
Enchantment (5)

Instant (2)

Creature (2)

Sorcery (3)

Artifact (3)


So the idea here is a simple, tried and true wincon: beat face with a horde of goblins. It's simple, effective, and makes blocking more challenging by using a horde of weenies instead of one or two brutes. Here's the lowdown:


Krenko, Mob Boss: Easily the most badass token generator printed, he pumps out gobbos at an exponential rate. He is also an enormous removal target, though this is oftentimes offset by Goblin Chieftain's boost keeping him just outside of bolt range, making Krenko a tad more challenging to kill. That being said, he is a win-more and doesn't necessarily change the board state much, unless we start to sideboard.

Goblin Chieftain: The A, #1 best Lord in modern goblins. Haste and +1/+1 are always relevant and he can really turn up the heat when using token generators, particularly in conjunction with Quest for the Goblin Lord. Suddenly 3 2/2s becomes 6 5/2s after throwing down a Hordeling Outburst, allowing me to swing for 30.

Goblin Piledriver and Foundry Street Denizen: These two are the deck's massive beatsticks, best used with Legion Loyalist to keep that damage in the first Strike step and Trampling through.They're also the only reason Goblin Rabblemaster was even considered, as he simultaneously combos with both of them for an extra, sometimes game-changing 3 damage.

Bloodmark Mentor: He's a minor lord that allows for better blocking by bringing first strike as a continuous effect. Not a game-changer, necessarily, but he makes the opponent have to think about their removal options, and who's a priority.

Legion Loyalist: This guy! This guy! This guy is definitely an all-star among minor lords. He's a hasty 1/1 that battalions through other token decks and grants trample and first strike to his bros. What's not to like?

Quest for the Goblin Lord: This card gets a bunch of flack that I think it doesn't deserve. It's a 1-drop that can boost my bros effectively. If it gets targeted for removal, so what? My opponent has to waste a card getting rid of something I only invested one mana in. Better still is that I run four, and thanks to all my tokens, the later the game goes, the more likely that it'll work the turn it shows up.

Mogg War Marshal, Hordeling Outburst, and Dragon Fodder: If the various lords and beatsticks are the meat of this deck, these cards are the potatoes. Generating tokens is what keeps this deck ahead of the competition. These guys trigger the other effects that boost the meat, particularly with the Piledriver, Denizen, and Quest for the Goblin Lord. They also make excellent cannon fodder as chumpblockers and Goblin Grenade ammo.

Shared Animosity: This card practically speaks for itself. The deck specializes in going wide, and this card turns width into height, making my 1/1s into MONSTERS.

Goblin Rabblemaster: The Rabmast is something of a conundrum for me. You see, I get it. He does what he does pretty well. He generates tokens. He boosts like a pansy-ass version of the Piledriver. But, all that being said, the whole "must attack" thing really grinds my gears. He gets two slots for synergy but loses out on the other possible two for being an asshole.


So here's where things get interesting, IMO. Instead of the defensive, putting in a toolbox of 1- and 2-ofs for various decks, I decided to take a different approach: switch my deck into a completely different animal. I have Goblin King for red decks, and Boil for blue. I have Shatterstorm for affinity and tron, etc. But the bulk of my sideboard, eight of the fifteen cards are there because they change my deck into a modified, creature-based burn deck. Decks that should shut me down with Pyroclasm or Languish don't hurt so badly when gobbos burn on the way in and the way out.


Most of the cards on the maybeboard are simple enough to understand, but I have to give shoutouts to Howl of the Horde, which can combo with Goblin Grenade for 15 damage (but is vulnerable to countering and is mana-intensive) and Mardu Scout, which could be played over and over for recurring 3 damage and Attacking/ETB triggers on Goblin Piledriver and Foundry Street Denizen.


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Went 3 and 1 at Modern FNM. Lost to a $1500 urzatron deck that rocked eldrazi instead of robots. I'll probably replace Boil with Blood Moon at some point to counteract this. That being said, this was not bad for a $100 deck. I placed 3rd or 4th. Also, my final round was against mono-green tribal elves, the ultimate tribal matchup. It was super fun!


Date added 9 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

22 - 2 Rares

11 - 7 Uncommons

9 - 6 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.81
Tokens Goblin 1/1 R
Folders modern, Decks I Actually Own
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