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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



(Green): Target creature loses flying until end of turn.

Sacrifice Downdraft: Downdraft deals 2 damage to each creature with flying.

CheddarBones on We're back! A Dinosaur's Story

3 years ago

Heaven / Earth / earth - choice to deal with pesky flyers or kill all eggs for 3 Downdraft - dont try to fly over the egg wall Call of the Wild - topdeck a creature Ghired's Belligerence - good burn with the option of sacing an egg as well plus you get a populate Reinforcements - put three dinos on top of deck yummy Aura Shards - sideboard for when you face Mario. each egg naturalizes. Not Forgotten - top of library a dinosaur and get a populate target Mwonvuli Beast Tracker - literally every dinosaur has trample. top of the library. Forerunner of the Empire - same deal. costs more but you can wipe your eggs all out at once when a dinosaur comes into play

1empyrean on Bomber Bois

4 years ago

Fiery Emancipation is amazing with Saskia, as you can triple damage, then triple it again with Saskia's damage trigger.

Flayer of the Hatebound might be a good fit here with your reanimation theme.

Luminous Broodmoth could be used to give flying if you find a way to sacrifice your stuff, which is something you should consider since many of your creatures only last a turn anyways. Combo it with Downdraft and/or Gravity Well for extra fun.

GhostChieftain on Animar, Soul of Eldrazi

7 years ago

Raking Canopy Sandwurm Convergence Downdraft

If you need some more draw, Skullclamp could do well here with your spawn and scion

Blackerlotus13 on

9 years ago

You know what they say, swing with what your momma gave you. And there's nothing like some good booty.

I look forward to facing this deck and having some hard fought matches. one of the only things I do have to suggest is possibly putting something in for more evasion such as Whispersilk Cloak. On top of swinging with normally higher toughness than your opponents, being unblockable, shroud, and even sometimes vigilance could be really hard to deal with.

Downdraft is a pretty good card to deal with fliers which is definitely one of this decks major vulnerabilities. On top of quite a bit of removal and board wipes I don't have much to suggest, im just a little squeemish about running so few creatures.