Land Seeking Woman

Commander / EDH Wiccolo


3/8/2016 update —March 8, 2016

1 Fauna Shaman
1 Void Winnower
1 Exploration
1 Sol Ring
1 Nissa's Pilgrimage

2 Forest
1 Primal Surge
1 Praetor's Counsel
1 City of Solitude

TheHelvault says... #1

March 1, 2016 5:22 p.m.

Wiccolo says... #2

Thanks TheHelvault.

Yeah I think Exploration is a good addition. Not sure that I have an easy spot for Nissa, Worldwaker though. I think her value would go up if I had a few forest enchantments, which just isn't the way this deck has gone so far.

March 1, 2016 11:28 p.m.

TheHelvault says... #3

Also, if your playgroup really doesn't care, Fastbond is a great addition. The only problem is that it's banned In EDH

March 2, 2016 5:10 p.m.

Mandalorian says... #4

Referring to your description. As fun as Primal Surge is, its not fun to spend that much mana on a card and end up with 1-2 permanents. I think Genesis Wave is much more consistent. Crucible of Worlds is really good and since you have it you should play more fetches. You can get so many Landfall triggers in one turn because of it. It also goes really well with Titania, Protector of Argoth which I would recommend picking up.

Boundless Realms

Vernal Bloom

Chord of Calling

Rites of Flourishing

Sol Ring

Omnath, Locus of Mana

March 4, 2016 9:10 a.m. Edited.

Wiccolo says... #5

Thanks Mandalorian and TheHelvault.

@TheHelvault - My group probably wouldn't care all that much if I played Fastbond, though I've pointed out to a friend some EDH banned cards such as Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, Primeval Titan, and Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary. He was constructing a green deck at that time, and he omitted those cards based on the banned designation. For now I'll play by the rules to avoid hypocrisy (otherwise all three of what I listed in addition to Fastbond would definitely find spots in this deck.

@Mandalorian - Ultimately I agree with Primal Surge. I can either cut the sorcery/instant counts or part with Surge. Cutting just isn't going to work when I'm not willing to get rid of any instant/sorcery other than the land ramp/fetches (Cultivate, Seek the Horizon, etc.). This would then prompt a higher land count, but leave me with still too many non-permanents to justify Surge's use.

I'm not really fond of Sol Ring with this commander. Unless the dream opening of Sol Ring + Exploration is there, it's only getting Azusa out one turn earlier. Every time it's drawn thereafter, it's value is quite poor. The same isn't necessarily true for Exploration as it can pair with Crucible of Worlds and any sac-land; Oracle of Mul Daya; Courser of Kruphix; Horn of Greed; Recycle etc., and Green Sun's Zenith + Dryad Arbor can achieve the same result that Sol Ring can, while GSZ still maintains its value if it isn't present in the opening hand. Despite all of that, is Sol Ring still viable for Azusa and this deck?

I don't have a good reason why Titania, Protector of Argoth isn't in this deck, though her value is diminished without the complete sac-land portfolio. She's pretty cheap too, so I might as well experiment with/sideboard her.

Boundless Realms seems quite good. I'll try to fit it in. Seems like an alternate win-condition if Avenger of Zendikar or Rampaging Baloths is out on the board with Akroma's Memorial/Concordant Crossroads in play. Can also fuel a huge Genesis Wave.

I don't like Rites of Flourishing as I feel it diminishes the edge we have in ramping. Our base 3L/turn:1L/turn would diminish to 4L:2L. I believe the only global effect we have for ramp/draw is Horn of Greed, which has more value for us the higher this ratio is.

Chord of Calling is probably decent enough to consider adding. I don't have many low cost creatures/tokens to fuel this, though maybe the raw fetch power is good enough in the EDH format.

I'm indifferent to Vernal Bloom and Omnath, Locus of Mana at this time. They both have clear synergy with the deck as is, though we'll see if there's room after some of the above-mentioned adjustments are made.

March 4, 2016 3:18 p.m.

Mandalorian says... #6

Sol Ring is always good, all the time, especially since you are running the Eldrazi Titans. Your spending 1 mana to get two. Even later in the game it could literally mean hitting 2 more permanents with a Genesis wave. 9 Artifacts amongst other colorless spells is more than enough to justify the 2 for 1 colorless mana.

Boundless Realms can be back breaking with the right board state.

I understand not wanting to run a card that benefits other players even though you would benefit the most.

Chord of Calling is great because it is one of the few cards in all of magic that can get a creature out of your deck at instant speed. Most tutors, especially creature tutors like Tooth and Nail, Congregation at Dawn, Green Sun's Zenith, and, Worldly Tutor, are either sorcery speed or only set up future draws. With Avenger of Zendikar out this tutor is basically free and can put an Eldrazi Titan out at an opponents end step. One Time a friend played a sweeper that would destroy all non artifact permanents, even lands, and I used Chord of Calling to get Avacyn. Instant speed tutors that put creatures on the battlefield are always nifty.

March 4, 2016 4:44 p.m.

irisfibers says... #7

+1 just for the name :)

March 6, 2016 10:10 p.m.

Wiccolo says... #8

Haha, thanks irisfibers. Still need to find an appropriate Jay Baruchel picture. :)

March 6, 2016 10:21 p.m.