Mill/Discard deck with some other control (i.e.
Soul Ransom
Fool's Demise
and Recoil/Clutch of the Undercity). I play mostly casually with friends, and the biggest weaknesses of this deck are Green ramp decks that run Naturalize or other clones, or decks that rely on Threshold and Flashback (one deck a friend plays with fits both, yay).
Other than that, however, it is successful in frustrating opponents by throwing wrench after wrench in their plans and trouncing heavy combo-reliant decks, and occasionally wins very quickly with early Megrims or otherwise holds control long enough to whittle them down with small damage or Mill them to death. We do not play with Sideboards so that is why I haven't included one, but many of the cards in the Maybeboard could be moved into one as a large number of them were cards that were simply phased out when I found new cards that worked slightly better in a general sense.
On that note, the Maybeboard is obviously quite full, and many of the cards therein are excellent.
Glimpse the Unthinkable
is incredibly useful for a mere UB, but is largely listed in the Maybeboard because Mind Grind tends to be better in multiplayer games and/or as the games grow longer, in addition to Glimpse being $20-25 a card, ruining your budget deck experience. (Mind Funeral moved to Main)
Honden of Night's Reach
Honden of Seeing Winds
should be added together, to hopefully have opponents Discarding 2 and you Drawing 2 every turn for free. In addition, they complement your two Constellation-using Enchantment Creatures nicely. ( -- moved to Main to be used as the primary Victory condition. Massive damage from your main Mill cards!). For the others, Mind Rot is a cheaper albeit slightly less potent
Three Tragedies
, if you find you need the direct Discard more in the early game. Clutch of the Undercity gives you some additional Creature control (and damage) if you find the few Creatures of your own are having trouble, or can be used for its Transmute to pull some other useful 4CMC cards (
Soul Ransom
, Blizzard Specter,
, etc). The Spellbombs offer some low-cost flexibility, but are generally outclassed by almost everything else after the very early game. Duress and its slightly more flexible, powerful, and costly alternative
Thrull Surgeon
offer some more controlled Discard if you want to frustrate your opponents even more. :)
Notable Combos:
Thassa's Devourer
+ Thoughtrender Lamia moved to Maybeboard)
Thassa's Devourer
Thoughtrender Lamia
- with the amount of Enchantments in this deck (
Soul Ransom
Fool's Demise
s, both Hondens if you include them, Chronic Floodings, Megrims, etc), these two creatures in unison (especially with two of each on the field!) combine for some potent and frustrating combos of Mill and Discard.
Three Tragedies
- pretty straightforward: assuming the target opponent has at least 3 cards in their hand, with just one Megrim the Tragedies will deal 6 Damage straight to the face. With two or more, Tragedies becomes a lethal, potentially game-ending threat.
(Grimoires moved to Maybeboard)
Geth's Grimoire
Three Tragedies
- also fairly straightforward: everybody loves drawing, so with Tragedies doubling as "draw 3*X cards" (with X being the number of Grimoires you have), the value of the card is upped exponentially.
(Doorkeepers moved to Maybeboard)
, +
...) - while it does not play particularly well with the other cards of the deck since it's the only creature with Defender (feel free to fix this if you like these guys), it is still a solid early game blocker with 4 Toughness for just 2 Mana, and if you manage to get all 4 out, you can pump out some serious Milling in the late game without using any cards.
(Thoughtrender Lamia +
Strands of Undeath
moved to Maybeboard)
Strands of Undeath
Thoughtrender Lamia
- with the Strands already having a discard effect of their own, the Constellation effect from the Lamia is the icing on the cake (especially with at least 2 out). In addition, this helps to save one of your more powerful Creatures from the cold grasp of death with Regeneration for just B.
(Recoil moved to Maybeboard. You can still perform this combos with
Dinrova Horror
if you find yourself just swimming in Mana)
Three Tragedies
- with the high cost of this combo it is obviously geared toward later in the game, when it will be the most effective. The idea here would be to hopefully clear all of the opponent's hand with Tragedies, then Recoil one of their particularly threatening Permanents to force them to Discard it, effectively turning Recoil into "Destroy target Permanent even if it is Indestructible," with the added bonus of damage from Megrim if you have one (or more!) out.
If you include them (combos relying on Maybeboard cards):
Honden of Night's Reach
Honden of Seeing Winds
- as mentioned before, having both of these on the field at the same time results in potent Discard as well as many extra cards in your hand at no cost every turn (after they are played, of course).
(Bloodchief moved to Main)
(With this move, these combos will be your main Victory conditions, with Megrim and Discarding your primary method of Quest Counters)
Bloodchief Ascension
Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker
or Bloodchief Ascension
Mind Grind
or Bloodchief Ascension
Mind Funeral
or Bloodchief Ascension + Glimpse the Unthinkable
or etc. - also as stated above, your Bloodchief will be pumping out some incredible Damage if you cast these high-Milling monsters while it's on the field. Mirko and Mind Funeral will deal a guaranteed 8 Damage with their Mill effects and likely more, Mind Grind will deal a guaranteed 2*X Damage to all opponents and likely more, Glimpse/Breaking will deal a respective 20/16 damage from Milling 10/8 cards, and Traumatize gains virtually guaranteed game-ending power (even against mass-Healing decks).