Emeria, Shattered Skyclave


Emeria's Call  Flip

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Emeria, Shattered Skyclave


As this enters the battlefield, you may pay 3 life. If you don't, this enters the battlefield tapped.

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Guerric on [Primer] Helming the Host of Heaven *Update*

2 years ago

Sorry I've been a bit slow on responses, a sudden visit from my parents among other things has been occupying us! Here we go!


Angelic Ascension certainly is an interesting suggestion! Usually when I've seen cards like this (there are some similar ones like Divine Gambit) I just think that I don't want to give my opponents anything of import, and a 4/4 flyer is generally not something I want them to have. However, as you point out, we can usually block that here, and with our life gain this might be a non-issue in this deck where it is a significant one in others. The downside of this card is the 4/4, but it exiles, is at instant speed, has flexibility (since it can hit PWs as well), and is great flavor. The comparison cards, both of which cost are Darksteel Mutation and Fateful Absence. The upside of mutation is that it can sideline annoying combo commanders and pieces. The down side is that it is sorcery speed. It also isn't a slam dunk, as it can be sacrificed or bounced in numerous ways to get it back, or they could blow the enchantment up and not have to recast their piece. Fateful Absence likewise can deal with PWs, but it only destroys the target, which is less useful in recursion decks where they can just get it back. It also grants a clue token, which sometimes could be better than a 4/4 flyer (if they draw into the piece they need to win or stay in the game) and sometimes can be worse, so it's a mixed bag. On the whole, I'd be interested in trying it out though!


That's helpful feedback on Emeria, Shattered Skyclave  Flip, and makes me feel like I knew what I was doing when I didn't include it. I suspect its still worth it though because they will probably be some corner cases where it does what we need even if we don't love the cost. And since the three life doesn't really mean anything to us it's probably worth it, but its a marginal increase at best. Kabira Takedown  Flip is probably the best mdfc to add because more removal is always useful. Ondu Inversion  Flip isn't great since we don't typically want to wipe the board, but there are corner cases where I could use it with Cosmic Intervention with devastating effect, and it's probably wise to have a second board wipe anyway.

As for the game on Muddstah, I couldn't agree more with the misplays. I wish they has posted his deck list so we knew whether he included enough draw in his deck, but in any case there is no reason he shouldn't have played Giada turn 2, and he should have started with smaller, more incremental attacks along the way, with those counters helping a lot. He was clearly way too excited about having the lifegain/angel token making powerhouse cards on board and got ahead of himself. He also shouldn't have bothered with Bishop of Wings and played Righteous Valkyrie turn three, which would have caused Resplendent Angel to make its first token when he cast it on the end of turn four, giving him seventeen power on board turn four, with the option to get a lot more with bishop or another angel the turn afterward. The whole table was way too worried about the blue/green player just because he had a board state. The worst blue/green can do to our deck is bounce everything, and that doesn't set us back too much, especially with that hand. The Ulamogg player was slow but that is a deck you want to kill early, and mono-black is a color we want to be more afraid of, as the Sudden Spoiling move proved. They all should have put the eldrazi player on the death list as soon as they saw him put Woe Strider in his hand. Threat assessment problems aside, he just didn't sequence things correctly, and its certainly possible that he didn't have enough draw in his deck to where setting it up looked relevant. Nonetheless, he was still one of the powerhouse players in this match, attesting to Giada's strength!


Thanks for the kind words and the suggestion! Moonsilver Spear is always a fun card, and the prospect of making a giant angel token with it is indeed tantalizing. I think the casting and equipping costs make it a bit slow for our curve, though by all means play it if it's fun! I do have a copy in my binder, and I do plan to play it if I ever make that boros equipment deck that has been simmering in my mind for a year or so, its a fun card!

Guerric on [Primer] Helming the Host of Heaven *Update*

2 years ago


That's great to have you list available! I'll keep an eye on it. Avacyn will probably go in some day because she is just cool and seems to belong in an angels tribal deck. She also is certainly helpful to our game plan, though isn't necessarily essential since she is high on the cmc side.

It also occurred to me today that I really need to up my mdfc game. There really isn't a reason for us not to play Emeria, Shattered Skyclave  Flip in this deck, and we should probably play Ondu Inversion  Flip and Kabira Takedown  Flip as well, though we have to be a bit more careful with tap lands since they can slow us down considerably. I should have some store credit and Christmas money coming in, and those cards are dirt cheap anyway so I'll put them in soon. I think I'll also probably put Fateful Absence in in place of Darksteel Mutation because I think the sorcery speed activation and planeswalker killing utility probably outweigh the disruption mutation can cause to a commander.

gzusvictory on Halvar, Divine Voltron

2 years ago

What are your thoughts on the “bolt land” of white, Emeria's Call  Flip / Emeria, Shattered Skyclave  Flip ?

Lands are looking tight, but still something I would recommend above your two  Flip current  Flip MDFC’s since the land side has an option to come in untapped, which will make your gameplay faster. Sorcery side promotes aggression in an already aggressive archetype, and it also provides 2 evasive bodies that Halvar  Flip can toss equipment between to protect you after swinging out with your newly indestructible team.

I know a CMC of 7 costs a ton, but how priceless will it feel when your opponents try to destroy all creatures the following turn after you cast the sorcery since so many people commonly overlook the part of your non-angel creatures still having indestructible “until your next turn.” Sure, they may have killed your angels, but you can thank them for eliminating the blockers of your favorite non-angel!  Flip

Drcfan on Devotion to White Angels

4 years ago


What i really need for this deck is 3 drop removal better than Oblivion Ring. Grasp of Fate is strictly better but not modern. Banisher Priest and Fiend Hunter die easily to removal. I hope some day a set will bring something printed on an Angel

Kind Regards -Drcfan

Drcfan on Devotion to White Angels

4 years ago

Plans for updating the mana base to a alternative mana base version:

New Mana base:

Old Mana Base

What changes:

I can not consider any more lands that come into play tapped, i have 3 now which is already brutal

MagicMarc on Official missing/incorrect card/token thread

4 years ago

Emeria, Shattered Skyclave does not have a flip link to see the backside. Not here in this thread with a cardlink or not when it's shown in a decklist like this one; Don't Kick The Drakes!

I apologize in advance if this is a known issue or already being addressed.