

Instant (1)

The only deck you'll ever need


This deck is a mid range aggro with a bit of control, This decklist started out as a casual vampire deck that yearned to be played competitively but couldn't due to my lack of experience. This deck owes its current glory to the help of DimirZer00 and the HUGE help of 326 who practically built the sideboard and introduced me to the meta of competitive modern. Without them this deck would still be nothing more than a dream. That being said this deck still isn't perfect, I am always open to suggestions and will try to respond as promptly as possible to questions/suggestions. Now without further ado onto the deck itself. The goal of this deck is to get as many vampires out as you can without disruption. You use cards like Lightning Bolt and Terminate to get rid of opponents creatures and use cards like Thoughtseize and Inquisition of Kozilek to keep threats from happening. Dark Confidant is only in this list as a draw engine, I run two on the basis that my opponents will be eager to kill it quickly rather than let it kill me (which has happened on more than one occasion). The deck used to not have as much removal but I find it necessary to run many if I need to save my life up against say a burn deck.


The sideboard is meant to go up against most other competitive decks, Rakdos Charm being the most versatile sideboard option and the other cards for more specific matchups. Fulminator Mage and Sowing Salt when against Urzatron. Pyroclasm and Rakdos Charm for and zoo or fast aggressive weenie deck. Stony Silence and Rakdos Charm for artifact heavy/affinity decks. Slaughter Games for combo decks, and Rakdos Charm for reanimator decks.


If you made it this far then I have a few questions I would appreciate that you answered in the comments.

  1. Dark Confidant or Phyrexian Arena and why.
  2. Slaughter Games or Sadistic Sacrament and why.
  3. I really want to put in Dash Hopes, what do you think of that and what should I take out?

    Thank you so much for checking out my deck. If you like it, an upvote is greatly appreciated.


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    Revision 11 See all

    (8 years ago)

    +1 Bloodghast main
    -2 Dark Confidant main
    -1 Phyrexian Arena maybe
    -2 Vampire Hexmage main
    +2 Vampire Lacerator main
    Date added 9 years
    Last updated 8 years

    This deck is Modern legal.

    Rarity (main - side)

    6 - 0 Mythic Rares

    29 - 6 Rares

    15 - 9 Uncommons

    8 - 0 Commons

    Cards 60
    Avg. CMC 1.92
    Tokens Vampire 2/2 B
    Folders my favorites, i'm a vampire, vampire, deck ideas
    Ignored suggestions
    Shared with