I'd add Goblin Lackey as well and add Muxus, Goblin Grandee I'm also not understanding why Spikeshot Elder is in here. Seems like alot of Mana for not much of a payout. Hope this helps
DraxCummuni on Grumgully Tribal
2 years ago
Ammonzy I put Grand Warlord Radha in there. I think Aggravated Assault and Insurrection will both be good additions, I just need to find them. Goblin Lackey and Warren Instigator are both fun and could help, i'm just not sure what to switch out for them.
DraxCummuni on Grumgully Tribal
2 years ago
Ammonzy Goblin Lackey and Guardian Project both would be great. I was looking at Foundry Street Denizen, Goro-Goro, Disciple of Ryusei, and Sparksmith to help lower costs as well. I know I need better land, and I will be getting some soon. What about more/better sac outlets? Using persist could get me infinite mana.
Also, what about cards like Flameshadow Conjuring and Molten Echoes?
Ammonzy on Grumgully Tribal
2 years ago
You should lower the amount of 3CMC cards you have and convert them into 1-drops like Goblin Lackey or even 2-drops to even out your curve better.
Dragonrage only gives you mana available during the combat phase then it will fade away on your 2nd main phase. I dont believe you have enough instant speed actions to make it worthwhile.
This deck would love Guardian Project and probably Toski, Bearer of Secrets
Strife_Delivery_Service on Replicators
2 years ago
Rhystic Study is an expensive staple that you should never take out. the game is still about card advantage and that card creates some of the best. Idol of Oblivion is another good draw mechanic and token maker. I'm a little concerned about this build having 34 lands and no ramp really outside of dual creture/land cards. by the time you get your combos going most players will already have too great a board state or win conditions setup. i'd swap out Goblin Lackey as you only have 9 goblins in your deck so he won't give you the value you're looking for. good luck!
MollyMab on 1st. Legacy tournament: what to …
3 years ago
In Legacy the land destruction is much better. You have Wasteland in a lot of decks for winning games, enabling delirium/threshold/delve/a ton of other synergy and more potent land destruction engines. So your land destruction doesn't do anything that isnt already seeing play.
The mana curve is also much lower. Cards that cost 4 or more dont see play unless they are so earth shatteringly powerful you have to. Or they are paired with some way to cheat the mana. Most decks are looking to play on 3 mana. They will likely generate more if they are combo but 3 is a ton of relevant powerful cards or lines of play like Brainstorm Ponder Terminus etc
Goblins relies on Goblin Lackey and Aether Vial to cheat on mana. Lackey lets you snowball goblins into advantage as every goblin gets more goblins to go wide. Vial plays at instant speed around counterspells etc. This means you can cut lands for more gas in Jund gobbies. Or you can play Rish Port and deny your opponent mana while you set up.
A ton of other decks cheat on mana in other ways. Delver plays 1 mana 3/2s, 2 mana 4/5s, 2 mana 3/3 flyers who generate advantage etc. Stoneforge plays 2 mana instant speed 4/4s.
And to be clear. Games of Legacy can be decided on turn 1. There are a ton of combo decks that can do that. The aggro decks can snowball an advantage you cannot recover from by turn 3. Midrange will be picking apart your board and slamming haymakers. Control will be ready to Terminis you.
But honestly you are asking for advice. Many folks are giving you it. Folks who have more legacy experience. The advice is go and have fun but be warned your deck will be underpowered compared to Legacy decks you are likely to see and your response is to be quite rude. I do not understand the motivate to asking advice and then denying any of it.
Nutmeg23 on [cEDH] Krenko Combo [[Primer]]
3 years ago
I am trying to build my own version of this how de you feel about these in the deck:
Conspicuous Snoop, Muxus, Goblin Grandee, Goblin Assassin, Warren Instigator, and Goblin Lackey
Have (3) | JordanSanFran , metalmagic , Azdranax |
Want (2) | Yahtzee55 , TheBl0b |