Ballot Broker

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Ballot Broker

Creature — Human Advisor

While voting, you may vote an additional time. (The votes can be for different choices or for the same choice.)

aixe on Tivit, Treasure & Clue Token Acceleration (Primer)

2 years ago

ThatWeirdPerson Thank you very much for the comment!

I do agree that I need to add some interaction. I think I will try to lower the amount of mana artifacts to increase the amount of interaction! I also think that Ballot Broker and Brago's Representative might actually be interesting cards to use, and a couple of extra creatures most likely won't hurt! Erdwal Illuminator, also looks interesting, and in a similar fashion I have been considering cards like thorough investigation and search the premises, especially as they synergize nicely with Academy Manufactor and similar cards.

Finally I do agree that Time Sieve and Deadeye Navigator are amazing cards in the deck, sadly my normal playgroup hate these type of infinite/win the game combos, so I decided to keep them in the maybe for now!

I will definitely try to test around with the other cards you mentioned, so thank you very much for the feedback!

ThatWeirdPerson on Tivit, Treasure & Clue Token Acceleration (Primer)

2 years ago

Amazing deck! I only saw Tivit for the voting ability but you have made him so much more. I did notice you were a bit low on interaction, maybe you need to add some cards like Cyclonic Rift or Counterspell. Maybe Ballot Broker and Brago's Representative for additional artifacts or Grudge Keeper and Illusion of Choice to force the votes a single way. If your playgroup is ok with going infinite then I recommend putting in Time Sieve because it goes infinite with Tivit as long as you consistently flicker him back and fourth each turn and Deadeye Navigator because it also goes infinite with Tivit. Erdwal Illuminator is great because you will always get another clue if at least one person votes for evidence. More synergistic interaction may be something like Split Decision because you can all commonly agree to counter the bog bad spell or you could attempt to sway the vote and get the big bad spell allowing for more flexibility that the amazingly well-known Counterspell.

Mortlocke on EDH Deck based on Voting

5 years ago

GhostChieftain, Let me get this straight - you think Queen Marchesa (long may she reign) is a flavor fail? I think Bite of the Black Rose , Ballot Broker , and Capital Punishment have something to say. The Queen's court offers a choice even though the decision has already been made. I disagree with your assessment of Queen Marchesa (long may she reign).

Mortlocke on EDH Deck based on Voting

5 years ago

Queen of Curses ala Queen Marchesa (Long May She Reign) is a awesome commander who brings the Monarch mechanic into the deck. To accompany your previously mentioned subthemes you could utilize Curses - which are a typical sub-theme of the Queen 's. Since she is mardu, you can also include the previously mentioned Ballot Broker for your voting/politics cards. Speaking of which, if you choose the queen you will have 15 of the previously mentioned cards to choose from - mentioned below:

For wincons, you have some very exciting options in the form of Captive Audience , Generous Gift + Demonic Pact , and Approach of the Second Sun . And, if you were to ever be in a 1v1 scenario Overwhelming Splendor outright cripples your opponent's combat damage based strategies. So, what do you think?

NivStormfront on EDH Deck based on Voting

5 years ago

I recently came across the card Ballot Broker . This card inspired me to find a way to build a deck themed around voting and democracy using cards with the Will of the Council, Council's Dilemma, and Assist mechanics. However, once I started looking around for these cards I realized how few of them there are. So my question is, are there any other mechanics or cards that would fit a deck like this? Additionally, I'm struggling to find a good commander for this style of deck, so any recommendations on that front would be welcome as well.

clayperce on Most American Cards

5 years ago

Not sure if you're going for a cynical or an aspirational approach.

If the former: Border Guard , Soldier of the Pantheon , Unquestioned Authority , Tragic Arrogance , Gauntlet of Power , Warmonger's Chariot , Eternal Dominion , Scorched Earth , and Disdainful Stroke . And maybe some of the 'each player votes' cards like Coercive Portal and Ballot Broker .

If the later, I'll have to ponder some more ... Avacyn, Angel of Hope is the only one that comes immediately to mind.

Mandalorian on Queen Marchesa Politics

7 years ago

I have a deck with the same politics and voting theme and I found these to be pretty on theme

Beseech the Queen

Royal Assassin or King's Assassin


Ballot Broker

Grudge Keeper

Knights of the Black Rose

Ankle Shanker and Odric, Lunarch Marshal synergize well with all the key words the deck naturally comes with

Snaptune on

7 years ago

Love the theme you have going on here, and how well you are able to develop a curve given your restrictions.

Expropriate and Capital Punishment seem like very strong inclusions in this deck, especially if you manage to have Ballot Broker/Brago's Representative out when you play them. I feel Blind Obedience might fit the "advisors" theme, as well as promote your pillowfort strategy. Throne of the High City seems like an auto-include if you are planning to play the monarch mechanic.

Lastly, have you considered running Conjurer's Closet? You have 11 creatures with an ETB trigger, but your commander is what really makes it worth running. If you blink a creature that Merieke took control of with the closet, then the creature will come back into play under your control, but will no longer be under the effect of Merieke, freeing up her ability to take control of something else. Alternatively, you could blink Merieke to destroy the creature. Definitely feel it's worth some consideration.

Overall, a fun-looking deck! +1

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